**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Just completed my first fastnacht event. Ended up getting a mask and something else as reward. Don't remember what it said.
The whole server participated and everyone received a random mask.
Much hyped fastnacht events are a pile of junk & very very weak :( about 10 mins boring gameplay guarding a group of robots with masks & doing fetch quest earns you a random mask & random camp plan. You have to repeat this a lot if you want all masks & plans before it ends on 26th March!
I'm after an answer about traps in a camp. I looked online and found a whole slew of completely irrelevant stuff about camps. The question is this - do punji traps placed in a camp affect non-hostile players? I'm toying with the idea of building a new camp that's a publically accessible workshop and tavern. I make heavy use of punji traps for defence and the entrance to my walled camp is littered with them. Not ideal for a public area if camp traps affect non-hostile players.

Much hyped fastnacht events are a pile of junk & very very weak :( about 10 mins boring gameplay guarding a group of robots with masks & doing fetch quest earns you a random mask & random camp plan. You have to repeat this a lot if you want all masks & plans before it ends on 26th March!

A mask I can't use (since I use power armour) and a camp plan I almost certainly already have because I have almost all of them. Woo. Or are they camp plans for new objects that can't be found or bought in the gameworld?
@Angilion Fasnacht CAMP Plans are exclusive to the quests if you do not partake you can never buy them apparently. Takes about 10 mins per event you need to do a load to get all content & it runs out 26th March. 1st event I entered yesterday it Server disconnected after completing the event before any rewards were handed out so did not get anything :rolleyes: maybe server disconnects are a thing now and Bethesda leave them in to extend gameplay time :eek: ;)
@Angilion Fasnacht CAMP Plans are exclusive to the quests if you do not partake you can never buy them apparently. Takes about 10 mins per event you need to do a load to get all content & it runs out 26th March. 1st event I entered yesterday it Server disconnected after completing the event before any rewards were handed out so did not get anything :rolleyes: maybe server disconnects are a thing now and Bethesda leave them in to extend gameplay time :eek: ;)

I watched Oxhorn's play of it. A tedious event with multiple players to get some masks I don't want and can't use and some decorations I don't want. I'll pass. He (and at least 3 other players) had a server disconnect at the end of the event.
As always with this game Bethesda somehow manage to take several steps backwards :rolleyes: someone calculated that the odds of getting the other 5 masks from Fasnacht are very slim (after they datamined the new event). These 5 same rare masks all happen to be on the Atomic Store for purchase. Limited time only.....the 2 are not connected surely :rolleyes:;) its so bizarre why they even make it so hard to get (apart from trying to scam money out of players!). The masks give no gameplay benefit look pretty ugly & anyone using Power Armour will never use for long either.

If you played Fasnacht for a week solid you would still not even get the Plans from it either as after the 3rd event you enter you only have a 1 in 3 chance apparently of getting a new Plan drop if you even get to the end of the event!
Anyone want to trade duplicate masks? I have the toothy man mask spare. Already have the witches head. After any others
I have about 4 duplicates now but not sure I want to swap as when the new player store features opens you can sell these in it most likely for ingame caps ;)
I'm taking a break to wrestle with the abysmal building mess to try to get something I like.

As an aside, how can it not be deliberate? FO4 vanilla building was crap but still extremely popular and mods were soon created which made building quite good. Mainly Place Everywhere, a mod almost everyone who does any building in FO4 installed because it improves building by an enormous amount. It's one of the main "this is how the game should have been" mods. As well as the eponymous functionality of being able to place buildable objects anywhere in a settlement, it also allows the scrapping of almost everything in a settlement, e.g. rocks, trees, etc. Bethesda can't possibly be ignorant of its existence or too incompetent to write the same functionality into a game, so they must have deliberately left that functionality out of FO76. On top of that, they made building in FO76 even worse than in vanilla FO4. You try putting stairs where you want them, for example. red. red. red. It would be refreshing honest if the game laughed at you and displayed insulting messages. Something like "You can't put stairs there - there's a leaf from a tree within a metre of the stairs, hahahahah, go screw yourself!" I can build a barn and a farm and automatic machinegun turrets and a water purification system and half a dozen workbenches and statues and columns and girders from raw materials...but I can't cut a twig off a tree?

Anyway...where was I? My camp plan. I'm going to build a public workshop and tavern for when the player store feature goes live. My camp is deliberately remote(*) so I won't have any customers, but building it will amuse me for a while if I can force my way around Bethesda's deliberately horrible mess of a building system.

What I'm looking for now is the plans for larger letters that I can use for the sign for this place - Soloman's Shed. I have the plans for small letters, but they're much too small for a sign. Are they for sale from a vendor? I have ~12000 caps spare now and I think I've bought all the plans apart from power armour ones and the gatling laser and plasma ones from the bunker armoury, but maybe I've missed them.

* There's a useful resource mine there and hardly any mobs ever attack it and the few that do are trivial liberator robots that always come from the same direction, so I could do fine with just one turret if I want to.
@Angilion Those larger letters you want are usually sold at the Vendor Bot in Watoga (not the station bot the other one). They cost around 10300 if you have Hard Bargain Perk x 2 & eat a Grape Mentat. This is one of the last CAMP Plans I also need to buy I only have 8000 Caps saved so it will be another 2 days before I can try to get it. Try as I have not seen it for a while when I last saw it for sale I had just spent all my 20K+ Caps :( :p

Think I am going to need to server hop a lot until its for sale:( There seems to be a Vendor bot rotation list they only sell certain items so you have to as always with this game server hop like an easter bunny :rolleyes:
Here's a picture of the initial build of Soloman's Shed. I'm going to have to make some changes in order to have the inside well furnished and decorated within the tiny building budget, but I liked this photo from the outside. The 3rd floor will be smaller in the final build. Spoiler tags because it's a full 2560x1440 screenshot.

@Angilion You will not believe this I found those Letters Plans yesterday @ Sunnytop Station. Cost 12000 Caps which I managed to get down to 9700 with Hard Bargain 2 + a Grape Mentat. I went to buy and ONLY had 9577 Caps so I quickly tried to get the other 123 Caps. When I returned with enough Caps the Plans had gone :eek: as I fast travelled! Now I need to server hop until I find a server with the plans on. They never sell out unless you hop to another server. It seems to be random as always :rolleyes: Sometimes try the Raider Vendor Bots or Watoga BOS Vendor Bot.

Also had my first (since launch) someone else has placed their camp in my spot messages yesterday. I do not want to move they will have to move so I just kept waiting for the game to place me on another server. Hopefully they will move their camp somewhere else. If I had to move mine I would have to start again from scratch as I am taking advantage of the layout of the land.
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