@Angilion Black Excavator paint has been out for weeks now its only 800 Atoms
It is? The only excavator power armour paint I saw was the Garrahan paint, which was black and red.
With camp building I found if you stand in a slightly different position & or rotate the piece its kinda works around the limitations. But as you said so well its sadistic & so many limitations.
Pointless, stupid limitations unless the point is to be annoying. Anyone who's used FO4 with Place Everywhere will see how the basic building should be done in a Fallout game. Even vanilla FO4 is much better. As for blueprints...the Settlement Blueprint mod does it much better for whole settlements and the Clipboard mod does it better for parts of settlements.
I have
almost got my settlement how I want it, but for one thing. The game insists that I can't put a door in a doorway because the door would be floating. It's a bloody doorway! It's for a door! The clue's in the name! There are floors on both sides. I've just thought that I might be able to get away with changing the doorway wall section to a solid one. It only leads to my turret platform, so I don't have to access it. That shouldn't be allowed ("part of the structure would not be accessible"), but with FO76 building who knows what will work.
I couldn't get the neon letters flat, not on any type of wall, but with a lot of shuffling around and swearing I managed to get them close enough.
I found out just now if you put a lock on your steel door then rotate the door you lose the lock & have to recraft the steel door again
I am building an extension to my camp right now as cannot sleep & found I need a load of steel (I dumped 100s earlier as out of carry weight now I need it back but too late! so have to scav it all over again!).
I've just spent a couple of hours scavving for fibreoptics. That stuff is
rare. I never have too much steel because I make so much ballistic ammunition. My handmade gun only does 96 damage per shot (it's L50 and I have 15 perception and all the rifle perks maxxed and bloody mess maxxed - 96 is the limit), but it has a fire rate of 40 and very little recoil (I modded it for that). It's my general purpose weapon - long range, medium range, even short range at a push. So I use a
lot of bullets. I've tried semi-auto guns with higher damage per shot, but they all have less damage per second and things that annoy me (a lot of recoil, small magazine/clip size, long loading times, that sort of thing).
As for carry weight I ran out of 800 within moments of it getting upgraded then posted on the official forums & 2 people flagged my account as a duper as they could not believe I could run out so fast
when it was only because I have been playing so long I have gathered so much stuff I cannot bring myself to dump. After that
I was very careful not to post much on the official forums as a LOT of bitter deeply unhappy players inhabit those but Bethesda developers have said the reddit 76 forums are their official forums
I don't use the forums because I expected them to be full of angry people. Looks like I was right. I haven't even bothered reporting the bug with the technical documents (I have >50 now, but no use for them).
Player vendor shops are due next week I think so then I can sell I hope most of my many duplicate plans
that alone is taking up about 50 weight
I drop mine in Flatwood church. Hopefully a nice surprise for newbies. Sometimes there's one nearby and I wave at them and drop the plans. I had about a dozen spare plans earlier as I'd spent a while digging up treasure from the treasure maps I'd been gathering. I even got 3 plans I hadn't already learned!
then as they now nerfed fusion cores to 25 or 31 max I hoard my existing ones (I have gathered about 60 now most are 100 or close to 100).
I hadn't noticed that. I seem to still be finding enough fusion cores, just about. I also have a bunch of 90%+ fusion cores in my stash. Probably about 40.
I have almost 20 Power Armour frames now many are fully modded & painted in the different paint jobs I have bought or found plans for over the past 5 months. Again I cannot bear to part with any of them so that is taking up another 200 weight.
I have 4 power armour frames and I'm only using 1. I suppose I could scrap the others. There are parts on them and I haven't finished the "craft or scrap 76 power armor pieces" challenge yet.
I only ever have about 10-15 weight to play with unless I scrap constantly if they doubled carry weight I would still run out! Why not make carry weight unlimited & not track as Bethesda track all objects to presumably stop cheaters & dupers
If they did that, how could they try to stop cheaters and dupers?
You're playing FO76 like it was FO4. Understandable, since FO4 is a much better game, but it's just going to frustrate you.
Some good news for you...Bethesda did mention making it possible for players to display stuff they crafted or scavved. So maybe you'll be able to put your power armour suits on display at some point.
Anyway...since I have just almost finished Soloman's Shed I am going to post some pictures of it. Spoiler tags as they're 2560x1440 screenshots.
My camp from the approach trail, which is just below the rocks I am standing on. Maybe I should have taken the photos in daylight, because you can't see the heavy machinegun and heavy laser that cover the approach. Oh well, I was pleased to finish and took photos right away.
The entrance. As you approach, you're in the line of fire of 3 heavy machineguns and a heavy laser. See that gaping hole above the sign? That's the doorway the game won't allow me to put a door in. I put two floor sections outside to mount the laser on, put some steel columns under them for roleplay structure and hung a half wall section from one of the floor sections to put the neon letters on. The lit sign on the left is one that amused me - it's for a brand of explosive ammunition and has the slogan "Who cares about accuracy when everything you shoot explodes?"
Rear side view showing the lead extractor (the reason why I've built in such an inconvient location - rough ground, steep slope, many rocks, trees and bushes) and generator in their roofed garage section. Also a toilet, part of the farm and the dirty water supply for making boiled water for making food. There's also a water generator for purified water, out of sight due to the steeply sloped terrain, and a lot more plants. Corn, mutfruit and razorgrain for food, carrots to make some of the rocks, trees and bushes disappear. Carrots were the smallest thing I could thing of to build to do that
If you're wondering why part of the building is brick then the rest is steel it's because the steel wall sections are incorrectly sized and pass through the floor above, creating an ugly flickering thick black line on the floor.
View of the public workshop area from the doorway. There's a stash box out of view under the stairs to the right. Everything a survivor needs to make stuff and some nice chairs to wait in and listen to the radio. Even a stove for when it's cold.
The first "chill and chat" area on the tavern floor, as you come up the stairs. It may be a hellhole wasteland, but that doesn't rule out some style and comfort courtesy of the Whitespring. Usable musical instruments on the back wall.
The second "chill and chat" area, on the other side of that red partition you can see in the first "chill and chat" area. A fancy grand piano, a nice clean stove and a dining area. That table is a lovely solid hefty wood piece - must have been a hell of a job to carry it back from the Whitesping!
We have a dartboard. Bring your own darts, though.
The top of the second flight of stairs, leading to the 3rd floor and my bedroom. No Unauthorised Persons! It says so on the sign.
My rather Spartan bedroom, but it has a nice clean bed.
I'd like to add some decoration and some exterior lighting (for the turrets at night), but I'm short on budget and I want some for a vending machine when they come out. Can't have a tavern without beer!
If you install the "I like it raw" mod, which gives you the actual building budget rather than just a bar, you find that your building budget is 10,000. I'm at over 9000!