**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

@Angilion You will not believe this I found those Letters Plans yesterday @ Sunnytop Station. Cost 12000 Caps which I managed to get down to 9700 with Hard Bargain 2 + a Grape Mentat. I went to buy and ONLY had 9577 Caps so I quickly tried to get the other 123 Caps. When I returned with enough Caps the Plans had gone :eek: as I fast travelled! Now I need to server hop until I find a server with the plans on. They never sell out unless you hop to another server. It seems to be random as always :rolleyes: Sometimes try the Raider Vendor Bots or Watoga BOS Vendor Bot.

The usual Fallout 76 thing then - an average of 76 server hops until you get what you want.

Also had my first (since launch) someone else has placed their camp in my spot messages yesterday. I do not want to move they will have to move so I just kept waiting for the game to place me on another server. Hopefully they will move their camp somewhere else. If I had to move mine I would have to start again from scratch as I am taking advantage of the layout of the land.

I get that fairly often, roughly about 1 time in 10, because I'm camped on a useful material resource (lead) in a convenient and easily defended area (as you can see from the screenshot, a large part of the camp area is on the edge of a cliff and therefore doesn't need any defences from that direction). What usually seems to happen is that I select to try another world, it puts me back into the same world twice and then crashes. So I tend to log off and close the launcher as well, then reopen it, login again and load FO76 again. Usual FO76 stuff.

I could move it as I am now generally running a surplus on lead for making ammo. I even ran out of steel for making ammo a few days ago! I'm running around carrying ~3500 rounds of 5.56 and ~1500 shotgun shells. That should be enough for a bit :) I tried a railway rifle and liked it. It does more damage per shot, the rate of fire is enough and the recoil is extremely low...but the ammunition is about 100 times the weight of 5.56 and that makes the railway rifle impractical.

Of course, the easiest way is to use the nonsensical "physics" of the gameworld and build your entire camp in midair balanced on a thin column. That way you can place it almost anywhere. But that doesn't appeal to me.
Banned dupers were allowed back on last week...server disconnects have gone back to the same poor levels as several months ago before they were banned :rolleyes: Bethesda are so rudderless on this game :( new event is so buggy when a duper joins the event you lose the caps to travel there & get server disconnected at that same time without warning!

They are still persisting with these terrible boring create & consume alcohol based daily challenges its been 2 weeks now they are not changing it back yet either. Some of the quests require you to level up 3 time in one day while drinking. Even without would be tough with is virtually impossible as you lose so much XP!
Banned dupers were allowed back on last week...server disconnects have gone back to the same poor levels as several months ago before they were banned :rolleyes: Bethesda are so rudderless on this game :( new event is so buggy when a duper joins the event you lose the caps to travel there & get server disconnected at that same time without warning!

I think blaming players for everything is too simple. Bethesda are entirely capable of making a mess of the game without any help.

They are still persisting with these terrible boring create & consume alcohol based daily challenges its been 2 weeks now they are not changing it back yet either. Some of the quests require you to level up 3 time in one day while drinking. Even without would be tough with is virtually impossible as you lose so much XP!

The levelling quests would be viable for a new, low level player. If there were any. Well, there must be some. Somewhere. The obsession with alcohol is boring already. I suppose that if some new drinks are the only new content Bethesda have managed in 6 months they've got nothing else to focus on. Oh, wait, there's a single newly accessible room in Tanagra Town. It contains a random plan. Woo!

Talking of plans...I spent ~6K on plans for pretty things from Pendleton at The Whitespring. So no large letters for me for a while. But I have pretty things for my camp. Which I'm currently too frustrated with because Bethesda have made building so crap. For example, you can't put a single-width staircase to the side of a square, only in the middle. So you can't make a stairway for a building with 3 or more floors. Nor can you place one of the pre-made stairways on top of another for the same purpose. If you place a metal wall in the interior of a building, it pokes through the floor of the storey above it so you have a thick flickering black line in the floor above. You can't place a doorway at the foot of the stairs, so if you have a staircase leading from 2nd to 3rd floor (or higher) there are gaps to fall down on each side of the stairs. It's just utter crap. You don't build in FO76, you fight the deliberately and pointlessly bad mess Bethesda have made of building and it's a much tougher enemy than even a mirelurk queen.
Oh, wait, there's a single newly accessible room in Tanagra Town. It contains a random plan. Woo!

Talking of plans...I spent ~6K on plans for pretty things from Pendleton at The Whitespring. So no large letters for me for a while. But I have pretty things for my camp. Which I'm currently too frustrated with because Bethesda have made building so crap. For example, you can't put a single-width staircase to the side of a square, only in the middle. So you can't make a stairway for a building with 3 or more floors. Nor can you place one of the pre-made stairways on top of another for the same purpose. If you place a metal wall in the interior of a building, it pokes through the floor of the storey above it so you have a thick flickering black line in the floor above. You can't place a doorway at the foot of the stairs, so if you have a staircase leading from 2nd to 3rd floor (or higher) there are gaps to fall down on each side of the stairs. It's just utter crap. You don't build in FO76, you fight the deliberately and pointlessly bad mess Bethesda have made of building and it's a much tougher enemy than even a mirelurk queen.
Thanks for the headsup on that room something I did not know about but just got a random plan I already have oh well at least I got in there!

Those Neon letters are pretty dim anyway you are not missing much! Yeah building is a pain like most things in this game no logic to it. I bought all Plans from the Whitesprings Vendors they do not change so once you buy all from each one (which is about 6-7 vendors I think with buyable Plans) no need to revisit. I am missing maybe 3-4 Plans for the Camps now I bought or discovered all the rest (except for the Atomic Shop ones which I do not care for most of them are so ugly! they should look the opposite but Bethesda are really milking the shop). Also have about 97% of all Weapon Plans (72\76) cannot get 2 as they are level dependent and the others never drop so I have given up on collecting those. Same with Armour Plans I have been stuck on 45\76 for about 1 month now Armour Plans no longer update the counter so its stuck even though I have bought or learned nearly all of them!

Just still playing in the remotest hope that one day (soon I hope!) Bethesda get someone else managing this game & they make some positive changes which make you want to play instead of grinding just for the sale of it :(

Most players gave up on the Fasnacht event when it was datamined you have 0.00001% chance of getting a rare drop :rolleyes: Bethesda even said they are looking into increasing the drops rates but it ends tomorrow so I doubt anything will happen before then. Like most things 76 just makes no sense but makes loyal players unhappy & frustrated with the lacklustre approach to what should be a decent Fallout experience :(
I've given up on most of the remaining challenges because they're so obviously bugged (as you've also noticed) or stupidly tedious (e.g. destroy 1000 robots with a sword...and 1000 robots with a 1H blunt melee weapon...and 1000 robots with a 2H blunt melee weapon...and 1000 robots with, etc, etc). Location visiting quests that don't register visits to some of the locations, plan learning quests that don't register some plans being learned or require learning plans that can't be learned. The famously bugged recipe learning challenge that requires learning 76 recipes but which initially only registered 14 and which Bethesda decided to not backdate when they allegedly fixed it, so only new players have any chance of completing it (if it's not still bugged in a different way). Although my counter now reads 21/76 despite the fact that I haven't learned any new recipes for ages (because I already know them).

Thanks for the headsup on that room something I did not know about but just got a random plan I already have oh well at least I got in there!

I found out about something else new - TNT dome number 7 is now accessible if you can find the key. I haven't even bothered finding the domes. They just contain some skins I don't want, so I haven't bothered.

Those Neon letters are pretty dim anyway you are not missing much! Yeah building is a pain like most things in this game no logic to it. I bought all Plans from the Whitesprings Vendors they do not change so once you buy all from each one (which is about 6-7 vendors I think with buyable Plans) no need to revisit. I am missing maybe 3-4 Plans for the Camps now I bought or discovered all the rest (except for the Atomic Shop ones which I do not care for most of them are so ugly! they should look the opposite but Bethesda are really milking the shop).

I've bought a few. The light wooden floor looks good, like it's something you made with care and some skill with the tools available. I bought the dartboard because I thought it fit well with a tavern. The slightly ornate short concrete pillar works well as a base for an ornament and I found a pseudo-structural use for it as well - I have a small roof section over my generator and and lead extractor and while it does just hang unsupported I thought it looked better with supports). I bought a few clean versions of things too - a water purifier, an oven, that sort of thing.

But the whole building thing is just pointlessly crap. With Place Everywhere and double the budget, it would be OK. Or even with just Place Everywhere. It's not just that it's bad - it's deliberately bad. Even if Bethesda somehow lacks anyone with the time or skill to write something with the same functionality, they could probably buy or licence Place Everywhere from the modder who wrote it. The modder didn't expect to make any money from it, so they'd probably be well pleased with a payment and due credit.

Like most things 76 just makes no sense but makes loyal players unhappy & frustrated with the lacklustre approach to what should be a decent Fallout experience :(

Yes, that.

I find that I pop on for a hour or so every couple of days to pootle about a bit, do some scavving, make some caps, do a couple of events, scrap a couple of dozen weapons for no reason just in case there's a mod I haven't yet learned, gather wood from logs and piles I happen to come across because the "gather wood 760 times" challenge doesn't seem to be bugged...and then play something more entertaining. Although last night I found 2 locations that were new to me in the southwest of the Cranberry Bog region. Sparse sundew grove and an empty house. Nothing there, but I hadn't been there before. I thought I'd been to every location apart from the lucky hole mine, which for some reason I haven't bothered going to.
Completed fallout 4 and all dlcs.
Loved building settlements, etc etc..

Right, is fallout 76 worth buying. I’ve been reading opinions since release.

I’d get the digital version. Is 76 good enough ... thanks in advance !!!
Completed fallout 4 and all dlcs.
Loved building settlements, etc etc..

Right, is fallout 76 worth buying. I’ve been reading opinions since release.

I’d get the digital version. Is 76 good enough ... thanks in advance !!!

if you can get it cheap enough its worth a punt
Patch 7.5 notes.

Patch 7.5 releases today, and introduces the Survival Mode Beta to Fallout 76, which is a new game mode featuring fewer restrictions and higher-stakes for Player vs. Player (PVP) combat, Scoreboards for tracking your stats, a bonus on all XP you earn, and Legendary item rewards for new Weekly Challenges. We’ve also renamed the standard Fallout 76 experience “Adventure Mode” and have removed incoming damage from players you are not hostile against.

Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update.

Patch Version
Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 4 GB for consoles and 2 GB for PC.

  • PC:
  • PS4:
  • Xbox:
New “Play” Options
The standard Fallout 76 experience has been renamed “Adventure”, and “Survival Beta” has been added as a new game mode.

  • Upon selecting “Play” from the Main Menu, players can now choose whether to join an Adventure Mode world, or a Survival Mode Beta world.
    • New characters can enter Survival Mode Beta worlds immediately after leaving Vault 76 in an Adventure Mode world.
    • Existing characters can freely switch back and forth between Adventure and Survival mode.
    • All progress—including quests, levels, perks, inventory, and so on—travels with characters when switching between Adventure and Survival. Anything that affects a character in one mode is also reflected in the other.
    • Survival-specific Challenges and Scoreboard stats will only be updated while in a Survival world. Find additional details about Scoreboards and Survival Challenges further below.
Adventure Mode
While the standard play experience has a new name, Adventure Mode is still largely Fallout 76 as you know it today. However, today’s patch does bring a significant change that should greatly reduce the effects of unwanted PVP on your Adventure Mode characters:

“Slap” Damage Has Been Removed from Adventure Mode
  • All incoming damage from players you are not hostile with (A.K.A. “slap” damage) will now be automatically reduced to zero, effectively removing slap damage from Adventure Mode.
    • Returning fire against another player will still mark you as hostile toward them and will cause you to take full damage from their attacks.
    • Contesting an owned Workshop is still considered a hostile action. If a player attempts to contest a Workshop you own, or you attempt to contest another player’s Workshop, you will be open to taking full damage from their attacks.
  • Weapon damage during PVP combat has received overarching adjustments to help a wide variety of weapons feel more deadly versus other players.
    • This also limits the amount of health players can lose in a single hit during PVP combat, which will greatly reduce the likelihood of one-shot kills.
    • These adjustments have been applied to PVP Combat in Survival Mode, as well.
  • The period of invulnerability that’s briefly applied to characters after Fast Traveling or Respawning has been increased.
    • Firing a weapon before this time expires will remove Invulnerability.
PVP Combat and Balance
  • Weapon damage during PVP combat has received overarching adjustments to help a wide variety of weapons feel more deadly versus other players.
    • This also limits the amount of health players can lose in a single hit during PVP combat, which will greatly reduce the likelihood of one-shot kills.
    • These adjustments have been applied to PVP Combat in Survival Mode, as well.
Fast Travel and Respawn Invulnerability
  • The period of invulnerability that’s briefly applied to characters after Fast Traveling or Respawning has been increased.
    • Firing a weapon before this time expires will remove Invulnerability.

Survival Mode (Beta)
Survival Mode is a more competitive and dangerous new game mode for Fallout 76, and contains a number of changes from Adventure Mode that you may want to be aware of before you dive in. However, it’s also important to note that you can still complete quests and events, level-up, loot, and explore Appalachia in Survival Mode just as you can in Adventure Mode.

Read on to learn about what’s new with the Survival Mode Beta, and be sure to check out our recent overview article for even more info.

PVP Combat and Balance
  • Players in Survival Mode are hostile toward one another by default and may be attacked without restriction.
    • Additionally, there is no slap damage in Survival Mode, and players will immediately take full damage from each other’s attacks.
  • Players can holster their weapons when approaching others to appear neutral or friendly, causing a light-yellow nameplate to appear overhead.
    • Those who approach others with weapons drawn will appear hostile and display a red marker overhead, rather than a nameplate.
  • Only the healing effects of one Stimpak of each type can be active at any given time.
    • For example, a Diluted Stimpak and a regular Stimpak can both be active at once, but multiple regular Stimpaks effects cannot.
  • The PVP Combat weapon damage adjustments mentioned in the Adventure Mode section above also apply to the Survival Mode Beta.
Bonus XP When Playing Survival Mode
  • All players gain a +20% bonus on any experience points they earn while playing in Survival Mode.
Complete New Weekly Challenges, Earn Legendary Rewards
  • New Weekly Challenges have been added which offer legendary rewards on completion.
    • A new Weekly Challenge will be added every week during and beyond the Survival Mode Beta, each featuring a different reward.
    • The first six Survival Mode Beta Weekly Challenges award legendary weapons. Learn more about them in our recent Survival Beta Overview article on Fallout.com
High-Stakes Death Mechanics
  • On death, players will drop a random amount of the Aid items that were in their inventory in addition to all their Junk.
  • Cap rewards for player kills, and Cap deductions on death, have been doubled in Survival Mode.
  • The Seek Revenge respawn option has been disabled and will not appear when attempting to respawn.
  • When killed during PVP combat, players can choose to spend a portion of their Caps to place a Bounty on their killer.
    • This will mark that player as Wanted and display the Bounty amount on all other players’ Maps.
    • Half of the Caps spent by the slain player will appear as the Bounty reward, and the minimum cost to place a Bounty is 200 Caps.
Limited Fast Travel and Respawn Locations
  • Fast Travel is limited to Vault 76, the player’s C.A.M.P., Train Stations, and any Workshops that player owns.
  • Respawn is limited to Vault 76, the player’s C.A.M.P., and Train Stations.
  • The brief period of invulnerability applied to characters after Fast Traveling or Respawning in Adventure Mode also applies to characters in Survival Mode, and is also removed if the player fires a weapon before the time expires.
Player Positions are Hidden on the Map
  • The Map will not display players’ locations unless they are currently Wanted or among the top three on the Longest Life Scoreboard.
Climb the Scoreboards
  • Scoreboards have been implemented, which rank players in the current world across a variety of stat categories based on their performance during the current life, as well as their best life for the week.
    • These stats include: Longest Life, Player Kills, XP Gained, Events Completed, Enemies Killed, Bounty Collected, Time Wanted, and Workshops Claimed
    • Players’ stats travel with them upon switching to new Survival worlds.
  • View the Scoreboards by opening the Map and pressing D-Pad Left on Consoles, or on PC by clicking the new compact Scoreboard widget on the Map.
  • The top three players on the Longest Life Scoreboard will display a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal next to their player icons.
    • These medals also appear on the Map to highlight the top three players’ current positions for all other players in that world.
  • A new recap screen will display on death, allowing players to view their stats from that life and compare them to their best life of the week.
Social Menu Survival Icon
  • Friends who are currently in Survival Mode worlds now display a campfire icon next to their names in the Social Menu.
Bug Fixes
Art and Graphics
  • Robobrains: Removed an unintended glowing visual effect from Robobrain heads.
Performance and Stability
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause a performance reduction if a player was killed while disconnecting from a world.
  • Servers: Addressed multiple issues that could affect server stability.
Quests and Events
  • Signal Strength: Addressed an issue that could cause a door switch to go missing in the National Radio Array Control Room.
User Interface
  • Change Appearance: Appearance changes that are not accepted by the player no longer occasionally persist after exiting the Change Appearance menu.
  • Hotkeys: Addressed an issue on PC causing the hotkey for the “Toggle Premium” filter option in Workbenches to have no effect when pressed.
  • Localization: Fixed an issue causing some notes, letters, and quest objectives relating to the Wasted on Nukashine questline, and the Brewing and Distilling crafting system, to appear in English while running Fallout 76 game client in languages other than English.
  • Localization: Fixed an issue that could cause the text on the Nukashine bottle’s label to extend beyond the edges of the label when running Fallout 76 in languages other than English.
  • Localization: The “Toggle Unlockable” and “View in Atomic Shop” options while previewing unowned Atomic Shop items in a Workbench no longer display placeholder text when running Fallout 76 in languages other than English.
  • Localization: The “Destroy” option that appears when viewing an item while over the absolute weight limit no longer displays placeholder text when running Fallout 76 in languages other than English.
All the new changes & patches are the usual blah blah deflecting from the real issues. No wonder they are dumping the game on Steam later this year going to be way less expensive to have Solo play & P2P (if they implement it that is!) instead of renting all these virtual servers from AWS!
Completed fallout 4 and all dlcs.
Loved building settlements, etc etc..

Right, is fallout 76 worth buying. I’ve been reading opinions since release.

I’d get the digital version. Is 76 good enough ... thanks in advance !!!

If you love building settlements, FO76 will be a very bad choice for you. Building settlements is impossible. You're limited to a camp, nothing more. One small building, some crops, a few turrets. It was worse before the latest patch reduced the budget cost of turrets, but it's still very bad.

The first issue regarding building is that the budget is extremely low and can't be changed. So even without the other issues, you can't build a settlement. Also, just to be more annoying, the game doesn't show the budget cost of anything, ever, so you can't even try to plan within the budget (although there is a mod that shows the budget cost of an object after you've built it).

The second issue regarding building is that (even ignoring the tiny building budget) the building system has been made worse than vanilla FO4 (which I wouldn't have considered possible). Snap points are great reduced in number. Some objects have an invisible cuboid exclusion zone around them so you can't place anything else near them. You are not allowed to scrap or move some objects after placing them unless you scrap everything touching them and sometimes you can't scrap or move the objects touching the object you want to scrap or move, so you have to find something you can scrap and works backwards from there. It's so bad that on several occasions I've scrapped the entire camp in one go by moving it and started from scratch because that was less bother.

The third issue regarding building is that you can't scrap anything to clear space for building. Some small rocks and some plants will disappear if you build on them, but that's it.

Building in FO76 is so bad that I say without hesistation that anyone playing FO76 should consider building to be non-functional and evaluate the game on that basis. Build a shed, put crafting stations and a stash box in it and that's it.

It's a deliberate game design decision. Although the survival mechanics are extremely light in FO76, the design philosophy is absolutely that of a survival game. You're not supposed to be able to build anything other than a temporary camp. Not a settlement. Not a home. A camp. A few players have done remarkable jobs of forcing the FO76 camp building system to allow for a very small player home, but it takes a lot of inventiveness(*), persistence and patience.

Also, unsurprisingly, the camp blueprint system is still bugged and doesn't work reliably for anything other than the simplest of structures. So don't rely on that.

Taking my own advice and evaluating FO76 on the basis that the building system is non-functional, my opinion is still the same - it's worth a punt if you can buy it for a trivial amount of money. The rest of the game is badly designed, badly implemented, bugged to hell and back, unstable, frequently annoying and it would still be bad if all those things were magically fixed because the fundamental basis of the game is wrong. It's a mash of single player and multiplayer with no vision, no goal and using an engine utterly unsuited to the purpose (but it still wouldn't work with the right engine because the entire idea is wrong). It's like dropping a handful of tuna sandwich in a mug of coffee - even if you like tuna sandwiches and you like coffee, you're not going to like that. But buried in the festering mess is a Fallout game. The gameworld itself is excellent, with varied and interesting biomes and a good mixture of ruined urban environments and countryside with the countryside being varied and interesting. The gameworld is more 3D than previous Fallout games, with more feeling of physical depth to it as you explore valleys and ridges and towering cliffs and **** heaps and flat swamps that seem all the flatter for the rocky, rugged areas. It has the "what's over there?" thing that makes it entertaining to explore for the sake of exploring. Despite the lack of NPCs, there are many stories in notes (if they're in place when you get there - they're not instanced per player so when another player has taken a note you'll have no idea it was ever there) and terminal entries and environmental storytelling. The main story is better than FO4 and there are numerious background stories with side quests. The world designers did a proper Fallout job. Most aspects of the crafting system have at least some good points to them and you have the appealing oddity of Fallout looting where a dirty old coffee mug might be more valuable to you than a legendary (i.e. magic) weapon. That's a real example - yesterday I went scavving for dirty old coffee mugs because I needed ceramic scrap to make power connectors for my (now abandoned) attempt to make a tavern in my camp. Magic weapons? Meh, at best they might be worth picking up to sell to a merchant. Coffee mugs, yay! But even the crafting system is seriously flawed because of the volume of scrapping you need to do to learn mods. For example, I crafted and immediately scrapped ~50 lever action rifles solely because I had to do so in order to learn the mods I wanted to know for that weapon. That's not a good game mechanic. Did I learn all the mods? I don't know - the game gives you no information at all about that.

So yeah...if you ignore settlement building (because it doesn't exist) and you can endure the bugs, the server disconnects, the lagspikes lasting seconds (yes, seconds, not milliseconds), the inherently bad idea of the game and the bad implementions of some aspects of the game, there's a decent Fallout game buried in the muck. You might find the balance of annoyance and frustration on the one hand and fun on the other hand to be tilting in favour of fun for a while, so I think it's worth a punt if you pay very little for it. For £10, sure, it's worth a try. More than that...maybe. At full price, hahaha no.

* A particularly fine example is a player who built a BoS themed player home horizontally outwards from a pylon, using windmill style power generators to create something of an appearance of an airship docked at the pylon. Since the camp is very far off the ground, the only mobs that can attack it are scorchbeasts so they didn't need to use any building budget on defences (you can't defend against scorchbeast attacks anyway - they will destroy your camp if they attack it).

EDIT: The auto-censored word in my post was the standard word used to refer to piles of waste from coal mining. The Scunthorpe problem is alive and well at OcUK.
Last edited:
All the new changes & patches are the usual blah blah deflecting from the real issues. No wonder they are dumping the game on Steam later this year going to be way less expensive to have Solo play & P2P (if they implement it that is!) instead of renting all these virtual servers from AWS!

But in more important news, I finally found a rabbit!

I also found a lemonade vendor. Since this is Fallout, you won't be surprised to find that there isn't any lemon in the lemonade. Sugar and acid and water, but no lemonade. It doesn't have radioactive waste in it, so in Fallout terms it's a high quality health drink :)
But in more important news, I finally found a rabbit!

I also found a lemonade vendor. Since this is Fallout, you won't be surprised to find that there isn't any lemon in the lemonade. Sugar and acid and water, but no lemonade. It doesn't have radioactive waste in it, so in Fallout terms it's a high quality health drink :)
Please let me know ingame next time you find the Lemonade Vendor I cannot find him at the 3000 random known spawn points! I can then fast travel to your position to buy the Lemonade!

I bought the Ultra Rare Greek Letter Plan from someone earlier :p Got it for 0 Caps then the player proceeded to grief me & kill me so I lost over 200 Caps :eek::mad:

Also found the BOS Knight CPT T60 Power Armour Plans after turning in 1000s of Techncial (Bethesda spelling!!) Data !

As for finding your Bunny Rabbit well it is almost easter after all ;)
I was encumbered with junk after an event in the Cranberry bog area and walking to a location to find a workbench to scrap stuff on when I saw some balloons some way off. I went to look and found the lemonade vendor there. I'll probably never find it again, so don't hold your breath waiting for me to stumble across it at a time when we're both on. I'm not on that much any more.
Thank you Angilion and AWPC - always read your posts to check on the state of fallout 76.
Long live fallout, Nuka world is pretty much done only taken me what 4-5 years
Thank you Angilion and AWPC - always read your posts to check on the state of fallout 76.
Long live fallout, Nuka world is pretty much done only taken me what 4-5 years
Nuka World is great :D

76 is also ok despite its many faults for under a tenner its well worth that. When 76 comes to Steam later this year I doubt the under a tenner keys will be sold anymore ;) Steam price will most likely be £19.99 or £24.99!
I was encumbered with junk after an event in the Cranberry bog area and walking to a location to find a workbench to scrap stuff on when I saw some balloons some way off. I went to look and found the lemonade vendor there. I'll probably never find it again, so don't hold your breath waiting for me to stumble across it at a time when we're both on. I'm not on that much any more.
No worries its a random encounter. There are ONLY 3000 random spawn point combinations in the game :rolleyes: so doubt I will bother searching any longer as its not spawning for me :(

Found a few more rare plans yesterday as well. Also I have an extra small letters plan if you want to buy it for the default price its coming up in the trading window of 1000 Caps player to player. We could either go to my Camp & Trade for Caps or swap plans you have I do not have for it.
No worries its a random encounter. There are ONLY 3000 random spawn point combinations in the game :rolleyes: so doubt I will bother searching any longer as its not spawning for me :(

Found a few more rare plans yesterday as well. Also I have an extra small letters plan if you want to buy it for the default price its coming up in the trading window of 1000 Caps player to player. We could either go to my Camp & Trade for Caps or swap plans you have I do not have for it.

Thanks for the offer, but I have that plan already. I don't recall if I found it or bought it, but I defnitely have it. And the small letters are very small indeed :)

I just drop spare plans now. In a commonly used vendor site (Whitesprings Station, when I remember), to increase the chance that another player will find them.

And...I'm back to planning my workshop/tavern camp. If I move to a flat site I can use cheaper fencing (I'm on a hill now, so I have to use ramped foundation blocks and exterior walls because fences can't be placed on anything other than flat ground) and maybe free up enough budget for nice decoration of the tavern and a vending machine when they come out. But I'll lose access to my lead deposit, which is of some use since I use ballistic weapons. Although I have ~6000 rounds and I'm making more than I'm using unless I go hunting scorchbeasts, so that 14 lead scrap every now and then isn't crucial. Decisions, decisions. I do have a L50 furious 3 bladed mole miner gauntlet that would probably work well if I respecced for melee, but I don't want to use melee even though it's currently by far the most effective way of fighting. I am channelling Ash from the silly horror films - THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK! :)
Patch 8 is going to bring ALL Vendors to Whitesprings so that will save fast travelling to them anymore to buy & sell stuff for caps!
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