**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Got control of the ammo production earlier. Was there for 20 minutes getting the lead extractor and a couple of other things set up. A level 90ish player in excavator power armour decided they wanted everything. Luckily I had locked it to level 3. But... while was there, he picked my locks. Lucky me.

So my chameleon armour and TSE Lever rifle came to be useful. Perched on the top ridge of the building crouched down and put a couple of rounds through his head. Yay, free money!

Learn not to steal next time... ;)
Perk loadout manager mod is your friend. ;)

Requiring an external website is what's stopped me using it so far. Does the owner of the website consent to it being used that way? I don't know. Also, Pale Moon doesn't play well with the nukesdragons website and always crashes sooner or later (I used it to plan my build in the beginning).
I want to label the two main floors of my camp as public areas - people are welcome to use my workbenches, chairs and instruments. But each small letter costs 20 building budget units and each neon letter costs 40! You only have 10,000 units total and I have only ~1000 left, so I don't want to use hundreds on making a sign. I'll need that ~1000 for a player vending machine for the tavern area and some more decoration.

Any ideas? Any ingame sign or poster I've missed?
Sheepsquatch new quest content is going live today after the update & patch 8 so between 4-7PM depending on how long the server maintenance takes ;)

Some good stuff finally !!!! coming in this latest patch. Should have all been there since day 1 but better late than never ever I guess!! :

Item Renaming: Add a personal touch to your Apparel, Armor, Power Armor, and Weapons by giving them custom names.

Neon Letters: Fixed several issues affecting placement of Neon Letters, Numbers, and Symbols.

New Questline – Lying Lowe
The Lying Lowe questline is now available! Begin your investigation into this mysterious case by finding and reading one of the “Sheepsquatch Ate My Brother” posters in Lewisburg or at Train Stations around Appalachia.
  • “Sheepsquatch Ate My Brother” posters are also available for free in the Atomic Shop until 9:00 a.m. EDT on May 7. Once claimed, you can place the poster in your C.A.M.P. and read it to start the quest.
  • Read our recent article on the Lying Lowe Questline to learn more.
Vendor Faction Updates

  • A Vendor from each faction except the Enclave can now be found downstairs in the shops at The Whitespring Resort.
    • This should help reduce the need to Fast Travel in order to visit multiple Vendor Factions when buying and selling items.
  • The pool of 200 Caps that was previously allocated to each Vendor Faction has been merged into one combined pool of 1,400 Caps that is shared across all Factions.
    • This means that buying items from, or selling items to, a Vendor will update the pool of available Caps across all Vendor Factions.
    • This change should offer more flexibility when buying and selling higher-priced items, or when attempting to trade many items at once.
    • The Vendor Cap pool still resets after 20 real-time hours.
New Feature – Item Renaming

  • Add a personal touch to a wide variety of items by giving them custom names.
    • Items that can be renamed include: Apparel, Armor, Weapons, Power Armor Chassis, and Power Armor pieces you own.
    • Weapons that stack, like Throwing Knives or Grenades cannot be renamed.
  • To rename an item, select it in your Inventory, Stash, or a Workbench, and choose the “Inspect” option. Then, select the “Rename” option to enter and save a custom name for that item.
    • Items can be renamed as many times as you like.
    • Choose the “Clear Name” option to restore an item’s default name.
    • A custom name will only appear to the player who originally renamed that item, and the item will return to its default name when traded, sold, or dropped.
Finally, renaming my power armour... I no longer have to deploy all of them to find the one I want. *always the last one...*

I wonder how they're going to do the vendors in whitespring. I hope they don't get rid of some of the existing ones, I kind of like having the different shops selling different things. Although, the pooled 1400 caps is wonderful. Still think the Whitesprings station will get a lot of business, but so will the workshop area inside.
Shame about the changes to the Survival mode map showing highest kill players instead of longest life. It makes perfect sense, but I was having fun picking off low level players who just happened to have been logged on for an hour or so...


Also, serious nerf to the amount of caps earned from killing in survival mode now too.

Its back online now. The vendors are just the robots in the Whitespring shops are situated in each different shop. Pretty lame really! As expected the challenges have been made way harder no way your going to buy many time limited items without using real money now. Bethesda have finally woken up to that! and how easy it was before to earn Atoms.
New sheepsquatch event boss fight is ridiculous. Its designed for several high skilled heavily armed players. Even then your power armour will get broken fast no matter what perks its way over powered right now & needs tweaking a lot. Imagine an SBQ level 95 fight x 20 is how hard :(:rolleyes: do not bring any junk you will die a lot!!
New sheepsquatch event boss fight is ridiculous. Its designed for several high skilled heavily armed players. Even then your power armour will get broken fast no matter what perks its way over powered right now & needs tweaking a lot. Imagine an SBQ level 95 fight x 20 is how hard :(:rolleyes: do not bring any junk you will die a lot!!

I completed the quest, all the subquests and all the optional objectives bar one - I couldn't find 1 of the 3 clues in the secret lab.

Then I went to trigger the sheepsquatch. Er...yeah. It makes a mirelurk queen seem like a radroach. Fortunately, it gives a worldwide announcement and everyone+dog teleported in. Even so, I rushed around being the conduit and died 3 times. I was using a furious L50 hardened combat shotgun that slaughters mobs with high HP, but it was like poking the sheepsquatch with a damp bloodleaf. The approximately 3 bazillion supercharged robots it summons explode every second, the half a dozen higher level players were using explosive ammo or high energy weapons, the sheepsquatch is carrying a very powerful energy weapon and with all that it was well nigh impossible to even see most of the time. My power armour was fine, though. Still well over 100% on all pieces and I haven't repaired it for I can't remember how long.

Quest rewards:

The quest reward is pointless cack. Oooh, a mascot head. Yay! The subquests give stuffed animal heads to craft apart from the one that gives a picnic blanket to craft. There's also a special pair of binoculars (has anyone ever used binoculars in FO76?) and a special useless rifle that's meant for stealth but does too little damage to be useful. The one I got was L35 and didn't have any texture data so it was bright pink. Very stealthy!

Rather amusingly, I completed a taste test for Biv afterwards and he gave me the greek letters plan (very rare) and a new recipe as well.
@Angilion Yeah I completed that fight earlier as well about 20 players teleported in! Still got killed about 3 times & revived twice by other players. As you say rewards are terrible though. The trick is to have 3 different conduit players activate a pylon each at the same time to break the shield but many players seem unable to read the onscreen display which says this!

Easy earning Atoms days are well & truly over the new challenges would take hours its simply not worth the time slog grind anymore. I will buy Atoms in future if I really want to get something. I quite like the new 3 x hero exploding camp statues which are only available a few more days :rolleyes: so unless I can earn another 150 Atoms before then (unlikely) I will not get them. Putting time limits on items is a very cynical way to get players to part with real money now they have made it much harder to earn any atoms. Latest challenges would take hours to earn 10 Atoms alone!!

Checked out the new vendor bot layout in Whitesprings. You do not even need to go there though (unless you want to buy Plans from them) go to any Vendor they all have 1400 Caps shared pool now. I just sold 1400 Caps worth to the Whitesprings Station vendor!

New repair controls are confusing as is the renaming your items but it works just so many other new glitches & issues though as always after a patch it takes days to figure out what else is missing or broken :eek::rolleyes:
When repairing, does anyone else have a bug where after repairing something and going back to the list of guns/armour and it's no longer displaying any of the stats of the item that's highlighted? Just shows a blank box off to the left?
The hotfix was applied earlier no idea if it fixed repairing but its supposed to have made the severs more stable :rolleyes:

More new content coming next week. Do not read if you do not to be slightly spoiled as Bethesda spoil some of it in their article! But tbh if its anything like the other free DLC released to date its going to be short & not much to it :(
The hotfix was applied earlier no idea if it fixed repairing but its supposed to have made the severs more stable :rolleyes:

More new content coming next week. Do not read if you do not to be slightly spoiled as Bethesda spoil some of it in their article! But tbh if its anything like the other free DLC released to date its going to be short & not much to it :(

It hasn't fixed the repair bug. Had that happen again earlier today.

Also, apparently mods are no longer able to be installed with the current patch.
It hasn't fixed the repair bug. Had that happen again earlier today.

Also, apparently mods are no longer able to be installed with the current patch.
They said they are working on fixing the repair bug right now you can still repair things it just takes a few extra button presses.
Thought I was a dedicated player with my puny little 20 x Power Armour collection...someone else has 50 completed Power Armour now :eek: that is just an insane time sink to gather those!

I finally got a complete set of T51b Level50 Power Armour completed then put the effort in to make the jetpack for it from the plans I bought ;) In 2 more days I will have bought the T51,T45,T60 both Calibrated Shock & Jetpack Plans which is about 34000 Caps worth :eek: :p
Thought I was a dedicated player with my puny little 20 x Power Armour collection...someone else has 50 completed Power Armour now :eek: that is just an insane time sink to gather those!

I finally got a complete set of T51b Level50 Power Armour completed then put the effort in to make the jetpack for it from the plans I bought ;) In 2 more days I will have bought the T51,T45,T60 both Calibrated Shock & Jetpack Plans which is about 34000 Caps worth :eek: :p

So someone other than you is playing this game!
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