**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I see that the actually black Excavator paint job will be available in 2 days. For just 4 days. I don't have the atom points to buy it and have no chance of getting enough by then.

Of course, I could pay real money for it. I could also eat horse dung and that's about as appealing.
I see that the actually black Excavator paint job will be available in 2 days. For just 4 days. I don't have the atom points to buy it and have no chance of getting enough by then.

Of course, I could pay real money for it. I could also eat horse dung and that's about as appealing.
Camera Mod is live now lots challenges for Atoms on that! Plague Rider Power Armor Paint is also live for few more days its 1400 Atoms though but applies to all 5 Power Armour types & changes the appearance of the Excavator to X01 but you retain the Excavator stats! Its a weird green colour with red yellow blood marks.
My collection of mutations is coming along nicely!


Best ones have been:

Healing Factor
Speed Demon
Twisted Muscles

Worst ones:

Electrically Charged (does hardly any damage and of course spoils the Instigating weapons)
Chameleon - Chameleon armour is much better

Adrenal Reaction with Nerd Rage is fun, but I'm CRAZY fragile...
@Jimbo Mahoney

Wow did you actually save up to buy all those :eek: :)

I am currently working on buying all Plans for everything in game. I have about 97-98% complete now but need so many Caps still :eek: Managed to level up another 25 levels on the double XP weekend which finishes @ 11AM this morning.
Hahaha! I defeated the ultimate boss - Bethesda's Greed - and ground enough tedious challenges to buy the coal dust excavator paint without paying real money! I used my entire stash of hundreds of adhesive on a couple of the tedious quests (e.g. make 76 rifles and mod each one).

After that, I stumbled on the real Sheepsquatch quest. It's actually an event - Free Range. Probably best done with 2 people because it's an escort mission with 3 NPCs who will (as is traditional in such missions) amble headlong into the numerous dangers on the way. In this case the NPCs have an excuse for being so stupid - they're brahmin. The reason why 2+ is best is that one player must equip and use a shepherd's crook to keep the dumb as rocks brahmin moving towards the farm, so it's easier if there's 1 or more others to fight off the attackers. We ended up with high level yao guai and a high level legendary glowing alpha deathclaw in the penultimate fight, so it's handy if someone is wielding something more effective than a shepherd's crook. The last fight is, of course, sheepsquatch. The real sheepsquatch is vastly less difficult to kill than the imposter.

The oh so amazing reward is
a plan for a shepherd's crook (an almost useless weapon) and a recipe for mutton pie, along with sheepsquatch horns, sheepsquatch skull, mysterious quills and mysterious fur. I've no idea if the mysterious stuff has any use. I got a more useful reward from killing the deathclaw. Useful in the sense that I sold it to a vendor for a few dozen caps.

There's at least one more new quest not mentioned in news or patch notes - A Perfect Escape. I haven't done that one yet.
Hahaha! I defeated the ultimate boss - Bethesda's Greed - and ground enough tedious challenges to buy the coal dust excavator paint without paying real money! I used my entire stash of hundreds of adhesive on a couple of the tedious quests (e.g. make 76 rifles and mod each one).

After that, I stumbled on the real Sheepsquatch quest. It's actually an event - Free Range. Probably best done with 2 people because it's an escort mission with 3 NPCs who will (as is traditional in such missions) amble headlong into the numerous dangers on the way. In this case the NPCs have an excuse for being so stupid - they're brahmin. The reason why 2+ is best is that one player must equip and use a shepherd's crook to keep the dumb as rocks brahmin moving towards the farm, so it's easier if there's 1 or more others to fight off the attackers. We ended up with high level yao guai and a high level legendary glowing alpha deathclaw in the penultimate fight, so it's handy if someone is wielding something more effective than a shepherd's crook. The last fight is, of course, sheepsquatch. The real sheepsquatch is vastly less difficult to kill than the imposter.

The oh so amazing reward is
a plan for a shepherd's crook (an almost useless weapon) and a recipe for mutton pie, along with sheepsquatch horns, sheepsquatch skull, mysterious quills and mysterious fur. I've no idea if the mysterious stuff has any use. I got a more useful reward from killing the deathclaw. Useful in the sense that I sold it to a vendor for a few dozen caps.

There's at least one more new quest not mentioned in news or patch notes - A Perfect Escape. I haven't done that one yet.
Lots of other rewards from this repeatable quest as well though here is a partial list. Those mysterious items are used for shepherds crook & staff mods as well as the new recipes I think. Also when you mod the crook and build one @ level 50 & add the electric plans you get later its actually quite powerful!:

Also, its possible to get a Megaloth appear at the end for the 80 Atoms Photo Challenge!

I saw the Coal Dust Paint Job in game so decided not to buy as it looks too similar to me to the dark blue & red paint job :( I will sit on my remaining 1500 Atoms for now see what drops tomorrow or Wednesday (hopefully the nice looking black & gold Nukashine Paint job for all PA suits ;)).

Sheepsquatch also appears in all the random 3 spawn points in Cranberry bog now usually a level 80 legendary so you get some good drops from him & he is so easy to dodge & kill. Just keep walking around & or server hopping in Cranberry to get some decent drops from him.
@Jimbo Mahoney

Wow did you actually save up to buy all those :eek: :)

Yup, and I only used max rank Hard Bargain towards the end!

I'm a min/max kinda guy, so I love eeking every last % DMG etc. from my character in RPGs.

I desperately need some bloodied / instigating rifle of some sort so that I can invisibly one-shot things from a distance. The best I've got right now is an instigating pistol that does about 250 damage to full health enemies and a non-legendary night-vision rifle that only does about 140 once I'm below 20% health. :(

Melee is sorted by an instigating baseball bat (~450 damage I think), All Rise (rocket sledge for about 300 damage) and an Executioner's axe for about 400 damage once mob is below 40% health. Most stuff is one-shotted by the baseball bat and I only cycle through all three on Scorchbeast Queen / Sheepsquatch fights.
I've encountered an odd bug...the duration of weekly challenges. My "weekly" challenge duration is currently set to well over 4 billion days. Unless I have moved to a planet that's almost perfectly tidally locked, I think that's a mistake :)

It's updating correctly, i.e. the day count is 1 less than it was yesterday and the hour count goes down correctly.

Normally I ignore FO76 bugs, but this will make it rather difficult to get atom points since I will effectively never get any more weekly challenges. Has anyone heard of this problem and have a solution?
Yup, and I only used max rank Hard Bargain towards the end!

I desperately need some bloodied / instigating rifle of some sort so that I can invisibly one-shot things from a distance. The best I've got right now is an instigating pistol that does about 250 damage to full health enemies and a non-legendary night-vision rifle that only does about 140 once I'm below 20% health. :(

Melee is sorted by an instigating baseball bat (~450 damage I think), All Rise (rocket sledge for about 300 damage) and an Executioner's axe for about 400 damage once mob is below 40% health. Most stuff is one-shotted by the baseball bat and I only cycle through all three on Scorchbeast Queen / Sheepsquatch fights.
Wait for player vending to buy a Bloodied rifle they are rare drops. Reddit have just shutdown their trading forums now so no easy way to trade for better weapons. I have a fine selection of Grognak axes for my melee they do about 220 DMG before any Perk cards kick in then can rise to around 450-500 DMG per hit. This 1 shot kills almost anything except for SBQ or std Scorchbeasts!
I've encountered an odd bug...the duration of weekly challenges. My "weekly" challenge duration is currently set to well over 4 billion days. Unless I have moved to a planet that's almost perfectly tidally locked, I think that's a mistake :)

It's updating correctly, i.e. the day count is 1 less than it was yesterday and the hour count goes down correctly.

Normally I ignore FO76 bugs, but this will make it rather difficult to get atom points since I will effectively never get any more weekly challenges. Has anyone heard of this problem and have a solution?
Same for everyone else time wise. Bethesda ignored the issue when made aware of it last week and the photograph Alien challenge is impossible anyway as no Aliens are ingame yet (but they still make challenges with them included!).

The general consensus seems to be that the challenges are pre-built into the game client in advance but I think they have several weeks worth of challenges prebaked into the game client already so today most likely around 4PM you will see some new weekly challenges. The longer date was because for weeks they had challenges for the Camera BEFORE it was ever in the game so some of those are hidden in the weekly challenges counter but you still get them as you play the game!
Nukashine & War Rider PA Paint jobs are both live now but once again time limited so do not wait too long as Bethesda really need our money it seems.....:rolleyes:

Got 1 shot executed earlier in Adventure mode so lost almost 300 Caps & all my current Junk :( Going to file a report against the player as its not supposed to be like that in Adventure mode that is what Survival mode is for!
Nukashine & War Rider PA Paint jobs are both live now but once again time limited so do not wait too long as Bethesda really need our money it seems.....:rolleyes:

Got 1 shot executed earlier in Adventure mode so lost almost 300 Caps & all my current Junk :( Going to file a report against the player as its not supposed to be like that in Adventure mode that is what Survival mode is for!

That's weird! One shot death while being neutral / non-PvP?!
Pulled the trigger on fallout 76 finally - yay , wish me luck

Good luck. Not that you need it - the game is very easy apart from mirelurk queens and nuked zones.

Something very relevant to newbies that's hardly (if at all) mentioned in the game itself:

Mobs in the forest area do not scale. Mobs in all other areas do. More importantly, they scale not to you but to the player(s) in that area when the mobs spawn. So you could easily find yourself encountering very high level mobs. You could wander out of the forest area at L1 and find yourself facing L68 Scorched or suchlike. You would get mashed. So I'd recommend staying in the forest area until at least L20 with decent kit.

As for the decent kit, the key early on is scrapping every weapon and non-powered armour you find and aren't using as that's the main way to learn how to craft items and mods for them and you will need to know those mods. You'll find some plans as you play, but scrapping is the main way. If you want a fairly decent long-range rifle early on, I suggest a pipe revolver rifle. They're surprisingly good, use very common ammunition and you need only learn the stock mod for the pipe revolver in order to be able to craft pipe revolver rifles (you know how to craft pipe weapons from the start). Pipe pistols are extremely common early on, so it probably won't be long before you scrap enough to learn the stock mod and the hardened receiver mod. People tend to overlook pipe weapons, but the pipe revolver rifle is not at all bad early on. Just craft and mod higher level ones as you level. I was using a pipe revolver rifle as my long range weapon until ~L25, with shotguns for close range. Melee is much more effective with the current "balance", but I can't be bothered to respec to play that way. Too much running around for my taste. Besides, it could change at any time as Bethesda change the "balance". It's not very balanced, but hey ho. The game is so easy it doesn't really matter unless you go for PvP. I'm still using a rifle and a shotgun and they're both just 1* and maybe not even the best 1* (instigating on the rifle, furious on the shotgun). I'm level...something. 130? 140? I forget. It doesn't matter after you have all the perks you want, which will probably be about L70. Damage per shot usually counts for more than damage per second because of the way armour is implemented, so the most efficient combat is usually something with oodles of damage per shot that will one-shot most things and in the currently "balance" that usually means melee. But you'll probably want to use ranged to begin with anyway.

I had fun pootling around with a light machine gun, which I think is based on the real-world MG-42 machine gun. It's less effective and it wastes ammuntion, but it was fun. I was only using it to get the "kill 76 scorched with a heavy weapon" challenge, but it was good fun. The next one is to kill 76 scorched with a black powder weapon. That will not be fun.

The nukesdragons website has a good build planner, by the way. Many players use it to plan their build.

Same for everyone else time wise. Bethesda ignored the issue when made aware of it last week and the photograph Alien challenge is impossible anyway as no Aliens are ingame yet (but they still make challenges with them included!).

Ah well, at least I know it's not something broken at my end. As for aliens...isn't the Flatwood Monster an alien?

Nukashine & War Rider PA Paint jobs are both live now but once again time limited so do not wait too long as Bethesda really need our money it seems.....:rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind the war rider "paint" job, but I'd rather fellate a donkey than give any more real money to Bethesda for their greed and incompetence so I won't be having it. I paid for the game. I'm not paying farcically inflated prices for inferior quality tiny mods. I like the coal dust paint job, anyway.

Got 1 shot executed earlier in Adventure mode so lost almost 300 Caps & all my current Junk :( Going to file a report against the player as its not supposed to be like that in Adventure mode that is what Survival mode is for!

I think you should be reporting Bethesda as that's a bug. No matter what a player does, they shouldn't be able to damage another player in adventure mode now (edit: except in response to an attack, of course). Even slap damage was removed a couple of patches ago.

You may need to buy some Atoms now the individual light bulb letters are out as well as 2 sweet looking PA paint jobs ;)

See the above comment about donkeys. Fortunately, I don't want those light bulb letters for two reasons. Firstly, many of the light bulbs aren't working. Secondly, writing anything with them would use far too much of the tiny building budget. Lit letters are 40 building budget each and I only have about 850 building budget left for my camp. I want to keep that for player vending when it comes out. I've started collecting known plans again, although only from containers and treasure maps so I don't take anything another player might be able to use. I'm planning on stocking my player vending machine with maps and beer (for roleplaying for the tavern on the upper floor of my camp - you've seen the photos). I also want to beef up the defences a bit - some high level dogs rush past the 3 heavy machinegun turrets and heavy laser turret and once or twice a super mutant has wandered in from the other side and wrecked stuff, so I'm planning on putting a missile turret covering the track up the slope and moving the machinegun turret there to the other side of the camp. So no way will I have hundreds of building budget left to make a sign with manky half-broken letters. I scrapped the welcome sign with those bulb letters very soon after I made it.
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That's weird! One shot death while being neutral / non-PvP?!
Its a known bug because I had just claimed an unclaimed workshop for the 30 Atoms that means any player can kill you in Adventure mode which makes no sense as I have always had Pacifist on & did not do anything to the other player (I was looking at my pipboy to fast travel away when they 1 shotted me stealing 277 Caps & all my Junk!! :eek::().
Ah well, at least I know it's not something broken at my end. As for aliens...isn't the Flatwood Monster an alien? Nope it does not count this weeks new weekly challenges updated today are pretty easy I already got most of them & an easy 120 Atoms!

I wouldn't mind the war rider "paint" job, but I'd rather fellate a donkey than give any more real money to Bethesda for their greed and incompetence so I won't be having it. I paid for the game. I'm not paying farcically inflated prices for inferior quality tiny mods. I like the coal dust paint job, anyway.
Yeah I know what your saying 1400 Atoms is a lot especially as there are also 2 more 1400 Atoms war rider paints still to come (the green one last week was #1)

I think you should be reporting Bethesda as that's a bug. No matter what a player does, they shouldn't be able to damage another player in adventure mode now (edit: except in response to an attack, of course). Even slap damage was removed a couple of patches ago.
They knew about it weeks ago just not patched it out yet as it appears to be linked to the patch which will stop players damaging your CAMP at all (unless you attack them first). No player should be able to 1 shot you anyway especially not my level 277 its a pretty strong character by now! When you claim a workshop it allows them to attack you still in Adventure mode even if they are not contesting the Workshop!! :rolleyes:

See the above comment about donkeys. Fortunately, I don't want those light bulb letters for two reasons. Firstly, many of the light bulbs aren't working. Secondly, writing anything with them would use far too much of the tiny building budget. Lit letters are 40 building budget each and I only have about 850 building budget left for my camp. I want to keep that for player vending when it comes out. I've started collecting known plans again, although only from containers and treasure maps so I don't take anything another player might be able to use. I'm planning on stocking my player vending machine with maps and beer (for roleplaying for the tavern on the upper floor of my camp - you've seen the photos). I also want to beef up the defences a bit - some high level dogs rush past the 3 heavy machinegun turrets and heavy laser turret and once or twice a super mutant has wandered in from the other side and wrecked stuff, so I'm planning on putting a missile turret covering the track up the slope and moving the machinegun turret there to the other side of the camp. So no way will I have hundreds of building budget left to make a sign with manky half-broken letters. I scrapped the welcome sign with those bulb letters very soon after I made it.
They fixed the not working light bulbs in the last patch I think the new ones look ok but its a bit much for 700 Atoms when the other sign was 700 Atoms a few weeks ago :rolleyes: Bethesda really want some actual money from 76 now ;)
The next one is to kill 76 scorched with a black powder weapon. That will not be fun.

It's an easy one.
Get a Dragon and make use of the reload bug (before they fix it).
Fire Dragon, switch to another weapon when the reload starts, switch back to Dragon... tadaaa... reloaded. Works with any weapon when you use the entire magazine, not if you manually reload.


Encountered a bug earlier. Whitesprings was nuked, but could wander around without getting radiated. No radiation from being in the area at all. Still got rad damage from the glowing nasties though.

Was nice, could sneak around.
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Angilion - thanks for the heads up , appreciated ... put many hours into this today . Up to level 7-8 . Enjoying it . Yep different from F4 , Will reserve judgement for now . Thanks again
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