**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Where can I get this for a tenner as stated above? The well known key site is showing a few different copies. Assuming it's the EMEA copy of the game I need? Its £15 not £10.

I should know this but normally buy steam games which are easier to understand the region.
You snooze you lose it went down to £6.99 about 6 weeks ago now its going up fast. Supply & demand plus the new content & game modes means it has a lot more value so Bethesda no longer sell the cheap keys as supply is much higher. It comes to Steam later this year as well so you maybe able to get a cheap key then.
BR is full of hackers already god mode & infinite ammo players on level 0 who are not killable, walk through objects & take massive damage :(
No surprise there, watch as they run to fix all of it as fast as possible while ignoring things that are still broken but not bad for their bottom line ;)
No surprise there, watch as they run to fix all of it as fast as possible while ignoring things that are still broken but not bad for their bottom line ;)
Exactly they use all their dev resource for this & ignore the other broken issues like challenges & broken game modes but will happily hotfix things in seconds which affect their bottom line like accidently giving away Atomic Shop items for nothing! Everyone is supposed to get 5 free Vault Tec Engineer Power Armour skins this week 1 every day. On PC & Xbox1 this is glitched no-one has got #2 of 5 & in a few hours it resets to the next day so PC & Box users lose out unless they fix it!
Apparently one of the BR hacks being used is to go into the ini file & remove all the scenery so you can see the entire battlefield without vegetation :rolleyes: another is a Russian already player selling aim bots, wall hacks & other mods :(
Apparently one of the BR hacks being used is to go into the ini file & remove all the scenery so you can see the entire battlefield without vegetation :rolleyes: another is a Russian already player selling aim bots, wall hacks & other mods :(

That ini hack is actually quite clever. But it should be easy to detect.
Now that we have floating combat damage, I tested the Bloodied Minigun and the Furious.

Bloodied wins hands down, so I'm selling the Furious...

I happened to get a L45 Furious handmade gun from a Whitesprings run. I modded it up, swapped some perks to be full auto rifle/shotgun rather than semi-auto rifle/shotgun...and found that I was worse off than before. In most scenarios in which I use a rifle, the instigating handmade rifle I have is better. It takes 6 shots before the total damage from the full auto furious is better and if what I'm shooting isn't dead in 6 shots I should be using a shotgun, not a rifle. Also, unsurprisingly, full auto is less accurate and uses more bullets. I'd have to do more scavving for lead and steel. On the other hand, full auto is fun in itself. I probably should install perk loadout manager, increase my rifle damage perks to L3 each instead of L2 each and swap in my lockpicking perks only as needed. But I do a lot of lockpicking. Eh, I'll just play about and see what I think. It's a shame the rifles weigh 23 each and there are no perks to reduce rifle weight. My shotguns weigh <1 each due to a faster reloading perk that also reduces weight by 90%.

I like rifle+shotgun, it suits how I want to play. But it's not the most efficient. Last night I gave up on whitespring because a player with a gatling gun was circling around slaughtering all the ghouls as soon as they spawned. Their kill rate was 10 times mine.
All they need to do is lock the ini like most other online games nowadays!!

That would make modding impossible. It would also make changing many settings impossible, e.g. time between saves. I think that would be a problem in an unstable game that doesn't allow save on demand. Had it been locked since the start, it wouldn't even have been possible to change FOV, use widescreen resolutions, etc, etc.
Why does CAMP workshop have to be so frustrating!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :mad:

I bought a single item from the Atomic Shop with all the Atoms I have earned the last few weeks. When I go to build the item (which was only a humble Stash box) it says cannot place the item.

I logout & back on then it says the camp budget has been exceeded. So I logout again log back on & start to downsize my max budget camp which I was reasonably happy with & spent a lot of time & Atoms on.

I have to scrap & remove about 25% of my entire camp before it will allow me to use the single new item :eek: so now after a frustrating few hours (when I should be asleep) I have to fix my camp in the process I also lose a load of plans as I store the vending machines but its bugged so I lose high value plans which were in them which are lost forever :(

What a frustrating experience that is its just so aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh on so many levels it really is now I know exactly what you were talking about a few months ago ;) Soon as I got the final few plans I need for Power Armour I am going to close my shops forever & move my camp elsewhere its been such a sour experience recently :rolleyes::(
Here are some examples of the Nuclear Winter hacking going on its really out of control god more & flying over the map picking everyone off :( It ends on 17th June I think its going to take a long time for Bethesda to find a way to deal with this otherwise not much point them bringing it back right now as its such an uneven playing field. Takes 3 mins to enter a match & 3 seconds to be killed as you spawn :eek:
If only their dev cycle wasnt oblivious to their own game's fundementals and actually cared about a finished product, but as FO4 and F76 showed (and NMS for showing that you can sort of resolve the community hate... too bad Fallout is an established franchise, that might of worked), you don't need to finish the product anymore.

I'm sure they'll just lock down the ini because mods weren't meant to be a thing anyway and then use some super aggressive anti cheat (oh hello there cheat engine, i see you, SELF DELETE).
If only their dev cycle wasnt oblivious to their own game's fundementals and actually cared about a finished product, but as FO4 and F76 showed (and NMS for showing that you can sort of resolve the community hate... too bad Fallout is an established franchise, that might of worked), you don't need to finish the product anymore.

I'm sure they'll just lock down the ini because mods weren't meant to be a thing anyway and then use some super aggressive anti cheat (oh hello there cheat engine, i see you, SELF DELETE).
If you run the game with cheat engine running you get banned. These hackers are doing way more than that probably advanced scripting to gain access to the dev console as the game is running but still be able to play with others.
OK, so a full set of Unyielding is pretty funny...


EDIT - Actually, I don't know how that happened! Must have been a bug or some weird temporaty buff because they shouldn't go over +15 from my actual SPECIAL stats...
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OK, so a full set of Unyielding is pretty funny...


EDIT - Actually, I don't know how that happened! Must have been a bug or some weird temporaty buff because they shouldn't go over +25 from my actual SPECIAL stats...
Sure is some of the temp buffs are extreme ;) I get a high melee buff using 2 cards together although it should not work that way at all as it contradicts what the perk cards are supposed to do the effect of many cards together is additive!

As for BR the hacking is now so rampant not much point even playing anymore. I got to level 16 which unlocked a few decent items. 24 is the next level to reach to get a few more but its almost 4 mins to enter a game & you have little chance of surviving more than a min or so due to how many hackers can see you as soon as you spawn & either 1 shot kill or take all your health away leaving you no chance to grab any items to survive as the camp at spawn points waiting to pick you off.

Bethesda should stop BR until they can stop the hacking as there is no anti-cheat & no bans right now. Its a bit of a farce as the only ONLY reason the BR is continuing beyond the original 17th June trial end is to push more sales of the broken game when the free trial ends :rolleyes:
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