As well as well as the free Fallout 1 & 2 copies on Steam.
As well as well as the free Fallout 1 & 2 copies on Steam.
As somebody whose least favourite thing from Fallout 4 is building camps, is there any other reason to enjoy this? I know this could change once the wastelanders update is out.
Server is going to be down for about 5 hours minimum starting 6-7AM GMT tomorrow.
Lots of reading for you here then in that time almost 1000 fixes & many other pieces of info. Just waiting for the launch in about 2.5 hours now!
Just to check other than extra launcher no real.nesgatives of buying now and being stuck with B launcher instead of steam is there please ?
Annoyed as was 5.99 and now 9.99 but still cheap
Lighting system is great & the extended day cycle means more daylight. Big overall improvement shame no HDR on PC still though as that makes the skyboxes look even better on Xbox1X version!Thoroughly enjoying what I've played so far. Not really too far in but have already ventured away from the main quest and found a couple of nice new locations that I did not expect as well as an NPC at my camp who I've started questing for.
The game engine improvements are very significant, especially the lighting system. All in all so far its a thumbs up from me.
Lighting system is great & the extended day cycle means more daylight. Big overall improvement shame no HDR on PC still though as that makes the skyboxes look even better on Xbox1X version!