As somebody whose least favourite thing from Fallout 4 is building camps, is there any other reason to enjoy this? I know this could change once the wastelanders update is out.
Building camps is mostly irrelevant in FO76. If it was your
least favourite thing in FO4, that aspect of FO76 will suit you.
It's true that some players do manage to make some nice small camps in FO76 despite the building system being worse than vanilla FO4 and the building budget being so small that a small shed with lighting and signage will fill the building budget. People improvise parts of the gameworld as camp structure to eke out the ludicrously small budget.
If you want to make camp building as small a part of your game as possible, my suggestion for the very early game would be to make a "camp on a stick" sort of thing because while it's utterly unrealistic it simplifies things.
1) Pick any vaguely flat area in the forest zone (the zone where you start) that isn't close to a location that routinely spawns mobs. Just not being near any marked, named location will do well enough. Having a river nearby will be of some use so you can conveniently fetch water to boil and use to drink or make soups.
2) Plop your camp building down to claim that bit of land. Place one "floor" section (which is actually a foundation).
3) Place a stair section on one edge of the foundation piece, pointing away from it. Or maybe 2 or more stair sections, depending on my much height you need/want.
4) Go up the stairway and place some actual floor pieces in mid-air, "anchored" to the top of the stairway.
5) Place a stash box and workstations on those floor pieces.
6) Go back down and build some stuff around the foundation piece. Concrete barrier sections from the defences submenu are best, but many things will do. The idea is just to make it necessary to jump in order to get to the bottom of the stairs. You can jump. Mobs can't.
7) Plop a couple of turrets down on the foundation piece. Or the barrier around it. Anywhere around there will do. Maybe at the corners of your miraculously floating floor as well, if you like.
Job done, no need to bother with anything more. The barrier sections will stop any mobs getting to your camp. The turrets will probably kill any mobs that come near or which use ranged attacks. You'll have workstations conveniently available to you in one place for crafting, repairing and cooking in safety and you'll have a fast travel location you can use for free.
Once you level enough to be able to safely gain access to the Whitespring resort, you no longer
need a camp at all for anything other than a free fast travel point (which will probably be mostly irrelevant by then anyway - fast travel isn't that expensive). Inside the main building on the ground floor shopping area is a big room called "Artisan's Corner" which contains all the workstations and which is absolutely safe unless you attack the Whitespring robots (and then only dangerous until you hop server).