***Official Final Fantasy XIV Thead***

It's probably camp bearded rock.

Leave the city to the East and head North a bit, you can't miss it...

P.S. move the map around with I,K,J,L or by holding the left mouse button (I think).

Thanks for the map tip :)

Camp Bentbrabch apparently. I'm just going to head off into the distance and see what I come across :)

edit: Well getting into the game now. Loving it. Such a nice change from WoW. Will be even better when I can sort myself out a gamepad though I do not think the controls are as bad as everyone is making out. Is there any point when you NEED a group for the Leve quests? At the moment I can solo them all as you can choose this option.
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For those still struggling with the software mouse there is apparently a (non-official)way to enable the hardware mouse now.

Seems like it was in the game all along but SE chose not to enable it?
Some pics I've taken:

Loving the Ul'dah region graphics while doing some Botany

Playing with emotes

Some naked fun with the LS :P

My alt trying out the Ul'dah opening sequence and kicking Goobue ***

Finally saved enough money for the Jesters Hat! \o/

If anyone is on Trabia server and wants to do some leves or something, give me a shout ^-^/
I was Mining for like an hour last night! Which im finding very fun for some reason! Its a lot nicer than clicking a deposit once and getting a bag full of ore like in other games.
Yeah I've become a little obsessed with botany myself. Something satisfying about finding a logging spot and hitting the right chop angle first try xD
Can someone tell me what the size of the download client + patches is please?

Im in Aus and we have crappy capped internet QQ.

Also sorry if this has already been said in this topic somewhere..... I saw the torrent for the patches but is there somewhere better than SE to download the main client?

Thanks :)
Thanks for that Duouk.

I wouldn't let this put you off MMO's, from what I've read so far its not very beginner friendly and it is only in Beta.

Loads of other free trials out there, try a few others if you can be arsed!
Duouk, I think a lot of the enjoyment behind MMOs comes from the social elements of the genre.

To me MMOs are all about meeting like minded people, and then exploring the game with them. If I didn't have anyone to play with in FFXIV I'd probably dislike it to, but then the same could be said of any MMO.

I found that FFXI had one of the best communities in any online game I've played. It took me awhile to find the right Linkshell, but when I did I had an absolute great time. Whereas with almost every western MMO I've played, bar SWG before the nerf and possibly Everquest, I've found the communities to be down right nasty and childish.... and I've played quite a few.

Fortunately I've already made lots of friends from being in closed beta in FFXIV, and I'm having a great time exploring the content with them. Even when gameplay elements are broke we still have a laugh together.

I think if you approach the game with the desire to be more open and social with people, you'll enjoy it more. However if you want to close yourself off and solo then you'll probably dislike it and get bored quickly.
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