***Official Final Fantasy XIV Thead***

Ozu summed up what I was going to say nicely.

It tries to be different but people hate the game for it. Read every review and they are not sound arguements based on facts (apart from the ui which does and more than likely will receive an update) instead they are lazy boy whines from newer mmo players who expect the wow standard.*** it doesn't have an auction house I have to actually look for an item waaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I have to run around and see the world and actually realise I am in a world not a series of conjoined instances waaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I have to play with other people in a multiplayer game?!? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ihave ti read, READ a quest description and then actually THINK about what I do next WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MAMMY!!!!!

The game needs a few tweaks to the targetting system, the Market wards (make them craft specific) and the ui needs a bit of slap and tickle. But apart from that it's a great game which required you, the player, to switch on your brain and get engaged rather than rolling your head across the keyboard and occasionally clicking a mouse button.

Games that try anything remotely different are shot down. Games that try to copy the bog standard are shot down. Either embrace the change and enjoy it or go back to the other games. I honestly don't know how the reviewers are getting away with such pathetic, baseless tripe. Give mr a sound solid arguement and I will acknowledge it (if not agree as I do like the game) but pack it in with the drivel.

SE's biggest mistake is trying to make this cross platform. It should have been pc or console not both but I can live with the result and patches will sort it out the technical issues like targetting and ui which have already been widely acknowledged as being better on a gamepad. They do however need a better oc port ie. Hotkeying certain things and no self targetting during combat.

I'm going to pack in arguing about the game now it's a waste of my time. My only advice to potential players is if you like a good game and want something new you will be pleasently surprised.

***Can I just say here I am not justbashing wow for the sake of it. I don't enjoy the game but I do respect what it does. It is however the benchmark which other gamers now hold everything up against which is why I mention it.
Judging from what I've read people want there hand to be held a lot.

I like the sound of the figure out stuff on your own experience. Some basic tips and then off you go into the world.
Judging from what I've read people want there hand to be held a lot.

I like the sound of the figure out stuff on your own experience. Some basic tips and then off you go into the world.

There's a huge difference between hand holding and telling you nothing of how to play the game. There's not even basic tips.

Hell the fact that Square have requested nobody review the game for 3-4 weeks shows how bad a state they released it in.

I mean seriously, look at all the bad reports/reviews here http://www.ffxivcore.com/forum/105-...y__Z-A__sort_key__last_post__topicfilter__all surely all those people are WoW fanboys and the game actually is fun/enjoyable right?


Also for the guy above who says the UI needs a little tweak, that is such an epic understatement, these are the steps for doing something as simple as unequipping an item.

Ok, I just feel bad for you now, so here's a step by step guide.

1- Open main menu
2- Select Attributes and Gear
3- Select "Items" (it's a little button on the right side menu)
4- Scroll around the center of the screen until you find the slot you want to remove an item from (HAT!)
5- Select that slot.
6- This will bring up a list of all your gear on the right side.
7- Select the item you currently have equipped from that list.
8- Select "Unequip"

How about the crafting system that the guy above is raving about.

Lol, that's simple. Crappy design doesn't even begin to describe the horror. Here's how you START (bolded for emphasis) crafting.

1- Open main menu.
2- Select Synthesize (this causes a 5 odd second delay)
3- Select one of the 6 empty boxes
4- Scroll thru your inventory to select the item you want to place in said box
5- Enter the quantity of said item.
6- Hit select
7~ Repeat steps 3-6 up to 6 times (varies on how many different ingredients are needed)
8- Select either main or off hand
9- This brings up a list of things your inputed combination can make
10- Select the item you wish to make from said list.
11- Select View Recipe
12- Accept the number of shards it asks you to use and hit accept.

Congratulations! You can now start to make an item! This now leads to a mini "game" where you essentially roll dice to determine if it blows up (along with some of your mats and crystals) or not. You better read thru a few guides to figure out what all the cryptic messages mean.

Oh, also there are no recipe lists. If you want to know how to make something you're gonna have to google it. You better be playing in windowed mode because alt-tabbing crashes the game. Also even low level weapons take materials from other crafters. You need items from at least 4 different crafts to make some sub level 10 gear.

Edit# a lot: As bad as that up there looks it doesn't quite capture the utter fail that is FFXIV. Let me put this post in context.

Say you want to make a Harpoon as a blacksmith. Nothing special, just a dinky level 9 weapon, even with the crappy interface it can't be that bad, right? Well... here's a quick guide to making that.

It takes
Bone Harpoon head
Maple Shaft
Bone Harpoon butt
Bronze spear clasp
Animal glue

Ok... **** that's a lot of stuff to gather but I can do that, so let's see where I get that from.

Bone harpoon head - Soiled femur (drop), bone chip x2 (drop), fish glue (level 11 alchemy recipe, takes 2 fish).

... I can find an alchemist without too many problems Wait, I gotta find a fisherman first. Then I need to go farm those animal parts or search the market ward. Next is

Maple spear shaft - Maple lumber (carpentry), linseed oil (alchemy)

what? I have to find a botanist to get a flower, then I have to find an alchemist to make the oil so I can give it to a carpenter so he can make the shaft who then gives it to me so I can make a harpoon? The carpenter also needs a log which he uses a crystal on to make the lumber? Whatever, we're almost halfway done, no turning back now. Next is

Bone Harpoon butt - Bonechip x1 (gold smith).

Pfft, easy. I can just find that in the market wards.... (30 minutes later) NEXT!

Bronze spear clasp - 1x bronze square (blacksmith)

Hey! I can make that! Let's see, I'll need a bronze square. To make that square I'll need three bronze nuggets. To make those nuggets I'll need copper and tin ore... **** me that's a lot of menus and crafting but at least I could do it on my own since I figured I'd need to be a miner too. ALmost there!

Animal glue - 2 specific animal parts (alchemist)

Sweet zombie Jesus... So off to kill critters or the market ward (AHHHHH!!!!!) to get this last thing, but it's the last part!

So an hour or two later once the pieces of the tri-force hav... wait, I'm making a harpoon? I went thru all that for some &#^%y level 9 weapon?! I'm not selling this.... **** that! Something is about to die and I don't care what.

Yeah, sounds like a great system!
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I've changed my mind, going to start FFXIV. While the game is god-awful at the moment (there's no sense defending it, a total step backwards from XI with the exception of A/V presentation), 300 days of FFXI playtime tells me what SE are capable of doing.

I'll happily endure a few months of horrible UI, lack of help & content knowing that SE will sort it out; they have to. If this game fails, it'd be like Spirits Within all over again.
There's a huge difference between hand holding and telling you nothing of how to play the game. There's not even basic tips.

Hell the fact that Square have requested nobody review the game for 3-4 weeks shows how bad a state they released it in.

I mean seriously, look at all the bad reports/reviews here http://www.ffxivcore.com/forum/105-...y__Z-A__sort_key__last_post__topicfilter__all surely all those people are WoW fanboys and the game actually is fun/enjoyable right?


Also for the guy above who says the UI needs a little tweak, that is such an epic understatement, these are the steps for doing something as simple as unequipping an item.

How about the crafting system that the guy above is raving about.

Yeah, sounds like a great system!

So the game doesnt involve over simplified hand holding? How dare it!

As I say, tweaks are needed but there basis is there for an excellent game.
Games are supposed to be fun, what I just posted in order to do simple things isn't fun.

Your idea of fun (wow kiddies game) Isn't necessarily my idea of fun. Final Fantasy games are niche games, yes, I'll say it again tweaks are needed and the UI is a sticking point, but the basis is there for an excellent game.

Thousands of people play Darkfall, and that has a terrible UI, no quests, little help for newbs and is full loot pvp to boot.
After only just seeing the gametrailers and gamespot reviews I'm really hoping this isn't going to go the same route as APB as I can really see sub numbers dropping by atleast half by the time the free month is up :s
So the game doesnt involve over simplified hand holding? How dare it!

As I say, tweaks are needed but there basis is there for an excellent game.

These are my feelings exactly.

It's like a breath of fresh air after playing wow for 6 years imho.
The reviews are really silly 'It doesn't have an auction house'

Lots, and lots and lots of MMOs dont have an auction house, Runescape got along fine without one for years, yes the system they have in place needs some tweaking, but I really like it instead of an Auction House, yes tweaks are needed but they are just tweaks.

The issue with this industry is people slate a game when it's a wow clone, and slate it when it isn't. People don't know what they want.

Pulling at threads to be honest, it wasn't really the lack of auction house it's that the current system is completely backwards.

It's almost as if this game caters to people who geniunely like things to be unnecessarily drawn out for no other purpose than making things take longer. No other point at all, not a single one.

Why would you intentionally want to have to look through tens apon tens of peoples personal stores for something but not actually finding it, or actually wanting anything they sell. I know it's a game but you actually have just wasted all that time for nothing, not even character progression. As a seller, why do you want to base your hopes on the fact someone might have bought something from you but didn't because you were 21st in the line, one too many they get tired and left.

There is a reason for so many bad reviews, it's something you shouldn't expect from MMOs in 2010. People who like the game try pass it off with crappy excuses like "It isn't Wow". Like that means anything at all.
It's also quite amusing how all the fanboys keep relating it to WoW in some sort of blood raged hatred.

Anarchy online was my first hardcore played MMO (2001)and loved it, but I can see today it doesn't really hold up. I still play it but I see all it's flaws and don't try to defend it. It was good because I had never played anything like it before. 10 years have almost passed and since then I have standards.

Standards that shy me away from second rate, poorly made, unfinished garbage made for consoles ported to pc with no other excuse past "we are different!".
Yeah last bit was a bit overboard, but FFXIV to me is a de-evolution of the MMO genre, it took the worst parts of many games then shoved it in a blender.
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Your idea of fun (wow kiddies game) Isn't necessarily my idea of fun. Final Fantasy games are niche games, yes,
85 Million Units sold, niche? Hmm.
Just because your idea of fun is playing grind the menu, does not mean that WoW's relatively evolved Lore and general gameplay mechanics are inferior.

Oizu said:
I'll say it again tweaks are needed and the UI is a sticking point, but the basis is there for an excellent game.
Tweaks needed:
Completely new UI.
Completely new gameplay mechanics.
Completely new map layouts.
Ok, so we're left with... Some art assets and a fairly decent sound track (what little solace that is).

Oizu said:
Thousands of people play Darkfall, and that has a terrible UI, no quests, little help for newbs and is full loot pvp to boot.
Darkfall's UI is terrible yes. So is FFXIV's, your point being?
Darkfall doesn't pretend to have quests, but make it really difficult, tiresome, longwinded and grindalicious.

But wait...
Oizu said:
little help for newbs
Oizu said:
Your idea of fun (wow kiddies game) Isn't necessarily my idea of fun.
So hang on, Darkfall's absence of new player support is a negative, but WoW being new player friendly is a negative? FFXIV just does away with any kind of explanation why it's so awful and just dives head first into the toilet bowl. Is that right?

Oh and there's nothing wrong with full loot pvp, it's just a bunch of pixels.
i've not visited this thread for a while as i've been focusing more on SCII for a few weeks, but having still continued to play FFXIV, whats the complaining about? Its a great game... After having my hand held throughout everything in WoW, this really is a breath of fresh air.

It doesn't tell you anything, drops you straight into it and has a very trial and error theme to it... much more realistic than having everything put on a plate for you. has a much better representation of what it would actually be like to be there...

Crafting system, is excellent, albeit long.. its very detailed, you learn new skills along the way to help your crafts come out better. also learn new things by picking up different fields of certain crafts. for example, Fletchery for Carpenters. Actually make your own ammo. not just find the materials, click the button and their in your inventory... it really is amazing.

The levelling system is awesome, you level up in 2 different sections. your physical level and your class level. making you expert in areas and novice in others, but always have the ability to improve in any area you want... It feels like theres so much freedom! and your not fixed to one specific type of gameplay. which is why, unless you want your appearence to change, you don't really need anymore than one character.

The UI, although started off very laggy, for me at least, seems to have improved so much more. I went from CE launch from using a keyboard and struggling, to using my PS3 controller finding it awesome however rock solid for combat, then back to my keyboard. Each patch seems to have improved the UI lag loads. i now have no problems in combat.
i'd conclude that by saying that i'd use the controller for everything unless im in combat, which it then becomes useless (for me at least)

In regards to how user-friendly the UI is. i do agree that this needs to be tweaked a little. Its quite sluggish with the amount of menus you need to navigate through, and the inventory system, i must admit is dire. that being said, i rarely have to use it. If i want to change class i'll just make a macro to equip my different weapons/armour or whatever. one button click and im a different class. Shimples!

Overall, great game, has lots of potential, few tweaks here n there with the Interface and markets, which i hear are already planned. Winner.

Don't really Think WoW and FFXIV can be compared, although people will regardless... the only simlarity they have is their genre. However their on oposite sides of the genre. Similar to comparing Company Of Heros with Starcraft 2. you can't
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more the fact that it's like walking into a shoe shop that has two hundred pairs of shoes all in brown cardboard boxes with no displays.

This is exactly the problem. Why they decided to have no search function similar to Everquest's Bazaar is beyond me. They really should just scrap the whole market wards and put a FFXI or WoW style AH in, because thats what everyone would have more fun using. Doesnt mean you have to stop people from being able to buy from you directly also, if you're out in the open and not near an AH.
So the game doesnt involve over simplified hand holding? How dare it!

As I say, tweaks are needed but there basis is there for an excellent game.

Ditch your smart phones everyone! How very dare you have the simplicity of accessing facebook on the move; you should have to go home and do it from your computer because it's more complicated and thus BETTER.

I got the collectors version of this game, as I had very high hopes.

It was sheer torture to play, the only good thing about it was the way the human like race ran.

Absolute disgusting how this game was released, it boggles my mind how people are sticking with it and defending what simply is one of the worst games I have ever played (played most MMO from the start).

The gamespot review misses a couple of other crap things about the game but is still spot on with what it does cover. 4/10 is generous, 1/10 for the way the human like sprite runs.

I wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy.
I love this thread, ill not bang on about my feelings as there clear by now but people have a point, the game may turn out fantastic given the time and some people might actully like playing it in its current fair enough....but this breath of fresh air crap its really good, really give your head and shake and come see me as i have left handed hammer and a tin of tartan paint to sell you! Why are you defeding it when it just so so poor we got shafted for £22 get over it :)
Ditch your smart phones everyone! How very dare you have the simplicity of accessing facebook on the move; you should have to go home and do it from your computer because it's more complicated and thus BETTER.


Good analogy.



Some people enjoy the idea of having to figure things out for themselves and learning as they go, rather than having the whole game thrown at them so there is no sense of accomplishment left to anything. I'm sorry you don't feel that way, but please don't virulently attack anyone who does.
I got the collectors version of this game, as I had very high hopes.

It was sheer torture to play, the only good thing about it was the way the human like race ran.

Absolute disgusting how this game was released, it boggles my mind how people are sticking with it and defending what simply is one of the worst games I have ever played (played most MMO from the start).

The gamespot review misses a couple of other crap things about the game but is still spot on with what it does cover. 4/10 is generous, 1/10 for the way the human like sprite runs.

I wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy.

The issue here is all of the WoW kiddies buying the game based solely off the hype train and then bitching about it not being WoW, if you'd done the research you wouldn't be so ****ed off would you? I fail to see how it can boggle your mind that different people have different tastes either.
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