I paid my money, I can say what I like about the game
Lets be honest, F1 2010 offers nothing which other Formula One games have offered in the past, it actually delivers less.
(Allright, I take that back, we have flashbacks)
The whole AI lap times fiasco is a farce, seriously, it cannot be defended.
Also, what is with the colour scheme used in the game, all looks "dull"?
F1 Challenge 99-02 was a more rounded F1 game than this.
Codemasters failed in many ways.
It is all a matter of personal taste and what you want to get out of the game.
I personally just see it as GRID with different tracks/cars and none interactive pit stops. I am not saying that IS what it is, just my interpretation of it.
I am not saying the game is not enjoyable just there are other developers who could have done soo much more with the license.
This is not a pop at the game, I am aware many many people will love it but I am just one of those who dont.
You pay your money, you make your choice. On this occassion, I made the wrong choice.
Maybe with some heavy modding, I may give it another go but I am not sure if the issues are beyond those of "mods", we shall have to wait and see.