Round up of 965 chipset motherboards at AnandTech
Overall, the Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 performed the best in our benchmarks when not overclocked. This is a very good accomplishment and shows a level of consistency and fine tuning that was not matched by the other suppliers. However, the total margin of victory over the other P965 motherboards is less than one percent. It took several hundred hours of benchmarking to come to this conclusion and without those benchmarks it would have been impossible to tell the difference between any of the P965 motherboards tested today. Gigabyte has not solved their Micron D9 1GB module issue yet so they are stuck in the 450FSB range with our test components. So please guys, get this fixed. In the end we still congratulate Gigabyte on their accomplishment with the GA-965P-DS3. This board and a few others released this summer have restored our faith in Gigabyte.