**Official Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H Discussion Thread**

Going to do a Windows re-install as ET6 won' load as well...(Windows was a fresh install this morning...)
i thought that until i noticed the little steering wheel (on the taskbar next to the clock)

double click on it wait 30 seconds and it should be there

Good tip, cheers!

Something is still very wrong as I've just ran 30Marrk11 and got under 2000, the benchmak old me i had a problem, not sure what i should get but with a 3770k and a 6950 (@6970) I asume it should be more...running test at the mo.
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Sounds like its using the IGP, install the Intel HD GFX drivers, the ATI drivers, then Lucid, then theres a button to enable it, make sure its Green.
Installed all of them I'll give it another go now, as there is a problem with the ATI driver (Lucid is working as the botton is green and I van see the water mark)
On boot "The Catalyst Control Center is not supported by the driver version of your enabled graphics adapter. Please update your ATI graphics driver, or enable your ATI adapter using the Displays Manager." is this the problem?
On boot "The Catalyst Control Center is not supported by the driver version of your enabled graphics adapter. Please update your ATI graphics driver, or enable your ATI adapter using the Displays Manager." is this the problem?

try setting your first display as your gpu

peripherals > init first display > set to peg

and while your in there set internal gpu to enabled

see if that solves it
I've got nothing plugged into my Graphics card? think i've tried the above earler and had to mess about removing my graphics card ot get the PC to display, i'll try that tomorrow as i've already had about 12 hours of this! Any easier tips? (thanks for the suggestion though)
if your set it to PEG plug your moniter into your graphics card thats how mine is set up

Virtu is a pain in the arse i remember it not liking my 4870 and would get the same error ended up just uninstalling it
try setting your first display as your gpu

peripherals > init first display > set to peg

and while your in there set internal gpu to enabled

see if that solves it

Done the above and I can now no lover log into.windows, I get stuck on the loading screen, although I can.hear that Windows has loaded, I enter my password and again I can hear that Windows has logged on, I am however still looking at the loading sceen! The GPU has no output....think I'll have to physically remove the 6950 to resolve, getting fed up now...
Done the above and I can now no lover log into.windows, I get stuck on the loading screen, although I can.hear that Windows has loaded, I enter my password and again I can hear that Windows has logged on, I am however still looking at the loading sceen! The GPU has no output....think I'll have to physically remove the 6950 to resolve, getting fed up now...

proberly the best thing to do

try again with stulid post that he made
SATA controller id please.

Im trying to work out why I cant get my mSATA to work as a cache drive when I enable it in IRST (it works as a normal hard drive), once enable IRST comes up with an error and the drive disappears until a reboot. One of the things I have read is that if the SATA controllers don't have the correct Intel driver the won't work. Could a couple of you tell me what they are listed as in device manager under "IDE ATA?ATAPI controllers" mine is listed as "Standard AHCI 1.0Serial ATA Controller" with no reference to Intel.

Not going to build mine until this weekend, but I have a 30gb mSATA to fit as HDD cache.

I seem to recall there a special facility on the Gigabyte boards to enable this which means you just install as normal on the HDD and fit the cache afterwards? May be worth checking the mobo manual....
You set the controller up as raid to start with but just install windows onto your main HDD. Then when in windows you load up Intel Rapid Start Technology or Gigabyte EZ Tune (that uses Intel IRST as well) and it should give you the options to set up the cache. Mine starts off fine and you select the cach drive,size and drive to enhance but then after you apply it with either program it comes up with an unknown error.

It will be interesting to see how you get on. Im not sure if I should have installed raid drivers initially when I installed windows. I didnt think windows 7 needed them but maybe it does. Or maybe its the ver6 final bios im using.
smithy83 said:
f7 update was ''Improve USB compatibility'
Sorted, hopefully this will fix my updating the bios with Q Flash, have to use the USB ports at the back of the motherboard.

I cannot use front USB also I have to remove my G500 mouse so that it recognises my various USB sticks, Windows 7 the USB ports run fine.
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