Kinect Spacing requirement question..
I got a Kinect for Christmas and a good 8ft, between the sensor and where my bed ends. & without about 13ft on the sides (in other words my total playing space). On Kinect Adventures, which is my only game so far, it only allows me to play one player. I HAVE to have the sensor above the TV, otherwise it blocks my IR sensor to control the TV.
Anyway, if it's saying its not enough room for two players on Kinect Adventures, am I safe to assume that'll be the case for other titles?
It seems kind of dumb to keep it, if I can only ever play one player. I can't re-arrange any furniture, as this is my king sized bed. TBH my bedroom is pretty big, and everything is distanced about right, so i was a little disapointed that its putting me in the 'good' and not perfect playing enviroment. I don't seem to have many other mounting options.
Anyway, will this be the same for all other titles? i.e only one player? I like the technology otherwise.