Quickest way for me to learn as campaign with bots is useless and just gives you some knowledge of the map but not tactics of the map in vs.
Forgetful Fish
Yeah i see what you mean about the learning of the maps. You get players that say "you learn the maps more when you play campaign" but IMO You learn exactly the same and more when you play as infected because you're learning where to spawn, choke points, danger points, points of no return, and you're also learning from a survivors point of view of the chain of events and crescendos when you're waiting to spawn. The procedure of events is exactly the same whether playing campaign or vs, so why not treat yourself to some infected play in between levels and play vs, instead of a solid 2 hours campaign?
It's even more of a challenge on vs, but these players that play campaign cant handle the pressure of a competitive match, so they choose hopeless bot boomers, chargers etc to play against instead. They would rather play the computer instead of other people
Joking aside, the only reason i can see to play campaign is for the achievements.
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