***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Couple of little bugs (i'm sure you know of them)

1. Can walk through all white doors in the hotel (Apartments)
2. Can walk through pillars under the safe room (Subway)
3. Can walk through floors in subway trains (Subway)
4. Can walk through pillars under generator rooms (Subway)
5. Can walk through some doors in the hospital around reception area (before lift)
6. Finale, Can fall through the pipes that link the roof of the trigger room to the island roofs (where all the goodies are located)

Sorry if this has been posted before

Ok ill look into these, is this when you are infected or survivor?
Couple of little bugs (i'm sure you know of them)

1. Can walk through all white doors in the hotel (Apartments)
2. Can walk through pillars under the safe room (Subway)
3. Can walk through floors in subway trains (Subway)
4. Can walk through pillars under generator rooms (Subway)
5. Can walk through some doors in the hospital around reception area (before lift)
6. Finale, Can fall through the pipes that link the roof of the trigger room to the island roofs (where all the goodies are located)

Sorry if this has been posted before

I took a look but I could not replicate what you were saying, the only times I could walk through anything was when I was a ghost and then I could walk through the pillars etc, but I believe that is by design

What state were you in when this hapenned?
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Thats rather weird.

I installed the map on our {SAS} Private server, the VPK into addons and the map files into maps. We then started a game, it was the same for everyone on the server.

Maybe its something I've done (or not done, I DL'd from MRK's post here
due to the l4dmaps link not working). When the server starts I get the following error as well


Feel free to force a game onto and have a look
Thats rather weird.

I installed the map on our {SAS} Private server, the VPK into addons and the map files into maps. We then started a game, it was the same for everyone on the server.

Maybe its something I've done (or not done, I DL'd from MRK's post here
due to the l4dmaps link not working). When the server starts I get the following error as well


Feel free to force a game onto and have a look

Hey LOAM, maybe I can get a game going with you later to run through everything? I want to make sure everything is as good as possible! my steam ID is [email protected] and I typically have a bunch of people to call on for testing purposes so filling spots between us should be a piece of cake.

New version out so download this one. This is more of an official release:


I am collaborating with Heartless and Kearney to get the vs versions of the original campaigns so the link above is basically the first version ready for public download. :)

Hopefully this revision won't need many changes now, so I can slow down the frequency of releases and give people a chance to test it and find bugs etc

I will upload it to my server later on tonight

Instructions for clients:

1. Remove any previous VPK addons, in the new format to fix stability issues the campaign is published without using VPK's at all. You may remove the maps if you wish but the new version the maps are properly named l4d_vs_mapname.bsp so they will be different anyway
2. Download the file from the link above
3. Extract the content of the RAR file into your L4D2 folder directly, for me this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2

4. If all goes well this should attempt to merge the maps, missions, and materials folders directly into your L4D2 folder. Say yes to merge requests and yes to overwrite requests. There are no game breaking files in the download we tested it last night.

Instructions for Server Admins:

1. Make sure you have the addon tools downloaded on your CLIENT machine. Once you are sure you have this copy over all the pak02_xxx.VPK files into the L4D2 folder on the server, for me today this is:


This is so the server essentially has the L4D2 addon tools :)

2. Remove any previous VPK addons, in the new format to fix stability issues the campaign is published without using VPK's at all. You may remove the maps if you wish but the new version the maps are properly named l4d_vs_mapname.bsp so they will be different anyway
3. Download the file from the link above
4. Extract the content of the RAR file to your machine
5. Copy the extracted files into the relevant L4D2 folder on the server (I used FTP for my server)
6. If all goes well this should attempt to merge the maps, missions, and materials folders directly into your L4D2 folder. Say yes to merge requests and yes to overwrite requests. There are no game breaking files in the download we tested it last night.
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Many many thanks, all of you.

My issue was more than likely the lack of server side addon tools. I'm uploading them now, meh FTP 400 meg :(

So you wanna get a game later? I'd like to run through it with you :)

EDIT: Updated info at my OP: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=15633150&postcount=3762

The map should now be considered in release status, when before I would consider it in beta (almost a new version every night). I will still be fixing things as they come up though so let me know if you find any bugs.
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Very minor error, the hospitalvs.txt file contains the following;

/ Loading poster data
"posterImage" "LoadingScreen_NoMercy"
"posterImage_widescreen" "LoadingScreen_NoMercy_Widescreen"

but you've not included the LoadingScreen_NoMercy_Widescreen.vmt/vtf files within the vgui folder. If your using a WS res you get a pink and black checker board on load unless you change that value to the "LoadingScreen_NoMercy". It then works but obviously stretches the image.

Very minor error, the hospitalvs.txt file contains the following;

but you've not included the LoadingScreen_NoMercy_Widescreen.vmt/vtf files within the vgui folder. If your using a WS res you get a pink and black checker board on load unless you change that value to the "LoadingScreen_NoMercy". It then works but obviously stretches the image.

Going to do a new version very soon watch this space, need to fix the following:

*Remove Medkits from the map end safe rooms
*Remove clowns from NM2
*Fix Weapon spawns on NM2
*NM3 reduce number of melee wep spawns at map start

I'll fix the poster image as well :)

I know I said I wanted to get away from frequent releases but I can't rest until these are fixed :D

Will be uploading it soon
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Sorry to bug everyone again. But anyone else found the mouse scroll wheel to overly sensitive in all Source games (i.e HL2, E1 & L4d-2).....
I'm very good at knocking it down when I jump... but dont think its the games fault ;)

I find that my mouse lags behind everyone else's mouse, especially noticable on death drops in-game ..... yes people, ITS THE MOUSE! :p

In truth, I like to play the good shepherd and make sure my flock is safe before dropping down, not like the rest of ya that just jump down willy nilly. :)
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