***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

They called me shaky, so every time after that when I was shooting I just jerked my mouse about :) would have beaten them easily if I joined at the start and didn't have a noob team (bot and some random who thought he was good but was worse than steve)
So, I started playing this last night, and I have two questions:

Is there no save feature during the levels?

I was playing SP campaign (to get used to the controls) and it struck me that from the main menu I can just start any level I want. Is there no progress as it seems like there is a story, but I can select any level I want straight away.

Oh and sweet jesus, I nearly needed a change of pants (played the first hotel level) when I got attacked by the hazmat suit zombies for the first time! Let alone a smoker and that weird stretched type zombie.
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So, I started playing this last night, and I have two questions:

Is there no save feature during the levels?

I was playing SP campaign (to get used to the controls) and it struck me that from the main menu I can just start any level I want. Is there no progress as it seems like there is a story, but I can select any level I want straight away.

Oh and sweet jesus, I nearly needed a change of pants (played the first hotel level) when I got attacked by the hazmat suit zombies for the first time! Let alone a smoker and that weird stretched type zombie.

No there isn't. The campaigns are only about 45 minutes on average, they only get longer if you're playing on Advanced/Expert and have to keep restarting the level because you failed or if you're going quite slowly incase you wet yourself :p

Its possible to start on any level on any mode, though it obviously defaults to the start of a campaign and there is very little reason to change in online play outside of circumstances like a server crash halfway through a game. It doesn't keep the progression and just acts like you started from that level even in Singleplayer.
Ahhh I see. Thank you for clarifying that for me.

I only wanted to save last night as I had been playing for a little while and the first run through I fell out the window :o,I then wanted to save halfway through it as I didn't know how long was left on the level and I was tired.
I'm really bad though at the moment.

Coupled with the fact I am getting used to a new keyboard on the laptop as well, it all makes the playing experience rather clumsey, lol.
I'd look at them, but just so that you know INX was the first company I used and although their technical support was pretty good, their servers did go wrong (hardware faults) a lot more often then Gamservers. GTX however was the best of both worlds really, just Gameservers have a better management system for multiple servers.

I've now got a server set up with GTXGaming and everything is exactly as it should be so thanks again for recommending them, I finally have full control over the server (unlike I did with Multiplay (spit :p)). :)
I just played on a server that was modded 20v20 , last man standing in this mansion in the swamp. It went on and on and on but still it was fun for awhile ;)
Played vs. For the. 1st time tonight. Was a hoot, but could I buggery figure out the attacks for the infected. I suck, but I enjoy playing it at least

Yep i was the same when i first started :D

Spitter is my personal fav , you should try one of the 20v20 server's they are total chaos :D
So much for my attempts at having a bash at Heaven Can Wait with bots before i have to go to the shops...

A random 97mb update from L4D2... urgh ah well its not that bad...

...Add On Support... 900mb there. Right, 1gb download, 60kbps, about 4-5 hours wait time...

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