***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Actually, its not. Theres a hell of a lot more to L4D2 than to L4D1.

Really though, same could be said for every other game. You could say MW2 is just MW1 with different weapons and perks.

thing is MW2 is MW1 in new pyjama's, FM 200x-20xx is the same game with new undies :p etc etc

I hope your not one of these people who buys a new Fifa every year, if so /facepalm :p

Also OMG Cat and Sharpy are back! There goes our good games :p

last Fifa game I bought was on the Snes !! :D !!

thing is a demo's purpose is so the prospective buyer can get a taster for the final product and evaluate whether or not its worth the cash and for me it doesnt have that 'Must Buy' feeling to it sadly,

maybe I just expected to much ? L4D2 will sell in bucket loads and it probably deserves to ...
The graphics feel a bit too "consolly" :p Are they trying to make more people play it on the 360?
Anyway, the demo was so short I felt I didn't get a proper introduction to the game. I had already seen everything in preview videos so it felt a bit meh :/
Doesn't mean I'm not gonna play on the release though! :D
The graphics feel a bit too "consolly" :p Are they trying to make more people play it on the 360?
I agree - but there's two things I've said to myself in defence of it - 1) perhaps that colour scheme and bright, contrasting style is actually how the houses are in the Southeast States and 2) I shouldn't have turned the film grain off!

Actually, I'm going to have another trip through and be a bit more critical of the graphics - I'm sure Lyon and the others who have dissected Valve's L4D1 maps in Hammer will recognise how difficult it is to make a map look like it's been used before.... The one thing did notice was how the bar in the little cafe effort, where the jukebox is, was blank on the back - and that's not the only place the graphics have been dumbed down a little. When you see the attention to detail in L4D1 with regards kitchen cupboards and the like, it's a little disappointing, really. That said, this is the demo - I will reserve judgement for the full release.
Rightyho, me and a mate want to complete the demo on Expert, haven't done it yet, hit me up if you want to play, need two people.
Well its Valve time, so I wouldnt be asking the question of what time it will be released and more of what day...actually more like what Month!
Yeeesh - doesn't it use some files from the demo (that level) or would that be included I wonder as that's a big download then - more like 8,000MB nearly!

Wanted to do that too, get through advanced very comfortably now although I got to go to work now. Free all day tomorrow though :D

Steam id is neoboy14051987
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