***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

7 Sep 2009
Something I'm confused about is that I've seen a lot of people saying they've played as infected already, is this in the demo or what? Because as far as I can see it isn't?
20 Mar 2006
I've played on a modded vs server. Landing a charger hit very satisfying, especially when you get it right and carry them far from their team in the middle of a brawl. Barely spawned as the jockey and keep getting owned but it looks quite neat. Spitter seems pretty lame but I'm sure like the smoker it will just be for patient players to pick the right situation and moment.

So far I am not sure whether I am impressed or not. It is definately a step up from the first one, but I don't like how they've made it less dark (i.e lighter hearted feel) but still you can blow off limbs etc so I guess I'm just being picky. One thing I like is the weapons feel A LOT chunkier, kinda like CSS weapon feel vs the pathetic HL2 weapon feel. New SIs will add to the VS depth and hopefully along with the new crescendos make lame tactics as survivors less doable.

But really, they need a new engine, while the graphics are improved they still look dated imo.

Can someone get a modded server up or post one, the only one I've found is in Atlanta or something and I ping like 200 to it when its full.
17 Jul 2005
So far I am not sure whether I am impressed or not. It is definately a step up from the first one, but I don't like how they've made it less dark (i.e lighter hearted feel) but still you can blow off limbs etc so I guess I'm just being picky. One thing I like is the weapons feel A LOT chunkier, kinda like CSS weapon feel vs the pathetic HL2 weapon feel. New SIs will add to the VS depth and hopefully along with the new crescendos make lame tactics as survivors less doable.

But really, they need a new engine, while the graphics are improved they still look dated imo.

To be fair it is hard to make judgement on the atmosphere of the game from the single demo level. (this isn't aimed at you but I notice a lot of people complaining about a lack of atmosphere are comparing the single demo level(s) to entire L4D campaigns).

The Hard rain campaign, for example, should have a lot of atmosphere; (dark, raining, lightning AND multiple witches).

I really can't wait for the full release now.
20 Mar 2006
I wasn't saying the atmosphere was lacking, just that it was more light-hearted. For example the intro movie is a lot more cheesy imo compared to the original. Combine that with the characters in-game talk being somewhat silly, the slightly ridiculous noises some of the new infected make, etc I just think they are trying to present it more as an action game and up the humour a bit. Tbh I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, and also, as you say, this is just from the demo. It was just an impression I got.

My main gripe is how it is seemingly a full game and not an expansion. Imo they shouldn't be allowed to put a 2 or otherwise incremented number at the end of a game name unless it is running on a new (and improved...paging cryengine3) engine. Think about Original Half-Life and Opposing Force. Opposing Force added just as much to HL as this does to L4D but somehow it is a fully fledged sequel?
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