** Official Mayhems Development Log **

the new orange were testing and it will be out soon. it just passed final testing the other day how ever with the work load i have on i just haven't had time to do the pre batches.
What's the saturation temperature at atmospheric pressure for this fluid? Is it a newtonian fluid? How much more viscous is it than dionized and demineralised water at atmospheric pressure? If it is more viscous then does the increase in wall shear stress increase local temperatures at the wall due to the no-slip boundary condition?
@cobbly123 The dye was made yesterday and im bottling up the dye now. Were waiting on the arrival of some new bar codes and labels one they arrive ill start making them.

Ricochet J @ Atmospheric is dependent if you in a low pressure area or a high pressure area and since none of us live in the same area the results wouldn't mean much. So i suggest that you buy some liquid and test it out you self. All so you need to take into account that different industry have different base values to work from and "water / Liquid Cooled PCs" do not have a standard. All so we do 50+ different liquids and some contain a slurry which changes things as you should know.

E.g Standard Temperature = 20 °C (68 °F), air density = 1.225 kg/m³ (0.0765 lb/cu ft), altitude = sea level, and relative humidity = 20%.

Air conditioner industry, the standard is often temperature = 0 °C (32 °F) instead.

If you talking about boiling point at these different temps or pressure changes again this all changes and is dependent on were the tests are taken.

But if you after density then if using say X1 concentrate its around 1.02 – 1.26 g/cm3 depending on inhibitors until l you water it down as its a concentrate at which point this will change. The refractive index of X1 is about 1.340.

All if you going into Shear stress in fluids its all dependent as well on many other out lying factors and there would be to many to go into detail on such a subject and im sure no one else except you may care about this.

P.s if your so interested in science and be my guest buy some fluid and play till your harts content.
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Mayhems Chameleon

Testing - Mayhems Chameleon up to 150c

(Testing in mad conditions to see if the liquid will brake down and when it will lose its colour under stress)

lol its because we don't like looking like every other brand on the market. Ever gone into one of them drab clothing shops and in the middle of the rale is one product that catches you eyes (welcome to mayhems) :)
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First batch will be hitting a single tester soon.

Liquid tested up to 200c today and had it boiling like mad. How ever we have no long term data as of yet.

Sorry to say you cannot use ANY UV light with the "Heat" Colour change range as it damages the liquids. How ever ........... things are afoot that we haven't released information on.

Glycol -

The major use of ethylene glycol is as a medium for convective heat transfer in, for example, automobiles and liquid cooled computers. Ethylene glycol is also commonly used in chilled water air conditioning systems that place either the chiller or air handlers outside, or systems that must cool below the freezing temperature of water.

How ever we do not use glycol we use Vegetable extract .... Basic it does the same thing but isnt harmful to the environment and well if you daft doesn't do harm to your body or animals neither. All our Mixes (except Dyes) use this as a base ingredient and this is all so why it takes us a long time in testing as were doing things never done before.
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