Instructions for the Auto-Fishfarm-Emporium lol
This is a fully automatic afk fishing farm.
You will need to have a full inventory for this to work at it's best. There's a chest full of dirt just to the left to fill up your inventory if needed with space left over for moving loot later.
The farm works in two ways - you can auto-fish, and when/if your rod breaks it will deliver you a new one. You can use enchanted or non-enchanted rods - bear in mind once enchanted ones break, they're gone.
Loot and auto-rod-replacement chests are to the left.
To get auto-rod replacement you will have to load the appropriate chest with rods - again, either standard or enchanted - your choice. Open and then shut the wooden door behind you. You MUST shut the door or loot/rods can spill out. If you don't load that chest up, then you won't get auto-rod replacement, and when your rod is worn out it's end of fishy time for you!
Stand on the green carpet and make sure you have a rod selected. Turn on the farm by using the lever to your upper right. Aim in the place shown in the below screenie and press and hold down the right button. I use blu-tac but other options are available ^_^
You will see your rod moving, but it's not actually doing anything until the fish bites. When the fish does bite, the rod will automatically reel in the loot and deposit it into the loot chest and then cast off again. Once you're done, please remember to turn the farm off using the upper right lever.
You can collect your unused rods from the rod-reclamation dropper/hoppers to the right of the farm. Loot and rod loading chests are to the left.
This is 20 mins of loot using an un-enchanted rod - not too shabby, and the rates go up when using enchanted rods.
Any questions, catch me in game, post here or trust me. Have fun - Ham