*** Official Prey (2017) Thread ***

Typhoon only powers run seems pretty tough, you can't increase your base health, stamina etc. You can't increase your inventory size, you can't repair or hack anything and you can't install mods until you get the Psychoscope thing from Psychotronics.

Glad I decided to play that on Normal rather than hard.
I had my second encounter with a nightmare, and had absolutely no ammo to deal with it, so I locked myself in a security booth and hid under the counter until it disappeared! I eventually cleared the crew quarters section, and now I've just discovered the truth about Volunteer 37. ;)

Edit: I should get the Do No Harm achievement if all goes well.
Typhoon only powers run seems pretty tough, you can't increase your base health, stamina etc. You can't increase your inventory size, you can't repair or hack anything and you can't install mods until you get the Psychoscope thing from Psychotronics.

Glad I decided to play that on Normal rather than hard.
I am mixing it up. I still unlocked a lot of stuff like hacking, moving heavy things, repair, hp etc.

But instead of replicating bullets like i did my first playthrough, I save everything for neuromods and q-beam cells. I must have replicated 50+ Neuromods by now easily :D

I had my second encounter with a nightmare, and had absolutely no ammo to deal with it, so I locked myself in a security booth and hid under the counter until it disappeared! I eventually cleared the crew quarters section, and now I've just discovered the truth about Volunteer 37. ;)

Edit: I should get the Do No Harm achievement if all goes well.
I just use Q-Beam on them, they go down easily. You just need to position yourself in a place they cannot get at you while you fire away :)
I am mixing it up. I still unlocked a lot of stuff like hacking, moving heavy things, repair, hp etc.

But instead of replicating bullets like i did my first playthrough, I save everything for neuromods and q-beam cells. I must have replicated 50+ Neuromods by now easily :D

I just use Q-Beam on them, they go down easily. You just need to position yourself in a place they cannot get at you while you fire away :)

What difficulty are you playing on? I'm playing on hard and they are relentless! Their kinetic projectile has a huge damage radius! Outmanoeuvring them isn't always feasible because they're so large. I was also surprised to discover that they changes shape to reach you through narrow passageways!
What difficulty are you playing on? I'm playing on hard and they are relentless! Their kinetic projectile has a huge damage radius! Outmanoeuvring them isn't always feasible because they're so large. I was also surprised to discover that they changes shape to reach you through narrow passageways!
I am on normal, but apart from HP and their hits being harder, I doubt the AI can do anything much different. I always position myself in a way where he cannot get to me, not easy to do exactly, but possible :)
just finished this tonight [just under 20hours] what a great game, so refreshing!

didnt use any typhon abilitys human only.

ran out of everything towards the end fighting the military bots and ended up just running past them and then flying past them when the alpha typhon thing appears and takes out gravity so i think i i might have missed some exploring. but such a great game that theres multiple ways to do things. only used the nightmare scarer thing once, seemed pretty pointless and only used it to see what happend. actually found it quite easy to kill with full upgraded qbeam

defiantly gonna replay this after a break and have a typhon playthru
How are people completing this in under twenty hours? Either they're playing on easy difficulty, or just ploughing through the main story! I'm 31 hours in and have just obtained the final location of Luka Golubkin!
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I got bored of constantly running backwards and forwards completing stupid missions such as "find a wedding ring" so unless they sounded interesting or were reasonably close to where i was i didnt bother with them
25 hours (although really talking my time) in and just realised that you can use the spare parts packages you pick up in the recycler to get some of the much needed metal material (the grey one - can't remember the name) to craft ammo. It also seems to be the material in the shortest supply and I know some people have found themselves out of ammo at parts so this is really helpful as I was carrying over 100 spare parts in my inventory so could spare a lot. Be careful though as if you press transfer it will put all of the spare parts in that inventory square (max is 50) into the recycler - what you can do is click on the spare parts and go to the menu (R) and select split to reduce the number in to another inventory slot and use them.

This may be obvious but another way to save ammo is to hide from the Nightmare's apposed to using all your bullets trying to kill them - I don't know if ultimately you have to take one down or not but so far I've just avoided them and held on to my precious ammo...
I just finished human abilities only. Brilliant game would play again. On the nightmares, take them on later, I killed a couple but the only loot you get is the organs IIRC so not really worth it.
4 hours in and stuck. It's where you enter talos 1 and have a new typhoon which is powerful. You go through the door and its there and can't hide. Any ideas?
4 hours in and stuck. It's where you enter talos 1 and have a new typhoon which is powerful. You go through the door and its there and can't hide. Any ideas?

Try crouching and attacking it when it doesn't see you for 150% sneak damage. You could also try some of the bombs/charges you have. Are there any explosive canisters in the room you could shoot as it's passing? I'm not sure if it's possible in the particular area you're in but sometimes it's a good idea to get up high and attack enemies from that position as it's harder for them to detect you - that way you can pick them off a bit. Remember you can use your glu gun to climb up to higher places. You also just need to jump towards some ledges and you automatically get pulled up. You can even jump up and in between shelves that look like you wouldn't fit in between them. If you can't get high then shooting from inside a maintenance shaft or even under a desk may help to stay undetected so you peek out and can get some shots away. Going toe to toe isn't a good idea this early in the game as you are too underpowered. If the enemy is right there as you enter the door then there is likely another sneakier way in to the room. It is a real steep difficulty curve the first time you encounter the tougher enemies though - you need to be a bit creative and/or look for alternative ways to approach the situation than the most obvious...
I finally completed Prey on hard difficulty after 37 hours, and got the best possible outcome at the end, based solely on my choices throughout the game! It's arguably one of the best shooters in recent years!
nearly finished the main story, but got the corrupted save files message again!!
kicked me right back near the beginning.
not going to start it again, I thought the patch had fixed this?
Completed this today also Might just be my game of the year. Tuck me on hard around 30+ hours and I did a lot of side missions even found all the missing people. I loaded my save up too see all three endings also.
Is anyone else having performance issues with this game, it can run a super smooth, but rapid movement can turn things stuttery!

I'm not sure if it's down to the latest prey update or the fact I'm in the arboretum or something else

4790k, gtx1070 8gb, 16gb, 500gbssd. 1920x1080.

I'm not sure if it's Windows creator update that's responsible either, but it's spoiling the game :(

Buttery smooth everywhere maxed out on my 290 + R7 1700 @ 1080P V.High. Haven't seen it drop under 60FPS yet.
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