Does the texture pop-in happen on all levels or areas indoor outdoor?.
yea but innside and in coridors its a lot harder to notice even if you spin around really fast, something about outside makes it go crazy mabe its because you can see so far i dont know, the thing is for me the games only usng around 600-700mb anyway so i could easily just have the high res textures cached...
if you do the max iq config tweak the game uses over a gb of memory but the texture popping is still their.
the game is really good though its not boring like borderlands was and its sort of a cross between halflife and fallout but really fun and enjoyable.
the world isnt one massive open world like in fallout all the areas are split by canyons and highways so its more like driving down a really wide corridor to reach places, the areas are far apart though so the game world seems pretty large.
i think im around 5-6 hours in and some of the reviewers said they completed the game in around 9 hours :S im hoping they are wrong and i can go on for atleast another 6 hours because it doesnt really feel like ive accomplished much.
its not a story driven game though you basicly go from one quest to the next and nothing really seems to link it all together its more of a proper shooter with quests, i guess you could say halflife2 didnt really have much of a story either though its more about the journey and so far its been a really good one
This. There's no options because the engine is adjusting them on the fly to ensure that the game runs smooth at all times.
Going to repeat this bit in case people have missed it in the hundreds of places it's been posted so far:
it does anyway im only on a gtx460 and even with 4xaa im only getting around 60% gpu usage and nowhere near all of my video memory beeing eaten up and this is with transcoding turned on.
the games locked at 60fps btw wether vsync is on or not and im always hitting a solid 60 apart from when im driving a buggy hich for some reason makes the games fps limit atleast for me to 30fps but as soon as i jump off the fps jumps back to 60.
it must be a thing to make the game console friendly because the buggies do drive really fast and maybe the consoles couldnt cope with 60fps while rendering the game world at that speed.
it would be nice if they released a pc patch to remove some of these console limitations because honestly we dont need them, the game runs perfectly fine even on my step sons dual core laptop with only a 5650 gpu