OK, I'm now 7 hours through and I would say give it time, in parts it does look very good and oozes atmosphere.
Yes the game mechanics could be consider simple/linear, yes I keep getting crashes, yes I keep getting texture glitches, yes it's bloody restricted in parts and yes I still feel annoyed and paying full whack for what feels like a buggy game, but even after all that I'm starting to enjoy it.
I won't give anything away but I've just been through a section of the game that was a class above, it's enough to redeem the whole game for me. The atmosphere was tingling, the use of textures, lighting, detailed and thoughtful level design, props and sounds made it truely amazing. Really very good indeed.
The transition from this section back to the Wasteland then crashed, like it was trying to put things in to perspective - I'm trying to forgive ffs!
Still many, many annoyances like static furniture that is impassable and solid, like trying to navigate an office chair you get stuck on whilst exchanging blow in a close quarters combat situation... I mean come on, it should just push out the way!