!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

same, just isnt playable on c2d.

Glad that someone else is having the issue lol i know it sucks but im not alone - Strange as hell this game brings it to its knee's...But 0% GPU usage and 100% CPU something is terribly wrong somewhere...i have zero issues running the latest games normally either.
It maxes out core 4 on my 4.3GHz i5 pretty much at all times the game is running and core 3 is quite high as well with Cores 1 and 2 fluctuating so I'd imagine it would bring a dual core down quite a bit.

My game looks quite a bit better than the screenshots posted above though...
Aye but 0% GPU usage, its almost like the CPU is trying to do all the work on its own - Ive been trying for hours and still the same problem -System requirements on the DVD - Intel Core 2 Duo - Check.

And i aint upgrading my CPU just to be able to play either, my current cpu has no issues in most latest games, loading times etc i can live with lol stuttering every 2 secs for 3 secs constantly is just annoying me to no end..Normally ill defend a game, but this is probably the first that has me on the brink of shouting.
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50% GPU usage for me, it's VRAM that is used very little but I was keeping my eye on the HDD LED earlier and the light is blinking almost constantly while playing so Megatexture is loading stuff all the time as you move around the game world in real time. This would explain the very low VRAM usage.
Thought i would try and have an early night, but i just can't sleep and i won't be able to(work nights) so i think i will fire it up and play for an hour.

It is unlocked now on Steam in case anyone was wondering.

Edit- Jeez, how long does it take for Steam to decrypt the files???
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Always best to uninstall them first i have found. Well let me put it this way, the only time i haven't unistalled old gpu drivers before installing new ones it caused ctd's in all games!
Thought i would try and have an early night, but i just can't sleep and i won't be able to(work nights) so i think i will fire it up and play for an hour.

It is unlocked now on Steam in case anyone was wondering.

Edit- Jeez, how long does it take for Steam to decrypt the files???

lol decrypted them like 5 times for it to just say "this game isn't realeased yet" xD
Glad that someone else is having the issue lol i know it sucks but im not alone - Strange as hell this game brings it to its knee's...But 0% GPU usage and 100% CPU something is terribly wrong somewhere...i have zero issues running the latest games normally either.

try 11.8.
Heres a video showing exactly what im talking about. No hardware recording, just my phone so excuse any kittens meowing in the background if there is any lol.
Oh and at the first part of the video, the bloody graphics of the game arent even showing and it still does it lol.

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First impressions, i can only agree with everyone else, it looks great so long as you don't get close to anything, when some of the textures are horrendous.
Noticed a bit of texture pop, only when i turn quickly, which obviously i will do.(doesn't happen when driving at all.

I am using a 6950 with 11.9 and Rage drivers.

It does look very nice indeed generally and is very smooth.
You guys have gpu transcode on or off? what would be best for my spec? i used the config too seems to work fine and forced v-sync on via control panel then adding Rage to it.
people with 2gig gfx cards need to enable 8k textures. create rageconfig.cfg in base/ and add this:

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
^^I thought i would try it out first to see how it runs, i shall do that tomorrow.

Potential in this game, but borderline unplayable tbh the way it is atm. I am impressed with the enemies movement though.
For anyone with crashing isues on ati cards, try disabling the "enable surface format optomization" in the cat control center.

Is it just me or could this guy (with a bit more hair) make a good Planet of the Apes Character? ;p


Just snagged me shotgun



Ive just noticed that in eyefinity the game seems to be more zoomed in, ive seen screens from other players where you can see more of the shotgun. Hmm..
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i have a 27inch tv hooked up to my comp, i watch films n **** on it. But anytime i try loading rage it loads on the tv ????? never happened with any other game. Anyone know a fix for that ? :<
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