!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

Maybe, but it (Cryengine) runs like ass.

At least the game _actually_ ran out of the box.

Don't get me wrong now I've actually managed to get the game to work I'm enjoying it for what it is, a seemingly standard shooter and not much more(nothing wrong with that if it does it well).

But what platform was this engine actually developed for? Since clearly the developer does not see the PC as the lead platform.

I'm just bemused with it all.
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You are vastly underestimating what goes into his engines and how often the result of his work has directly moved game technology on a generation. While its still cutting its teeth in RAGE the engine here is about addressing the issue of artists being limited by technology and moving towards a scenario where artists can be as imaginative and pushing the boundaries as they like and the engine tries to make it a reality. RAGE is the first engine where you can literally go upto any point in the gameworld and uniquely stamp it on a per-pixel basis with a unique image as many times as you like anywhere its more like painting on a canvas than traditional games which have very limited texture mapping and have to fall back on repeatedly tiling the same textures over and over.

I'm looking forward more to the products built on top of the idtech5 technology than RAGE itself.

And perhaps that's RAGE's biggest failure. It's back end is revolutionary, yet somehow the front end appears unremarkable and tired.

This product demonstrates the tech poorly in my humble opinion. I mean invisible barriers, unmovable objects, unable to lean, no cover system at all (although enemies have the ability to blind fire) etc. Yes minor quibbles and yes, take the game for what it is, a shooter and it's very enjoyable. I'm just not getting the hysteria beyond the tech, at least with this product (definitely not a showcase piece)
The game is beautiful, but the environments feel extremely static; it's like watching a fully 3D photograph, very much like Mirror's Edge.

In some way it makes me appreciate games like Crysis and STALKER much more and understand to some extent, why they run so poor.
Still yet to receive my pre-order for Rage (which funny enough, is causing me no end of rage)

Does the game live up to the expectations? What are the best/worst features that I can look forward to?
Think of it as a heavily graphically updated Hexen with iron-sights, viewed from afar, set in a post-apocalyptic world with mario kart thrown in.
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My pre-order only turned up today (Shopto) After faffing around with files for hours on saturday - went out and bought it from Game (now have 2 copies..). Graphics are dire close up, fun game if it works properly for you but clearly made for console.

Think of it as a heavily graphically updated Hexen with iron-sights, viewed from afar, set in a post-apocalyptic world with mario kart thrown in.

Doesn't sound all too positive - I was hoping this would keep me entertained until BF3 release. Perhaps I have to finish of my Shogun 2 campaign then.. :(
Im not sure if anyone else has had issues with running it after downloading from steam but 65 pages is a bit too much for me to trek through :(

Im a complete idiot with computers so its probably something really simple but i downloaded from steam and when i go to play it pops up preparing to play RAGE and then the screen goes blank as if its about to load up but then crashes and says RAGE is not responding :(

Anyone got an idea?
i have made the rageconfig.cfg file in the right folder to enable the 8k textures however im not noticing any difference in game, is it possible im missing something? thanks!

Same thing happened to me (posted about it quite a few pages back now), and after the patch, am now convinced that quite a few of the textures are still sorely lacking close up.

It still looks great if you step back and take in a scene, but it's sorely in need of a proper hires pack just for those instances where a really lowres texture can just jar you out of the moment.

All that aside, I've had about 15 hours on it now and am still enjoying it :)
The game is so smooth and slick in motion, really nice to play a game that actually works well with vsync on and no mouse lag

The sound of the shotgun with my z-5500's bass turned up gives me a little hardon lol :cool:
Have lowest Anti-Aliasing as possible for higher fps as Anistrophic Filtering will not alter it at all really...only maybe by like 1-2fps max. :p
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