******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Nah, they're not PvP'ers and I don't subscribe to the logic of not going to Pyro because of a few sociopathic bellends. That's the kind of thing they say, and they're not keeping me out.

I do agree, i don't see people like Averger_One as some PVP guru Jesus preaching the virtues of PVP whether you like it or not. i have listened to him make his arguments and its all polite logical sounding gas lighting, it boils down to your the problem if you don't like what i'm doing to you, classic sociopath reasoning.

The thing that worries me is he was really upset and very vocally so about the fact that people could escape him, that people could just gun the throttle and outrun him.
Soon after CIG changed the SCM / Nav Mode so that if you were in a quantum snare you couldn't switch to Nav Mode, so you were locked at SCM speed, trapped with no way out, escape is no longer legitimate gameplay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is what i'm talking about when i say i think they listen to streamers too much and to the games detriment.
I swear every time I play there is just something stopping me from doing something.

Hangar doors fixed in NB yippee.

Go to a station for haulage contract, for some reason I no longer have access to the loading vehicle thingy so I have no way of actually loading the cargo.

I suppose my next step is to look on the station if they sell those tractor beam things. I don't even know if you can use them for that.
Go to the cargo deck and buy a max lift tractor beam.

Thanks, found it eventually lol. So can you use the little attachment tractor beam for that same purpose or not? I remember seeing it for sale somewhere or other like the multi-tool add-on.

The weird thing is even when I come across these blocks (that aren't bugs) it doesn't frustrate me like it would in other games.

Looking forward to testing out the eye tracker tomorrow.
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Sorry what do you mean load capacity? I thought even with that loading suit thing I could still only carry one at a time. The crates I'm moving are 1scu I think.
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The bigger tractor beam tool (goes on your backpack like a rifle) is more capable than the little one that goes in the multitool. Don't worry about it if you're not lifting 32SCU crates.

The ATLS mech suit is obviously better than either, though obviously more cumbersome.
I got the 400 one as I only had 19xxx and that was like all my money if I got the max lift one. I thought if I died or something then I'd have no money at all.
Anyway, finished my first ever contract and got 50k for my trouble. The tractor beam kept dropping my crate for some reason and it was a bit fiddly but not awful. Not sure why my ramp looked like this either:

This game makes me do weird things. I picked up 5 bottles and put them in the bin earlier in one of the shops.
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Usual advice applies tbh. Spawn where you are and transfer to a station and use that as your spawn point. I just transferred all my armour and weapons up to Seraphim. Left a lot of the fluff items behind on Olisar though.

The planetary locations just seem to have more problems and wait time for hangars, when they actually work, if you can spawn a ship..
I thought my inventory was bugged until I realised you now don't have that magic inventory when you press I and you have to use the terminals which is fine.
I did lie down in my bed and log but when I respawned I was back on NB in the apt. I thought I would have been in my ship in the hangar rather than the apartment.

@humbug maybe we start a litter picker guild.

Still didn't understand why I don't have access to that loading frame thing anymore.

I'm tempted to summon my capital ship in the small hangar to see if it lets me do it. Oh it's not even on the fleet manager list in the actual hangar. That's a shame.
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This is painful at the moment, Server Meshing is working and work well, everything else seems to be broken, missions, hangers, QT, cargo lift, ect.

I'm sure half of this was from 3.24, it feels so close to all coming to together, it just needed another week of bug fixing. :(
Just flew the guardian for a bit. It's quite a cool ship and it sounds very angry.

Tried to fly with a controller and it felt extremely unnatural. I really hope I get my joysticks quite early on in January
Servers were running great earlier. I actually got some VLRT? missions, was getting offered salvage, cargo and bounties too. Also the cargo mission I did went fine, inventory seemed snappy too.

Thing over all seem to be OK when you get in.
This mad lad is working on Christmas day... he posted this in testing chat today.

> Ahmed
Howdy Citizens,

We have been chasing intermittent waves of 30Ks since Friday, and already deployed several fixes to narrow them down, unfortunately there are still couple more edge cases out there and they do happen in waves affecting majority of active shards as you guys have noticed, we will keep investigating using the core dumps and the logs your play sessions are generating.

Thank you for your patience and we will keep you updated as soon as we roll out new fixes to prevent these crashes from happening.

posted an hour ago
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