******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

PTU patch 1.1.1 is out, can't test as I'm at work atm, however does the following:

- Gladiator is Flight Ready
- Gunner Seat Functionality in Free Flight for the Gladiator, the Super Hornet, and the Cutlass Black
- Sledge II game balancing
- Players can now solve issues where their characters get stuck by opening the console (~), typing in stuck, and hitting enter to respawn the character
- Pilots with lower score relative to the average contribute less to the REC pool
- Various bug fixes, including for the first of many client optimizations and assorted fixes for client crashes
- Updates to game server stuck states and fixed an issue where Matchmaking would match more clients into a game mode than the instance allows
- Fixed an issue where the game may crash when loading into a Multiplayer Game Mode

Can't wait to fly my gladiator.
using some REC and took a Gladiator out, must admit it's pretty sweet to fly even without using missiles. Found mine was in worse shape than usual after wave 5 though. (jump to 7:21)

using some REC and took a Gladiator out, must admit it's pretty sweet to fly even without using missiles. Found mine was in worse shape than usual after wave 5 though. (jump to 7:21)

they really need to sort out the flight movement model on this , still looks like your flying a tonka car not a spaceship.

ed has really set the standard of how a spaceship should feel.
Depends on what you want, if you want realism ED certainly isn't the standard as it's practically the same as atmospheric flight. Star Citizen is much more realistic.

For fun factor though ED is much more enjoyable in my opinion. I just don't like the overly quick yaw in SC.
Depends on what you want, if you want realism ED certainly isn't the standard as it's practically the same as atmospheric flight. Star Citizen is much more realistic.

For fun factor though ED is much more enjoyable in my opinion. I just don't like the overly quick yaw in SC.

I find it the opposite tbh, the more I play Arena Commander the more I like it, I literally can't stand flying in ED anymore, there's no challenge in controlling the craft. Perhaps it's just that I've spent more time in AC now and my brain is more in-tune with that way of flying but ED fights feels like they take an age and are mostly turning battles due to the lack of debris.

I did enjoy ED, but right now I've gone off it in a big way, hopefully that'll change after a few weeks break from SC for GTA V though lol
Tbh I've not touched ED since release. Last time I played it was beta. Once the novelty wore off it was an empty shell of a game. I did like the combat though.

I need to sink more time into AC as I've barely touched it. Can't find a control scheme I like. Throttle and mouse works well but need pedals for your really.

Joystick seems to inaccurate with the speed of yawning, I regularly over shoot the target.
I barely played AC before I upgraded my graphics card but afterwards.. I'm a bit of an addict :) With huge amounts of backdated REC being given to subscribers I've been able to get loaner ships and try them out, it's incredible just how differently they handle. My least favourite is the Super Hornet, it's like driving a garbage truck, Mustang Delta probably the most fun as it's flimsy but quick and fairly numble with decent guns at stock.

Sadly I think anyone running with a slower graphics card as I was would probably be put off with the combat side as it gets a bit choppy. I know I was, free flight was OK but then you don't really get a feel for what the ship can do in that.
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