******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Hmm, tempted to go for the Vanguard....what's the deal with melting the ship then. I got a Constellation package with 10k UEC, 6 month insurace, and all the collectors gubbins....do you lose that when you exchange for credits and rebuy another ship?
Hmm, tempted to go for the Vanguard....what's the deal with melting the ship then. I got a Constellation package with 10k UEC, 6 month insurace, and all the collectors gubbins....do you lose that when you exchange for credits and rebuy another ship?

Yeah you would lose it and not have a game package unless you have another.

Your better waiting for a cross chassis upgrade when its finished. Connie will be ready to fly first anyway
Yeah hold out for a CCU, the only difference is that the Vanguard comes with lifetime insurance, if that's a big deal to you them melting the connie, grabbing a cheap mustang/aurora package and then buying the Vanguard may be better.

Entirely comes down to how obsessed people are about LTI, I doubt it'll be worth much in-game as we'll instantly start customising our ships anyway and it doesn't cover any changes from the base ship.
Yeah hold out for a CCU, the only difference is that the Vanguard comes with lifetime insurance, if that's a big deal to you them melting the connie, grabbing a cheap mustang/aurora package and then buying the Vanguard may be better.

Entirely comes down to how obsessed people are about LTI, I doubt it'll be worth much in-game as we'll instantly start customising our ships anyway and it doesn't cover any changes from the base ship.

Also if the package contains alpha access that would be lost as well and each of module passes would need to be bought separately.

It also depends on how they classify these ship concept sales when they reach the hangar. There won't be a CCU to limited sales ship (there isn't any at present anyway). If they go on general sale like the Redeemer it'll be ok and you should able to CCU from an Aurora to a Carrack for example.
It's not a special ship from what I gather and it'll be back up for sale later, probably with a package at a slightly higher price for both single ship and package.
Jeez, they've done a hell of a job making a complex economy and community for this game, before it's even released! I won't even pretend to try and keep up with the lingo, just hang on to my Constellation package and all the goodies with it.
Complained a ton about the hoops they make people jump through, sadly the community on the RSI site are such a bunch of fanboys you get shouted for daring to. CIG have said they're looking into it, but I doubt it'll change.
It's not a special ship from what I gather and it'll be back up for sale later, probably with a package at a slightly higher price for both single ship and package.

"Though Aegis Dynamics does not officially offer a civilian variant of the Vanguard, working in conjunction with the UEE’s Frontier Protection Program they have made a number of the mil-spec Vanguard available to civilians."

The marketing blurb could mean any number I suppose :) You are probably right and as you said it's standard practice to raise the price for the hangar release... the forums will be busy again!
Upgraded Aurora to a beta, no regrets.. yet lol

If I get a Vanguard I'll need to melt the Carrack so with the spare credit perhaps I'll get a Mustang and see what all the fuss is about :)

Playing around a bit with the free Gladius in Vanduul swarm I think I prefer the 350R at the moment, maybe because of the Omnisky’s, but may just be because I'm more used to it.

There's plenty of light fighters to choose from now around a similar price point all with varying degrees of flexibility / roles with the Mustang Delta, 300i, Avenger, M50, Gladius and 350R. There’s also the two man Khartu-Al at the higher end. It’ll be good see all the variety of ships flying around in the PU.
Well punted on the Vanguard, so I'm happy with my little fleet of ships...all with LTI which is nice,

Super Hornet
Cutlass Black
Did a wee comparison vid following a GPU upgrade

Looks good, I may get the TrackIR when the PU hits rather than having multiple screens. I've still got a 5850 which is ok on low and with some a config file changes (mainly to remove motion blur). I'll probably need a new card if I want to do much in the FPS module, however the new cards from AMD and Nvidia are only a few months away...

Are you still playing E: D?
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I'm just getting back into Elite tbh, most likely going to wipe and start from scratch as I'm sure I left off after traveling about 2 hours out from core and realising there's sod all to do!

Oh.. FYI anyone wanting to get back into the game who's missed a few months - this is a great little site to see the current status of development: http://www.starcitizenstatus.com/
Nice to get a name check in the Foundry 42 section :)



This month it’s all about the heads and we have been gearing towards preparing the facial scanning rig for the Imaginarium Shoot in London. We have transported the setup to a premises in London, just over the road from Ealing Studios, and the camera rig is now taking centre stage in the basement. During the move we took the opportunity to add 2 more cameras, improved the spacing between the cameras and experiment a little with the setup generally. Overall we are seeing some great improvements on what was already one of the best rigs in the country. The only hardship has been the manual labelling and renaming of the 50 cameras and over 250 cables and hopefully we will never have to do that again!

We also welcomed Jon Jones :) to the team as a very experience facial animator. Jon came down to London to help setup the camera rig so he can familiarize himself with the setup and FACs scanning process. We have also approved the in-game facial rig setup we received from 3Lateral and we are on track to produce fantastic quality heads with great and realistic facial animation".
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Actually just to toss this in - I'm a kickstarter backer of Elite, I get a free upgraded Cobra MK III whenever I start a new game, that gave me a head start in the public universe, I still dont' consider that pay to win, but many do.

True, in a few days I had a similar class ship anyway. That is a minimal advantage at best. It's not about advantage and what not anyway, it's about the journey, if you enjoy the game it is better to start from bottom as it will take a little longer to earn those bigger more expensive ships and there for more fun.

Problem with Elite right now is it feels a little empty still for me. Only thing I enjoy is bounty hunting which is a rinse and repeat process. Still enjoy though, just wish there was more to the game there is right now. Maybe I will eventually get to enjoy the PvP aspect soon. But I want more story mainly.
Nice to get a name check in the Foundry 42 section :)



This month it’s all about the heads and we have been gearing towards preparing the facial scanning rig for the Imaginarium Shoot in London. We have transported the setup to a premises in London, just over the road from Ealing Studios, and the camera rig is now taking centre stage in the basement. During the move we took the opportunity to add 2 more cameras, improved the spacing between the cameras and experiment a little with the setup generally. Overall we are seeing some great improvements on what was already one of the best rigs in the country. The only hardship has been the manual labelling and renaming of the 50 cameras and over 250 cables and hopefully we will never have to do that again!

We also welcomed Jon Jones :) to the team as a very experience facial animator. Jon came down to London to help setup the camera rig so he can familiarize himself with the setup and FACs scanning process. We have also approved the in-game facial rig setup we received from 3Lateral and we are on track to produce fantastic quality heads with great and realistic facial animation".

Ha sweet congratulations mate! :-)
Nice to get a name check in the Foundry 42 section :)



This month it’s all about the heads and we have been gearing towards preparing the facial scanning rig for the Imaginarium Shoot in London. We have transported the setup to a premises in London, just over the road from Ealing Studios, and the camera rig is now taking centre stage in the basement. During the move we took the opportunity to add 2 more cameras, improved the spacing between the cameras and experiment a little with the setup generally. Overall we are seeing some great improvements on what was already one of the best rigs in the country. The only hardship has been the manual labelling and renaming of the 50 cameras and over 250 cables and hopefully we will never have to do that again!

We also welcomed Jon Jones :) to the team as a very experience facial animator. Jon came down to London to help setup the camera rig so he can familiarize himself with the setup and FACs scanning process. We have also approved the in-game facial rig setup we received from 3Lateral and we are on track to produce fantastic quality heads with great and realistic facial animation".
Good job! :)
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