******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I don't see the point if you have a merchantman tbh, you're going to need an escort for these especially C, D and E. Since I have a MM I've grabbed an A and B as they may be handy to have and are disposable if I see something I prefer lol
Im currently addicted to Elite.

But I keep visiting the SC page and wondering if it's worth getting involved.... Dogfighting is not my forte in Elite ( more of a trader/exploration guy atm ) so Im not sure if there is much for me yet ?

But after dropping money on a Saitek X55 and TrackIr recently for Elite , would be nice maybe to use it on some other games ;-)
If you think you might be interested mate, create an account on the RSI site and back for $6 on a ship skin and you'll start accumulating the backer rewards. Then if you decide to back later on you've got some additional goodies already waiting.

You won't be able to take part in alpha/beta testing until you buy a game package but at least you're getting the bonus stuff when it comes out, normally around stretch goal time (nearly at the $80 million one now).

The full feature list so far can be found here.

Worst case scenario you have a $6 loss, although in reality you could almost certainly sell that account for a profit when the game comes if it's accumulated enough rewards. For example we got a bonus 10K starting cash about a year ago, not a lot but always nice. That's just one of quite a few backer rewards.
Thanks for the heads up........getting more and more tempted to dip my toe in the water.

Need to do some reading up......Is your career persistant , or is it just deathmatch type dogfights at the moment ?

What happens if it is persistant and you get blown up in a fight ? Do you lose everything ?
Thanks for the heads up........getting more and more tempted to dip my toe in the water.

Need to do some reading up......Is your career persistant , or is it just deathmatch type dogfights at the moment ?

What happens if it is persistant and you get blown up in a fight ? Do you lose everything ?

At the moment, it's TDM or similar in a small dogfighting arena. There is a free flight mode which I think is co-op, but still, not too much to do.

As for the last part, at least when it comes to multiplayer, ships either come with insurance, or you can purchase it if it doesn't.

Your character gets a certain amount of lives; die too much and you will have to start a new character, but I believe you only really lose your reputation anyway, you'll still have your credits and ships. There's an article called "Death of a Spaceman", but it's quite lengthy.

I think they way they've done it is good though, it's enough of a hindrance that you're going to be careful where you go, but not so much that you won't want to leave your hanger.
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Just to add that the current arena commander is simply a deathmatch style and you do not lose the ships you have as a backer if you die. The ships in the persistant universe when released are different and will be based on insurances.
I really enjoy Arena commander tbh, takes a bit of practice but vanduul swarm is pretty damn cool, it's one of the reasons I find Elite: Dangerous combat so damn boring. Mutliplayer is still pretty iffy from my experience though but that's mostly down to me not using my 400K+ REC points to equip my ship better!
Thanks guys.....think im in.

Going back to see what package I need to get started......looks like you can throw a lot of money at this !
The Mustang is a faster ship that lacks cargo space, it's more suited for dogfighting. I would say get the Aurora as it has a bit of everything. But certainly wait for a second opinion on that.
Mustangs are faster, more maneuverable but weaker than Auroras. The Delta variant is great fun though and I must admit I've got 3 Mustangs as I love how they look and handle. The Aurora however is far more of an all-rounder though.

Both will have a very hard time against dedicated combat ships like the Gladius, Hornet and 325 but then again this game isn't meant to be balanced. It's genuinely a bit of a toss up between them, I'd say go for the one you like the look of.

The only one I'd pick on the Aurora line personally would be the CL, it's just a cute little cargo ship and should be pretty versatile, however I do have a soft spot for the Auroras doors (they are ******* awesome) and it's glass coffin cockpit. There's plenty of vids online for both, you can't really go wrong with either though tbh.

Mistakes in funding are only made at higher levels as the ships can get very, very specialised.

Best thing is you can always melt the package for store credit later and buy the other package if you change your mind, all you need to do is wait 24 hours since buying it before you can melt.
Best thing is you can always melt the package for store credit later and buy the other package if you change your mind, all you need to do is wait 24 hours since buying it before you can melt.

Although I'm pretty sure doing so will result in the loss of all the backer perks because it will his one and only pledge package?
Although I'm pretty sure doing so will result in the loss of all the backer perks because it will his one and only pledge package?
I think it's fine even if you melt for credits later - once you've pledged for something it can't be taken away.

I did that with my package back in November to take advantage of the $20 aurora sale and put the store credit towards a carrack, and still kept all my backer rewards.
Although I'm pretty sure doing so will result in the loss of all the backer perks because it will his one and only pledge package?

Nah you don't need a package to be considered a backer, even pledging for a 5 usd ship skin makes you eligible for backer perks, whether its still on your account or not
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If you back the project now you can't get alpha access on anything, you have to buy individual passes (like the arena commander pass). you can however still get full beta access and as that's standard on packages you can melt/rebuy at will as you're arena commander pass wouldn't be part of the ship package.

Alpha phases passes ran out around 10 months ago so only beta is now included. People without alpha passes will have to get individual ones (FPS, arena commander etc) if they want to take part in that alpha test phase - nothing preventing them from simply ignoring that particular module and waiting until it hits beta though.
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