I don't even have LTI
Kinda sucks being such an early backer but not really even getting LTI for my trouble and not much at all in the way of a reward considering how much money the game generated for hem and how slow progress is..
game will probably be finished in 2020?
the package is now 13$ more than when I bought it but when it was already 65$ it's not much of a saving and the only thing missing in the package is alpha access which I don't use anyway
I see they stopped doing stretch goals about 20 million ago
Yeah, thats pretty sucky. You missed it by 10 days i presume? 10/10/13 would have been the 1yr anniversary, and i think thats when LTI ended for newcomers, and yet the existing community were free to carry on buying LTI ships - just to rub it in a little further.
I think the problem is trying to incentivise people for backing, and knowing the earlier you get involved the better it is for you, as that encourages others. I didnt even hear of Star Citizen till it hit 37m, and a week or so later friends brought it up and i was somehow convinced to buy an Aurora and follow it. I had no interest in space games or film/tv, didnt know of Chris Roberts even though i knew of the Wing Commander series, and so had it been a year earlier and at 3.7m not 37m, im not so sure i'd have forked over $45 for an early access game we couldnt even play. I hate Early Access, but get tempted by the ability to play it in an early form - but £25 for nothing playable would have been a no from me, at least at that point (I paid $285 for my Starfarer before we had Arena Commander - but we had $40m supporting it).
Yet it still stings when you look back at the rewards, especially when they feel as powerful as free insurance for life on ships you've bought.
Personally, i wish they'd at least do 1000UEC or even REC for each $1m step. Just make it a standard thing, no letter, just automate it. Cos it also feels a little sucky looking back at the various rewards from $0 to about 60m and seeing freebies, and everyone after that gets no benefits, has to pay $5 for passes to test the game as well as have a game package. Its like the benefits are actually penalties in a way. Werent in the first 400,000 backers? Pay $5 to access Arena Commander, $5 for Star Marine, $5 for Social Module etc etc. oh, and if you are one of the 400,000 with a ship package - melt it and you'll lose your alpha pass - thanks for backing early.