******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Well, I always wanted a Starfarer, one of the best looking ships in the game I reckon. I think I will melt one of my Hull A's and maybe the C, and pick up the Gemini. My other A can be used as a CCU token later for another C. Then I think I will be done.
I really need to stop, all this chopping and changing of ships before the game is even out is crazy.
Star Marine/FPS Update

Starfarer Update

Very disappointed by the lack of anything new for the basic Starfarer. But 'Crew: 7'.... What the f.....

When I saw the page I was gutted, it's just the info they released previously put together with perhaps 3 more screenshots, nothing more really.

Gemini seems like a no brainer too for most people pledging for one now, I don't quite understand why they've offered it with LTI rather than putting both models on with 24 months insurance and the upgrade for those with LTI.
Bit silly giving it lti given how easily the fanbase can explode especially when an older ship suddenly gets lti like this - but anyway I don't really care either way.

No intention of buying one, still waiting for the Endeavour artwork.
I think the LTI is somewhat justified, after all its being sold long before its in the hangar, but its an odd one, and its always going to stir the community who see its as a variant getting LTI when theirs didnt (except original pledge ships, all variants have been sold hangar ready).

As Halfmad said, really theres a couple of images and thats it, The 2 paragraphs of info tell us nothing, and some stats which definitely arent correct complicate matters. The new stuff is almost entirely for the Star-G. Its essentially a concept sale for the Gemini, and thats it. Its far from being an update on the Starfarer.

I just hope theres something new from the Q&A, it should tell us a little more about how it operates and what it can/cant do, even if theres no new progress shots.
I don't even have LTI

kinda annoying but I could have had an original backer melt and rebuy my package at the time to have it.

Digital Bounty Hunter
October 20, 2013
300i and 10 items
Starting Money: 2,000 UEC
4 Month Insurance
Digital Game Soundtrack
Digital Star Map
Digital Star Citizen Manual
Beta Access
Alpha Access
Squadron 42 Digital Download
Star Citizen Digital Download
Kinda sucks being such an early backer but not really even getting LTI for my trouble and not much at all in the way of a reward considering how much money the game generated for hem and how slow progress is..
game will probably be finished in 2020?

the package is now 13$ more than when I bought it but when it was already 65$ it's not much of a saving and the only thing missing in the package is alpha access which I don't use anyway
I see they stopped doing stretch goals about 20 million ago
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I don't even have LTI

Kinda sucks being such an early backer but not really even getting LTI for my trouble and not much at all in the way of a reward considering how much money the game generated for hem and how slow progress is..
game will probably be finished in 2020?

the package is now 13$ more than when I bought it but when it was already 65$ it's not much of a saving and the only thing missing in the package is alpha access which I don't use anyway
I see they stopped doing stretch goals about 20 million ago

Yeah, thats pretty sucky. You missed it by 10 days i presume? 10/10/13 would have been the 1yr anniversary, and i think thats when LTI ended for newcomers, and yet the existing community were free to carry on buying LTI ships - just to rub it in a little further.

I think the problem is trying to incentivise people for backing, and knowing the earlier you get involved the better it is for you, as that encourages others. I didnt even hear of Star Citizen till it hit 37m, and a week or so later friends brought it up and i was somehow convinced to buy an Aurora and follow it. I had no interest in space games or film/tv, didnt know of Chris Roberts even though i knew of the Wing Commander series, and so had it been a year earlier and at 3.7m not 37m, im not so sure i'd have forked over $45 for an early access game we couldnt even play. I hate Early Access, but get tempted by the ability to play it in an early form - but £25 for nothing playable would have been a no from me, at least at that point (I paid $285 for my Starfarer before we had Arena Commander - but we had $40m supporting it).

Yet it still stings when you look back at the rewards, especially when they feel as powerful as free insurance for life on ships you've bought.

Personally, i wish they'd at least do 1000UEC or even REC for each $1m step. Just make it a standard thing, no letter, just automate it. Cos it also feels a little sucky looking back at the various rewards from $0 to about 60m and seeing freebies, and everyone after that gets no benefits, has to pay $5 for passes to test the game as well as have a game package. Its like the benefits are actually penalties in a way. Werent in the first 400,000 backers? Pay $5 to access Arena Commander, $5 for Star Marine, $5 for Social Module etc etc. oh, and if you are one of the 400,000 with a ship package - melt it and you'll lose your alpha pass - thanks for backing early.
Been such a long time since i even looked at SC, ive just built a new PC and installed SC last night so hopefully i'll get to have a play. Am i also still a member or Pagan?!
I flew around in free flight in broken moon for hours last night, so beautiful and atmospheric, found flying hard work at first with mouse as having yaw on there is counter intuitive (not sure if can change?) but after a while I got quite good. Can't wait for more.
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