******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

10-15 may be about right, it's alpha, they won't introduce larger instances until they've got the levels more complete tbh. It'll be more than that eventually but can you imagine the pain of entering an instance that's not optimised with lots of unoptimised characters? ouch!

I've seen half a dozen in the elevator and a few outside in the freelancer but never more than that at one time so hard to say as the area is fairly large for a starter area.
Probably a couple of hours mate, 21:00 - 23:00 is the goal. Any OCUKer is welcome, most of the org is made up of them, well about 75%.

I have rented a Cutlass for the "how many can get in" portion of the antics. Although if someone else has one we'll just use that to avoid killing framerates with two cutlasses in close proximity lol
I've been so out of the loop with this game lately.

I'll see if I can get it downloaded today at some point and try jump on for some org(y) action.

I've barely touched AC though so I will be awful no doubt.
and broadband just went down..

So I think tonight proved that the match making is still pretty dire, it can be fun if you can get a match running but unfortunately for the likes of Longbow and I that only lasted a few minutes.

Alpha.. keep reminding yourself it's alpha lol
Does the social module run like dog poo for anyone else despite not even looking that great graphically?
It really isn't graphically awful. Not when you see how much is modelled in etc and not just a flat texture... very odd comments but we all have our own opinions.

I've messaged cs and asked if I can be put back on my Connie Phoenix package as the reworked Connie's look awesome.

Retaliator I melted as the interior is not good.
Does the social module run like dog poo for anyone else despite not even looking that great graphically?

Runs fine for me (290x)

Have mine set to high @ 1440p . runs rather well tbh. Know idea of frame rate.

What you have the graphics set at? I was quite impressed with the detail.

I only tried it once, it ran fine for me, but yes, graphically it's awful currently.

Seriously ! :eek:

Have you tried it recently Uther ?
It really isn't graphically awful. Not when you see how much is modelled in etc and not just a flat texture... very odd comments but we all have our own opinions.

I've messaged cs and asked if I can be put back on my Connie Phoenix package as the reworked Connie's look awesome.

Retaliator I melted as the interior is not good.

I thought the Retaliator looked pretty good in videos I have seen, currently debating between getting a Base Retaliator or even a Vanguard Harbinger/Sentinel... Really like the Harbinger but haven't seen any dates for when it is likely to be hangar ready.

Also comments on GFX, what are your settings ingame? I was blown away by it, the lighting in the engine is amazing and also the textures.
Maybe it's just me, I was very impressed with the module, contents wise, but it looked washed out on my monitor.
No complaints, it's an alpha after all.
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