Well it seems Chris Roberts finally had enough of the crap: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14979-Chairmans-Response-To-The-Escapist
Very long read.
The ship sales are just to support development Astley, once the PU is live you will have to get everything in game with in game credits / UEC
There will still be an option to buy limited amounts of UEC though
Ah right, so dumb question but. do you actaully get the ship(s) you funded for? slightly confused..
Ah right, so dumb question but. do you actaully get the ship(s) you funded for? slightly confused..
Never going to happen.
I'd be quite surprised to hear this game will be feature complete before late 2017.
Thankyou for your opinion based on decades of game development and project management no doubt.
I read the whole CR email and you can tell hes ****ed now but I would imagine this will be the last input from Chris on the subject.
As a backer (not a fan boy) I'm getting quite tired of all the falsehoods and rumours. Someone find me Derek Smarts address so I can send him a tonne bag of road salt.
I worked with the management of Star Citizen for many years.