******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Do you think this is playable if you have no flying experience? It is a shame because I always sucked at flying games for some reason but I always liked the idea of these sorts of space games. With the FPS element as well, it sounds very interesting. Is the flying part easy compared to say bf4?

I also suck at flying in games like BF4 and Planetside. I think what Mr Cookie said is bang on, it's easier to get stuck in and practice but mastering it has a steep learning curve. I think this is partly down the fact that you don't have a lot of objects in close proximity in space so you're not as aware of how bad your last move was which allows you to learn better without really knowing you're learning.

I'd say get it, I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you like the idea; the FPS module should form quite a large part of the game. The flying you can practice in between, that's what I'm doing. Mouse and keyboard isn't bad either. I tend to use that more than my HOTAS as the game is multi-genre if you like and it's more effortless this way, for now at least.
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I also suck at flying in BF4, but its because i hardly ever do it, i still suck in Star Citizen but the more i play it the better i get, its like anything, practice makes perfect.
I really hope they will nerf down the mouse flying, its much too easy now.
I enjoy flying my hotas more, but its such a disadvantage now.
Nerf the experience of the majority mouse users so the minority joystick users can get better?

That is how balancing works, yes.

If there was one gun in the game that was instant kill so everyone just used that one gun, wouldn't you ask them to consider rebalancing it?
Majority using something because its the only option doesnt really make for good gameplay.

If it was an FPS then yeah you would expect people to be using mouse, but for something pitched as a space flight sim its not unsurprising that a lot of people want a joystick to be a viable option.
That is how balancing works, yes.

If there was one gun in the game that was instant kill so everyone just used that one gun, wouldn't you ask them to consider rebalancing it?
Majority using something because its the only option doesnt really make for good gameplay.

If it was an FPS then yeah you would expect people to be using mouse, but for something pitched as a space flight sim its not unsurprising that a lot of people want a joystick to be a viable option.

Making the controls worse is hardly like balancing a gun.

Space ships don't work the same way aircraft do, and mice are just superior for this.

A better comparison would be to make the mouse handle like crap so the consolers don't do so bad.
Making the controls worse is hardly like balancing a gun.

Space ships don't work the same way aircraft do, and mice are just superior for this.

A better comparison would be to make the mouse handle like crap so the consolers don't do so bad.

Mouse aim has nothing to do with the difference between planes and space ships. Its simply just too easy to aim with the gimballs (and even without them), just point to your target and the guns and the whole ship follows the crosshair.
Especially as the game was first announced as a space sim, not an arcade shooter. At its current state for mouse users its just the old Duck Hunt game with different background.

I could use mouse as well, but the flying is so much more enjoyable with the hotas that i don't want.

Its just too big of a difference between them in targeting.
Mouse would be just about the same level of difficulty as the joy if you had to fly the ship with the keyboard, and aim with with the mouse. Or fly with the mouse and aim with the keyboard.
R and F is strafe up and down, Q and E is left and right

Think I'l post the keyboard mappings here too


All together

Using keyboard for now as it's late and cant be bothered to setup my HOTAS. How do I fire weapons? I've firegroups I think, selected in blue "checks" in 1 and 2. I've tried F2, Home, Tab, mouse clicks etc, nothing brings up the weapons or shoots.

What am i doing wrong?

Oh, had to leave a specific zone, now I've pressed some key and I've only got ship HUD controls in first person cannot use mouse to move..
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Thanks ^^^ this is the sort of think i don't like about these sort of games, far too many keyboard shortcuts, far too many functions, so many that the same key has 2 or 3 functions.

for example, F to open doors and get in your seat, so you would think to get out of your seat its F, nope its Ctrl + F, why, because F also has some in flight functions.

I'm no good with memorising key function combinations, its really annoying when to play the game your typing a ####'ing novel on the fly, literally. :p
I've made it out of the main station, but pressing W, A,S or D just zooms into my HUD. How do I escape this?? I wanna fly ;_;

Don't know, when in the ship on the pad i just press W, it scrapes along the pad off the end and its airborne, or spaceborne...

Maybe you have some setting going that's turned the movement key into some other short-cut?
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I was able to take off fine, a nice smooth ascent. Been flying OK for past 5 minutes then pressed SOME key and it's all gone topsy turvy lol. May have to leave this till tomorrow.

Gonna give up with it tonight and sleep. HOTAS tomorrow. There's a crusader or something about 10,000km away.. I figured out the hyperjump at least!
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