******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I have a sinking feeling that a lot of people might end up going down a similar route when these huge 100m+ ships are in-game and are a lot of effort to manage, and i love the huge ships.

Is it your current intention to stick with the Freelancer (or a variant of it), or is this just a short term solution because thats a nice size for solo and multicrew with whats available at the moment (incl no NPC hires)?
In the end, I decided to bite the bullet, and melted my ships together for a freelancer, figure that my carrack is too big for most day to day stuff, and the super hornet too small for much other than getting into trouble, but a 'lancer is just about right.. I think I'll call it goldilocks..

I like the Freelancer, i borrowed one a few times in Crusader and i think its a damned good ship, strong shields, powerful armaments and plenty of cargo capacity, its on my shopping list, #1 on that list right now.

If i melt the Aurora and 325A i could have one and get change, i am so tempted, especially because i don't really need to give up my Red and Silver love affair, its 7000 REC, that's nothing.

But if i do that it lessons the incentive for me to have my cake and eat it, there is something to be said for actual ownership, going into your Hanger and having them parked there, they are not borrowed, they are mine, all mine..... muh'aa.....

Oh... when i say parked, i don't mean like this...... i think the kid parked it that time.

PS: 2.2I was just released, 21GB download.... ______ me! zmog
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Yeah, its an extremely nice ship. I'd question whether its perhaps currently overpowered, but i cant really say i know that much about other ships to be able to judge, i just found it a lot of fun to fly, had decent firepower, and its just a very nice ship for the mid-early multicrews end of the scale, 4 up front, bunks for logging out, a reasonable amount of cargo space for some goodies, and a gunner turret at the back (theres a nasty little hump at the front of the ship though that gets in the way) and with the improvements to turrets in 2.2 PTU builds it should actually be fun to be a gunner now.

A DUR would likely be pretty nice too.
They increased the fidelity of space in 2.2i, more space dust, better lighting and more space'ish, they also moved everything closer together. jumping between points is shorter.

Having said that, the stability is not getting any better, infact its worse than G and H, the lag is back, something strange is going on with ships, when you shoot at them they get a huge boost in speed, it seems the player can't control it, they just end up hurtling through space at 500m/s backwards, it makes dog fighting very difficult.
In the end, I decided to bite the bullet, and melted my ships together for a freelancer, figure that my carrack is too big for most day to day stuff, and the super hornet too small for much other than getting into trouble, but a 'lancer is just about right.. I think I'll call it goldilocks..

The problem I find is that people are trying to find one ship, that is "decent" enough at everything that they will be able to roll with it in just about any circumstance on a day to day basis.

There isn't one though.
Fighters for fighting, haulers for hauling, explorers for exploring, everything else is a compromise.
Yeah, right now the best thing to do if you're able, is just own whats worth owning for the time being, and have 'options' on the other stuff if you think its to your liking and come back to it when its implemented and see what you think.

'options' = buy it, melt it, and have the option to unmelt it in the future at the same price & perks etc.

This is what im doing, yeah, maybe its a little exploitative, but it sucks having a $350 ship on your account, been there for around 16 months already, dont believe we'll see it for another 12 months either, and the best you get is a loaner Constellation. I've got a $170 Starfarer thats been well over 2yrs (Created: July 06, 2013 - so yeah) and want an Orion too which will be in the same boat and thats why im not melting stuff to own it now.
Now, the moment we have an earnable currency (bUEC i believe) and i can go into a shop and buy a Sabre that'll get wiped at the next alpha-wipe, i dont need to faff about. But until then, they've got $1k+ of my money and i dont think they care one way or another (they implemented melting, unmelt, and the CS have done it for years too).

Focus on whats fun for now, and keep in mind what you want for the future, and see what you can do to achieve that.

Also, last week when that nice button box was posted in here, and we were talking about building our own. Someone else posted one on reddit, a much more basic version, but they're using a far far simpler solution than one with a £50 Arduino (or w/e they cost, it wasnt $14-17 i know that much) and its using the circuitboards which are commonly used to create DIY arcade boxes, they sell kits with a arcade joystick and buttons, controller, cables etc, but ive found one seller on AliExpress (presume that safe to say) selling one that has 12x 3-pin and 10x 2-pin inputs, with the 3-pin being able to use LCD backlit buttons for $17 shipped, and theres all 2-pin for around $10 iirc.

Does anyone know why such an item wouldnt be ideal, why you'd use an Arduino over this, if its doing pretty much the same thing?

This is essentially what it is, i can post a link to the purchase page for the 3-pin if people say it shouldnt be a problem

The 5-pin is the USB header, 4-pin for a joystick. Im not fussed about the joystick, but if it saves a fair wedge not needing to buy an Arduino, thats halved the price pretty much.
Looks like 2.2 patch has gone to live this morning. Yay, another 20+Gb patch when I get home. Looking forward to trying out the bounty system etc though
Looks like 2.2 patch has gone to live this morning. Yay, another 20+Gb patch when I get home. Looking forward to trying out the bounty system etc though

Complete with all its bugs.....

The 300 series and Aurora are now unusable in Crusader, i'm livid. lots of reports of significant problems with these ships over the last two weeks and it seems they have ignore all of them.

Right now i don't have a ship that i can use in Crusader.
They'll get a lot of grief for releasing it like that, welcome to alpha testing though :-/

More interested in the instancing side, are they looking at new tech for more players in an instance? Not had a chance to keep up to date this week!
They'll get a lot of grief for releasing it like that, welcome to alpha testing though :-/

More interested in the instancing side, are they looking at new tech for more players in an instance? Not had a chance to keep up to date this week!

I don't know, have not been tracking the tech news (if any exists) myself.

Anyway.... i made a fairly provocative thread about this in the feedback room on their forum.

The mildly provocative nature of it is deliberate, i'm trying to get people to talk about it.
I think thats the only way CiG will do anything about it because lets face it, the 300 series and other sub $100 ships have been left to rot.
So are many of the more expensive ships to be fair, they're sole focus is on the new ones. You can bet if the Sabre didn't work in Crusader they'd fix it in a heartbeat.

They should have delayed the patch until after the basics were fixed, if people can't test the ships then they can't really do anything in the mini PU at all so feedback falls away.
So are many of the more expensive ships to be fair, they're sole focus is on the new ones. You can bet if the Sabre didn't work in Crusader they'd fix it in a heartbeat.

They should have delayed the patch until after the basics were fixed, if people can't test the ships then they can't really do anything in the mini PU at all so feedback falls away.

The Feedback forum is a wash with unhappy campers, my thread is also getting some good attention.

Some interesting findings HoloXPOR.

I looked at all these in 2.1, the 325A durability was basically a paper bag, a Super Hornet was about 900 vs 50 on the 325A, even the Aurora LN was about 80 vs 40, the difference between the 325A and 300i was a token amount.

Well, seems like in 2.2 its got a huge buff, its even somewhat of a lightweight Tank now.

Have a look at these..... even the stock F7C line of Hornets are less Tanky, tho still no match for a Super Hornet, not even close.

And TBH i find it very hard to believe, the XML's should dictate this so if those are the numbers in them.... who knows, but at least its one caveat to a now broken ship, it seems they have toughened the 325A up, at least by the numbers, i will have to see how much of that transfers to reality.

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I'll be honest I don't think the problem is the weakness of some ships - more the OOT strength of others, like the SH which share a hull with the stock hornet so why would it be so much stronger?

The Glaive is mean to be a "melee" fighter like the Scythe so I can see why they'd have strong hulls but we don't have anything like that in lore for the human craft.

300 series is still one of my favourites but it needs a bit of tweaking.
More interested in the instancing side, are they looking at new tech for more players in an instance? Not had a chance to keep up to date this week!

Not sure if you mean in the long term, or next few months to improve on 24 slots, but i think it was 10FTC where CR was talking about the tech that they're currently working on, they're expecting MANY hundreds of people to be in an 'instance', possibly THOUSANDS.

Their are still visual limitations for that, because if 500 people all congregated at ArcCorp in the G-Loc bar, that aint happening. Thats where the system will try to instance you with relevant players to you. It was brought up on the [Redacted] podcast the other day, and it'd need to be a somewhat complex system, recognising who your friends are, others relevant to you (people you're looking for etc), but also friends of friends. Its no good me having Halfmad on my friends list, but not Humbug, and i cant see Humbug, but Halfmad can. Hopefully the system will be capable of building a complex '6 degrees of separation' like solution to who you do see and who you dont. So i'd see friends of Humbugs, because they are a more relevant match to me than some random guy in NZ or my next door neighbour if i dont know he's in SC etc.

The other thing that sounds like it has changed, is how instances work. I believe the old system of instances within instances, like inside multicrew ships, is gone. Possibly too complicated or maybe the tech they're developing is more mature and the industry is already working on, where bubble instances they could be out in the cold on their own.
So an Idris with 50 people inside it is 50 slots, not 1 slot with 50ppl in it.

If you meant tech which is incoming... i dont know :D I dont think they'll introduce new tech beyond the above. Maybe they'll find ways to expand slots to 32-40ppl, but the point where 'servers' are merged into 1 global instance, is the long term tech mentioned above.

I dont know whether this visible selection means if one of those people leaves the room, and someone else comes in, you'd now see them, because that previous person is no longer as relevant, or maybe if they've been gone for 2/5/10min then the 'instance' reassesses, i'd imagine it probably has to reassess and perhaps people will oddly fade away... it'll be interesting though, because if you're all on a landing zone, everyone with weapons, if i can see you by my selective process, and you cant see me, because you have more higher-relevant people on your list, i can kill you and you cant do anything... so does that mean you can only see people that can see you? meaning if i can see 50 people, we can all only see the same 50 people.
If 4 parties of 20 friends unique to them, we cant have 80 people, so does Party A see B, and C sees D? assuming 50 was the renderable limit.

Its not an easy challenge, but whats worth remembering IMO is that we're talking about many hundreds, possibly thousands in an instance being tracked and interactable together. We were previously looking at 100, and the same questions above applied then, it had to make the decision on who to cut and who to keep still even then.

btw, if its not obvious, the 50 limit figure is just for examples.
Complete with all its bugs.....

The 300 series and Aurora are now unusable in Crusader, i'm livid. lots of reports of significant problems with these ships over the last two weeks and it seems they have ignore all of them.

Right now i don't have a ship that i can use in Crusader.

All I want to know is the connie still made out of paper :p
I'll be honest I don't think the problem is the weakness of some ships - more the OOT strength of others, like the SH which share a hull with the stock hornet so why would it be so much stronger?

The Glaive is mean to be a "melee" fighter like the Scythe so I can see why they'd have strong hulls but we don't have anything like that in lore for the human craft.

300 series is still one of my favourites but it needs a bit of tweaking.

The FC-7 doesnt share a hull with with the FC7-M

It also doesnt have the same armour equipped, in fact, it doesnt have any armour equipped.

The problem people have with this is they think every ship should be viable against every ship.
And they arent, they are not ever going to be either.

A $50 starting ship, its the equivalent of the Mk3 viper in ED, a $165 ship, its the equivalent of the Fer-de-lance

They cant compete against each other, they will never compete against each other.
Everybody will get their chance to have their own SH, or Sabre or whatever, when the game launches and these silly arguments about the Gladius not being able to solo a Constellation or whatver will vanish, because nobody will be flying them, they will all be the flying the better ships, that they have earned.
All I want to know is the connie still made out of paper :p

Apparently that got a buff too....


Good news for Connie owners, it also got a buff, survivability, in terms of durability its basically a Battleship now, Bismarck at that..... one connie owner realised it was far tougher than in 2.1 and put it in the text chat, then lots of other Connie owners got theirs and asked others to attack them to see how long they would last, i was in one of them, it took a lot of pew pew'ing and missiles. a lot!
The FC-7 doesnt share a hull with with the FC7-M

It also doesnt have the same armour equipped, in fact, it doesnt have any armour equipped.

The problem people have with this is they think every ship should be viable against every ship.
And they arent, they are not ever going to be either.

A $50 starting ship, its the equivalent of the Mk3 viper in ED, a $165 ship, its the equivalent of the Fer-de-lance

They cant compete against each other, they will never compete against each other.
Everybody will get their chance to have their own SH, or Sabre or whatever, when the game launches and these silly arguments about the Gladius not being able to solo a Constellation or whatver will vanish, because nobody will be flying them, they will all be the flying the better ships, that they have earned.

SH's not got magic beans in it's hull that accounts for the additional strength, baring in mind it's a weapons platform, the additional survivability should come from guns, gear and optional second crew member. This is partly what's annoyed some players about the magic buff it has. SH is the F7C-M, the standard is the F7C... they share most of the same components and most of the same hull with the exception of the cockpit, the turret can be fitted later to an F7C which would make it a single seater "super hornet" in my ways, identical? no, but pretty damn close. The only gear advantage outside weapons the SH has is power plant size, but again neither of them are at their maximum on this.

Ultimately though armor/shields etc aren't in and working yet, it being alpha it's perhaps far too early to shout about balance and we should really be looking more at bugs I guess.
Haven't had chance to test it yet as no one attacked me in a dog fight, but did have this opportunity to test the buffed durability.

This is not a great test but i have used the 325A a lot and know what it can't take, which is pretty much any sustained fire, even very short, as soon as the shields are breached it falls apart impatiently and the stock shields are crap.

So anyway.... this sort of sustained fire is what would have killed me in 2.1, in 2.2 it took a fair amount and with little damage, just minor cosmetic to the nose.

It held up very well..... happy so far :)

I can't upgrade the shields as they are all locked in 2.2 for reworks in the next patch, but it can take S3 shields, the stock S2's can absorb 2000 and are Front / Back only, the S3's it can fit absorb 5500 and are Quads.

They have taken away some of its speed, i don't need a speed indicator to see that, its also a bit more sluggish than it used to be, but still very good.
If thats the price to pay to turn the 325A into somewhat of a Tank, so be it, i have no complaints.
IMO as the fighter of the line its what the 325A should be, a nimble Light Tank. like the Gladius and similar firepower, which it has, but not quite as nimble with that being more purposeful in its role.

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