******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I'm with you on the Avenger, its a good alround ship actually but to me its pretty boring.

I had one for a little while and it just didn't grab me.

Same here... Now got the cutlass black and waiting to see what their plan is for that.

I do miss the 325A I had, definitely a nice little ship.
Testing 2.2E over the weekend.

#It seems stable, no or few crashes (one session) during hour+ stints.
Performance is much better than 2.1, minimum FPS 35 and as high as 60.
#Less VRam used, at (Very High) settings 2.1 would use 3.8GB, which after a while is a problem for GTX 970 owners, one of those games where it has 30% - 50% excess power to keep 60 FPS on the highest 1080P settings but let down by its 3.5GB fast memory + 0.5GB of slow memory.
I'm happy to report that in 2.2 the maximum used Memory is 3.3GB, so it remains nice fast and smooth. :)
#New EVA is nice, really nice, no more drifting about, if you lift off the key it stops, its so much more controllable.
#New party system works well, the server now holds 24, but (as far as i can workout) 8 places are actually reserve, so 16 individuals will be on the server, if another individual joins the game he will be taken to a server with less than 16 players keeping the 8 in reserve for people joining in a party group.
If for whatever reason you (even as an individual) lose connection to the server you will be automatically re-added to the server you came from, even if there are more than 16 players there, so if you made friends during that session on that server you will rejoin them.
#300 series ladder not retracting bug fixed. yay....
#outlaw system added, if you misbehave in various ways you get marked as an outlaw, as you can now see names without pressing F10 you can see who is an outlaw just by wondering around, their name is red, it works on a point system of severity, level 5 you appear in the world as a point in space moving about and everyone starts chasing you, i tried that but got kicked from the server for being level 5, so i don't fully understand how that works. its fun chasing outlaws round the verse tho.... :)

Bad: (Remaining bugs)
#If using the Sabre it has a habit of randomly de-spawning from under you, no matter what you are doing at the time it will literally just disappear and you end up stranded.
#EVA'ing sometime you lose all control, your left floating in space, again. totally random.
#Some ships with a small interior (300 series / Aurora) you glitch out if you EVA in them (see video)
Larger ship owner have reported similar issues if more than 2 or 3 are inside them.
# some ships are becoming increasingly cosmetically broken as the PTU patches are getting more advanced, see pictures, my 325A is also missing some textures.

EVA Video...

Look at the state of this....

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Isn't the despawn bug any ship as there are now up to 16 players in an instance that only allows 12 ships?

Possibly, i don't, someone did say something along those lines in the chat box, i have not been able to use my own ships for long enough, as soon as i EVA out i can't get back in.
Well, after umming and ahhing a bit, I've CCud the 350R to a Superhornet (again) I keep melting it but I keep getting it back.

Fun as the 350R was, a single person fast ship with no cargo and very few guns is no use to me now or going forward.

So I now have-

Starfarer Gemini
Vanguard and BFUKS
Mustang Beta.

I know I don't need all those, I want to see what they are proposing with the Polaris as to whether I melt half of them and buy that instead.
CR is back!!

02:26 - Sever Population
05:03 - Tri-Monitor Support
08:31 - Hangar and Planet Side Module
10:51 - Your Name in the Game
11:23 - Carriers
13:06 - Procedural Tech
17:47 - Getting Everyone into the Same Instance
24:46 - Lowering Your Wanted Level
27:25 - More Economical or Versatile Corvettes
29:03 - Planetary Ship Entry
My real name is in Elite: Dangerous, only know it is as someone in the same company (6000 employees) called me up asking if I played the game lol.

Unusual name so he was curious..
I have the AMD ship ass I got the game free with my graphics card. Is it possible to fly the ship with this game package as I can't work out how. also is the ship any good?

Yes you can fly it, its not bad, i'll give you instructions later, no time to write them up right now :)
Thanks. Can't play till next week anyway as I am in Spain.

Assuming you have enlisted? if not go here https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist

If you have sign in and go here https://robertsspaceindustries.com/download.

(Click on Spoiler to see images)

It should look something like this

Download the installer and install, game size is about <30GB

Once installed simply click on Launch Game.

In the main menu the ones you should look at are Universe and Electronic Access (Arena Commander.)

Universe is the FPS thing where you can fly your ships freely or just wonder about.

Arena Commander is where you can play small modules to test and earn REC which you can spend on Limited time item loans. here. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/electronic-access

Well, after umming and ahhing a bit, I've CCud the 350R to a Superhornet (again) I keep melting it but I keep getting it back.

Fun as the 350R was, a single person fast ship with no cargo and very few guns is no use to me now or going forward.

So I now have-

Starfarer Gemini
Vanguard and BFUKS
Mustang Beta.

I know I don't need all those, I want to see what they are proposing with the Polaris as to whether I melt half of them and buy that instead.

I reviewed the 350R this week (vid scheduled to go up next week), got to say I loved it in combat but thought it was pretty dire at racing, granted racing isn't my "thing" anyway however the M50 was at least fun.. We'll see what the rework of the 300 series does but I expect mostly it'll be loadout and cosmetics, not so much physics and handling profiles.

Nice set of ships you've got though :)
In the end, I decided to bite the bullet, and melted my ships together for a freelancer, figure that my carrack is too big for most day to day stuff, and the super hornet too small for much other than getting into trouble, but a 'lancer is just about right.. I think I'll call it goldilocks..
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