******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

REC to upgrade? Didn't know that - but it'd only be temporary anyway if you did I guess.

I miss wrote that, sorry.

I meant that with REC you could get all weapons and extra mounts to bring it upto the standard of a Super Hornet.

Of course its only temporary but its saves you money while also owning the ship its self.
Would have been better if the 300i was $50 instead of $55, cos then you'd be able to $0 CCU to the Reliant Kore :D

I mean, its still not a bad idea if you want a more expensive ship, cos if you go Aurora > 300i > Hornet you're still saving $5 ($6 incl VAT).
I just realised something....

This was for me. :eek:

"The Klaus & Werner AT4 Energy Rifle is being awarded to all players on the server"
They have been running that message for completing tasks in previous updates.

And i didn't pick the damned thing up......

Is the 300i even worth considering over the Aurora? I only paid like £18 for this game in the first place!

I have an Aurora LN and a 325A (LN is the best Aurora)

The Aurora LN is faster and more responsive than the MR or ES, the 300 series is way faster and way more responsive than the Aurora LN

The 300I is not quite as good as the 315P / 325A as it has different thrusters, but its still one of the fastest and most manoeuvrable ships you can get.

Weapon mounts the 300 series all have 2x S2 on the wings and S3 on the nose with S3 Pylons and S3 shields

Compare that with the Aurora LN which has 4x S2 gun mounts, S2 pylons and S3 shield

The 300 series come stock with different levels of weapons and equipment, depending on which variant you get, most of that is upgradable, other than the advanced targeting system exclusive to the 325A, the 325A even has an armour upgrade but I think its bugged at the moment. so you can turn a 300i into a 325A interms of firepower and shields, but it will probably never have the 325A's Thrusters, Advanced Targeting System and Armour.
In the same way an Aurora MR will never have the LN's Thrusters and Armour upgrade.
The 325A... 275M/s fighting mode with 455M/s afterburners (WOOOOSHHHHHH....) bye, see ya later.... :D and out-turns about 85% of all other ships, good firepower, looks great, nice interior, practical for what it is. its the BMW M5 of ships. whats not to like? :)

So for firepower they are about the same as an Aurora LN, but for speed and dog fighting manoeuvrability they run rings round the best Aurora, infact they run rings around a Hornet!

Astatically they look way better, tho small they have a really nice cabin and living space, also good visibility with out all the metalwork in the way.

I don't regret getting the 325A, I love the ship, tho I also got my Aurora LN back, at least tempry until it gets upgraded again.

The whole 300 series line is also getting a rework. this is a quote from one of the developers in a thread asking from user input.

Meohfumado-CIG wrote:

If I'm missing any major points, please let me know.

Here is what I've got so far (almost four pages, gonna need to split it into two posts...lol):

• The exterior look is loved by many, despite many of its interior features being outdated considering the newer ships that have come down the pipeline. Although a shinier paint-job would be appreciated considering how glamorous the Merlin and M50 paint jobs look.
• Cockpit and canopy seem to be universally liked.
• The corridor between the cockpit and cargo area seems to be a lot of wasted space to many, and they do not understand what all that space is being used for with the bulkheads being so thick there.
• The engine and thrusters are seen as taking far too much of the ship’s available space despite not granting the ship enough speed/maneuverability to make up for such a tradeoff.
• Many players purchased the ship because of its supposed ‘luxury’ and being the BMW of the StarCitizen universe, but what they have been delivered falls far short of this description in their minds. Still, not everyone agrees on what should qualify as luxury for a single-seated ship in Star Citizen. Should the 300’s start with better components than standard starting components? Should they have thicker hulls or better shields? Should they have leather bucket seats? A better paint job and sharper finish? Should it have greater “upgradeability” than more budget-minded counterparts? Should it have a glass moonroof so people can sit back and look up at the stars? Maybe a cupholder or a minibar? A “limosine-like” interior? What people do agree on is that it should have more than it currently does because even a Mustang Beta has a better living space despite not being a ‘luxury’ vessel.
• There is no room to stand, as the surprisingly thick hull makes an already cramped compartment seem even smaller. Most do not feel that needing to duck while inside the ship or a fold-out cot fits the description of ‘luxury.’
• Many backers do not understand how cargo would be loaded into the ship, as the only compartment available is the route the pilot would take to get into the pilot’s seat. If the hold is full, then the pilot would have no way to enter/exit the ship.
• The Living space of this ‘luxury’ vessel is surprisingly sparse. There’s a bed and little else. Many backers are hoping for modules or anything else that will let them class up the joint a little, and make it truly the luxury vessel they envisioned when they purchased it.
• Some requested a shower and/or toilet…a restroom somewhere on the vessel, although for some this is not seen as necessary a change as others.
• A small kitchen would also be appreciated if possible. Exploring while eating nothing but MRE’s does not seem luxurious.
• The gullwing door entry is a major cause for concern amongst the community. Getting cargo or captives inside would be highly problematic for most, and awkward at best without the use of gravity emitters or tractor beams or something similar (although such amenities would certainly be posh so that a 300 owner does not have to sully their hands while cargo loading). Some recommendations have been the addition of a cargo lift instead of the ladder + gullwing doors to access the interior of the ship since climbing a ladder to get into a luxury spaceship is like needing a footstool to get into a luxury automobile. Still, some do like the gullwing doors, so consensus is not unanimous in this regard. Then again, having two gullwing doors seems a bit redundant considering they enter into the same space, and getting rid of one would allow the other to be used for extra seats or other amenities.
• Then again, a foldout door similar to modern day private jets with stairs may be more “luxurious” of an entry and allow people to get inside while wearing high-heels and dresses, and without jostling their monocle out of place.
• Since the occupied space and the cargo hold utilize the same volume, if the user has to “space” their cargo, there is no way to do it safely without affected the occupied space.
• Most do NOT want cargo to be carried via an external cargo pod as you “don’t put a luggage rack on a Lamborghini.”
• The wing mounts on the edge of the wing are not exactly appreciated in terms of aesthetics. Many would hope that they could be moved inward, although they admit this might affect the effectiveness of any mounted gimbals, it would improve weapon convergence. In addition, they aren’t protected and very easily destroyed where if they were on the interior of the wing they would be somewhat shielded from enemy fire.
• The missile racks as well appear to be a bit big considering they only hold two missiles, and the fact they are exposed isn’t really appreciated either.
• The gap between the occupied space and the engines is seen as somewhat disjointed, and if this area was made to be more uniform and stream-lined it would more match the description of the “sleek killer” it was sold as.
• Many feel the 300 series has fallen by the wayside, with many of its supposed roles taken over by the Avenger, and a large gap between the two designs that they feel need to be closed. For one the engine space allocated for the 300 series is massive in comparison to the Avenger despite not gaining any real advantage for sacrificing all that extra space.
• Luxury vessels do not have extra seats for passengers? Most agree it is not a troop carrier, or transport ship, and definitely not a multi-crew ship, but should at least be able to carry a passenger or two without forcing them to lay down in the bed. Perhaps windows so those passengers could see out while they fly would be a welcome addition as well.
• Weapons sticking out make it appear more military than civilian luxury. While it should be able to defend itself, having those weapons more hidden or retractable would add to its luxury and sleek appearance.
• The landing gear keeps the ship too high, which is why the ladder is so large, and again detracts from the luxury of the vessel. Many don’t see why it has wheels instead of landing skids considering it has vertical takeoff capability and does not need a runway. Although, were a cargo lift to be used per prior recommendations, the height of the landing gear would make total sense.
• Many people are no pleased with the radar as it blends into the background of the dashboard far too easily.
• Maybe the interior space could be modularized/upgradable:
o A standard living suite that comes stock yet is still stylish
o A VIP living suite for those who want that extra sense of luxury
o A row of passenger seats for the space-limo feel.
o Exploration Pod with extra sensors, scanning station or electronics gear
o Bounty Hunter Pod for a holding cell and maybe a weapons locker
o Magnetic rails and locks for cargo
o Etc.

• Many feel cargo capacity should be lower than an Avenger, but higher than a Hornet.
• This cargo bay should perhaps be shielded, in accordance with the “luxury” of the ship, and thus make the 300-series into a decent small-scale smuggler.
• As with most ships, people want the ability to swap out missile mounts for more guns.
• Cruise speeds should be faster, as luxury vehicles are rarely slow.
• Ships are awfully squishy in their current state although most assume this is due to shields/armor balancing not being complete yet.
• Stock Omnisky weapons seem to overheat very quickly.
• Given the ship’s silhouette, the rear shields can get hit while facing your enemy.

• What role is this going to fill? Is it still a “touring” vessel? A VIP transport?
• Modularity and upgradability are greatly desired.
• A forward facing tractor beam must have some sort of combat purpose, otherwise it would be more useful towards the rear to aid with cargo/salvage.

• What role is this going to fill? Is it still an exploration vessel? If so, the lack of a true living area makes that very unlikely it could be used for long-range exploration, and makes the Mustang Beta a better choice for such a role particularly when the 315p is more money for a fraction of the functionality.
• Perhaps a small-scale miner if the tractor beam could be swapped out for a mining laser.
• Size 3 front mount could be changed to a size 4 mount. Missile racks could be downscaled to a Size 2 Max to counter this buff. There would still be some utility for drop-tanks and scanners but would lose some combat ability.
• Could trade out some cargo room for exploration equipment.

• Was originally a bounty-hunting ship, but that role seems to have gone by the wayside due to the Avenger and its lore. However, many backers bought it to fulfill that role and the 325a currently has no way to transport a bounty due to the cabin design. Now it is a fighter, but unlike fighter variants of other ships (hornet, mustang, aurora, etc) it does not have any additional hardpoints over the general line of ships.
• As the combat variant, the 325a should come with additional firepower over the other 300’s. While it is not a military vessel, and should not necessarily be outgunning a Hornet with its default loadout, it should outgun an Aurora LN. Additional hard points for a Size 1 under each wing with the ability to upgrade would give it an edge combat-wise over the other 300 variants.
• Perhaps a module which would allow the addition of a single holding cell would allow it to return to its original bounty design, without altering its current design too much.
• More missiles to justify the massive launchers would be nice.

• Despite the same cabin shape of other 300’s, this one has zero cargo capability which does not make sense to many. It was originally shown to carry 5 tonnes versus the rest of the 300’s carrying 8.
• If it is primarily a racing vessel, which needs no cargo, the high cabin and height of the ship is not as necessary and some of the space there could be used to for a larger power plant, fuel and scoop cavities.
• As it is a more specialized variant, it should have slightly less upgradability than the other ships in the 300 series.
• If it is advertised as one of the fastest ships it needs to be one of the fastest ships in SCM and Cruise mode.
• Although designed as a racer, many owners do not want it to be pigeon-holed into only being a racer. Considering the cost, the ability to upgrade it with modules so it could perform as a cross-platform vessel that still has crazy speed would be much appreciated. Many suggest it being a great smuggling vessel as well given how modern speedboats are used to get cargo quickly in and out of areas. Or it could also serve as an effective interceptor or fast courier ship given its speed.
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I started a review of the 350R before getting sick as a dog last night, even did a couple of hours in VS as practice with it. I think it's a pretty slick racer - but it's way harder to control in a race than the likes of the M50, my times were really inconsistent with it.

It's actually pretty good fun in combat though, surprisingly so!
I started a review of the 350R before getting sick as a dog last night, even did a couple of hours in VS as practice with it. I think it's a pretty slick racer - but it's way harder to control in a race than the likes of the M50, my times were really inconsistent with it.

It's actually pretty good fun in combat though, surprisingly so!

I would love to see you review the 300 series.

I dont' spam these everywhere as they're more for my own amusement and means I have something to refer to later when the ships all change dramatically lol

lol just noticed the thumbnail for that one is wrong.. so tempted to leave it.
Nice reviews guys.
Its also worth remembering to be careful valuing alpha values because really its only indicative of how things are currently and not necessarily how they'll stay. I doubt its far off though.
I may end up melting down my aurora and mustang and buying a new 300i variant. Don't know why, just find the other two, to be a little 'meh'. Even tried out an avenger, and just didn't feel it.. so maybe go back to the 325a.. or maybe a freelancer.. or a connie.. okay ceryn.. stop.. just stop..
I'm with you on the Avenger, its a good alround ship actually but to me its pretty boring.

I had one for a little while and it just didn't grab me.
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