******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The SH has armour fitted in its armour slot.
The FC7 doesn't.

Although there is no armour component in the game yet. all ships that have armour have a % damage reduction and higher HP in place to simulate the effects against other variants of the ship.

I dont why you are arguing this when its right there in the Xml.

Armor slot being used on the SH doesn't mean it can't share the same hull with another ship, it's just additional plating or a different material and the XML will be altered hugely to reflect the changes as we move on through development. As I said before we really shouldn't be focused on balance of ship v ship just now but more interested in physics and how things actually work such as landing, docking etc. Ship balance is something CIG should keep in mind but we need the basics to work and certainly in the latest patch that's yet again the area they're having problems with.
You probably get a more hostile response in here as you tend to pop up with negative comments during people discussing something they're keen on, then accuse them of being mindless fan boys when they don't agree with you ;)

I've been saying for a while that the patches we've been getting are highly polished and tested in-house, this one seems to have been pushed out without that sanity-check they ordinarily do and the backlash has been pretty spectacular.

The problem is that these polished updates now have the community expecting continuity of access to what they had before, suddenly having ships inaccessible that have been there for use for 1 year + is a big deal and to be honest CIG only have themselves to blame for setting the bar far too high on alpha phase patches.

Thing is, encountering the problems they have at this phase is better than running into them later but arguably we should already be past this point in the development life cycle, they should be able to add in ships without a ton of tweaking, they should be able to ensure existing ships don't have to be temporarily removed/disabled and that's probably the more worrying part for me personally - with the introduction of some new elements, old ones have gone to hell. The first sight was a couple of patches ago when the flight training module became pretty useless shortly after it had been added.

Still it's all something that can be fixed in another patch, part of me hopes they stay focused on getting the more important engine based stuff sorted first THEN come back to the ships though, however much that annoys the community.

Fix my damned ship! :p

The truth is tho pretty much the whole of the sub $100 line of ships are becoming problematic, it just so happens most of the sub $100 ships are phase one ships.

They have to address this, thats a lot of people buying into the game only to find that in some cases they can't even use the ships they paid for.

What they should do is put them on a update / repair notice and offer working loaner ships.
^^ Yeah totally but they also have to then always have that in place. So if my Glaive isn't available I'm given a loaner (whatever that is) so it's not just sub $100 ships, every ship should have a loaner attached and they should at al patches ensure people always have a loaner that's working as an absolute minimum as without that people cannot help with the alpha and can't submit anything.

At no point should people be left without a ship even in the hangar imho even if it's just a loaner to look at and sit in.
Fix my damned ship! :p

The truth is tho pretty much the whole of the sub $100 line of ships are becoming problematic, it just so happens most of the sub $100 ships are phase one ships.

They have to address this, thats a lot of people buying into the game only to find that in some cases they can't even use the ships they paid for.

What they should do is put them on a update / repair notice and offer working loaner ships.

So people who spent more money on better ships are getting priority , if that is true it's disgusting.
So people who spent more money on better ships are getting priority , if that is true it's disgusting.

Clutching at straws a bit there, most expensive ships haven't even been made, the newer ships work, older ones don't regardless of price. It's a muddle but ultimately only one patch during alpha.
I'll pass, been working on another vid and SC is too unstable for me. Taken probably 12 hours + just to get a decent run though VS without it locking up. I mean the client completely freezes, no memory leak, no temp issues and windows etc still fine but the client just stops.

Plus I'm single parent tonight which usually means AFK most of the time lol
Reading a few with stability issues, Think we'll skip it then Bug.

want to try my connie..... It's now a tank apparently :D Which it should be as slow enough :(

Edit, you on the PTU Humbug?
Would it be fair to say that because of the nature of how this is funded what we are experiencing is the development process as its unfolding.

Its right that the things will break as it grows and then they need to go back and fix it, this is normal.
whats not normal here is the fact that its funded by backers whom have access to every stage of its development, including those which don't work very well.
Normally this is all behind closed doors, every developer has these issues, normally we just never get to see them.

So true, people just demand everything is perfect these days. I backed Project Cars a looooong time before it released and played it pretty much every day for lengthy periods of time during development. I thought the game would never work no matter how much time they had, and although a subjective matter, the game is pretty much flawless now compared to 2-3 years ago.

I've spent more than I thought I ever would on Star Citizen so far and I'm not bothered one bit that it's broken now. As long as it releases feature complete and is entirely playable. I also think it's a moot point whether you're ship cost £30 or £250 - they'll all eventually work as intended.

The only thing I think CIG should do differently at this stage is provide people with broken content a loaner until their content is working or testing is productive on it.
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