******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Im sure i've read that in Eve you can sometimes fly from system to system faster than data is transmitted in-game, and therefore its possible to empty your bank account in 1 location, fly to the next and do it again, and again, and again? Effectively robbing the bank before they've had chance to be notified of any previous transaction.

Erm.... No... I take it you've never played EVE :)

If that was the case everyone would be triliionaires...

Some people starting to see the light finally.

A very dirty trick to change the T&Cs and at that to those that aren't particularly encouraging.

They have taken a ridiculous amount of money considering how little has been delivered.

What light is that?

Do you work in the games industry? Do you know how long AAA games take to make? Do you know exactly how far they are along and have knowledge of the work pipeline?

Can you name a game that's already out or currently in development that's on this scale, size wise, detail wise and visual wise?

I will make a presumption and say no to all of the above. I'm not even a fan boy but these regular comments always make me chuckle as they usually have nothing to back it up with apart from some fluff off the net.

Also amazes how people can **** this game off but then look forward to a game like no mans sky which by all accounts has no depth, no real quality and generally looks as thread bare as a game could be. It's a £10 game at most.
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Some people starting to see the light finally.

A very dirty trick to change the T&Cs and at that to those that aren't particularly encouraging.

They have taken a ridiculous amount of money considering how little has been delivered.

They changed the ToC's because the scope of what they are doing has grown massively, we are getting vastly more than was promised when those ToC's were written, its taking longer to deliver that.
Procedural planets for example, was never in the original pledge, do you have any idea how difficult something like that is to do? How much work it involves?
Imagine trying to build a procedural seed engine for something with a surface area of 1,000,0000 square KM. It blows my mind.

Development was started 4 years ago, 5 or 6 years is not an unusual length of time to make a large and complex game, it will never actually be finished as even after official released more and more will be added to it, frankly if they get something out thats big enough to call an official release in the next 12 months they will have done an amazing job.

I can understand how people are getting impatient, after 4 years there is practically nothing to show for it, i pledged in February 2013 and have been frustrated with the lack of content for a year. but i understood i was pledging for something thats in its infancy and would take years to develop and CiG do keep us upto date with what is in the works, best they can without giving too much away to competition.

The way this game is funded is different to anyother game, anyother game you buy it when its already had 4, 5, 6+ years of development work put in and its complete or 95% so.

With Star Citizen you're paying them to make the game and then get to see, even influence the game as its being built.

They made that clear from day one, but i guess you can never be clear enough about how something works.
Pardon my ignorance, but given that the development of the game is reliant primarily (soley?) upon public financing, have they released information that clearly outlines exactly what the donated money is being spent on?
Pardon my ignorance, but given that the development of the game is reliant primarily (soley?) upon public financing, have they released information that clearly outlines exactly what the donated money is being spent on?
They did have a stretch goals thing going on but its no longer relevant as funding and what they are doing has grown way beyond it.


They don't have a page for every Pencil, Workstation they buy and Developer they hire but tours of their premises and interviews of their staff are regular features of the videos they publish every week.

For example...

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He'd make more "profit" if he just ran off with the money, he's genuinely the worst scam artist in history by promising to make a game and actually spending the money on making a game.

Most scam artists I've heard of promise you something then run off.. Hiring hundreds of staff, having them show their progress week on week over several hours of shows each week seems daft when he could have just done a runner.

Strange how Braben never got this amount of hate when doing Elite Dangerous.. heck Peter Molyneux has been getting away with producing garbage for over a decade and hardly anyone notices.

I've over 700 hours into alpha testing Star Citizen, I don't know many "AAA" titles that can even get to a 10th of that post release these days.
I don't buy many games these days, maybe because i don't have a broad interest in games.

Not interested in games like world Of Warcraft, Skyrim....

I used to be into First Person Shooters.

BF1942 about 300 hours
BF2 400 hours
BF3 400 hours
BF4 500 hours

Then it all went to ####

BF Hardline 20 hours. Bored with it. that game really is a crime.
SW Battle Front about 15 hours, Beautiful game in its sound and visuals but annoying run and gun junk in its game play.

Adventure games.

Farcry 3, loved it, great game
Farcry 4, good game but the visuals are horrible, the lighting is flat and dull, a lot of the assets are low grade, textures are low res, the visual aspect of the game is just not very well done, i know i can do better and i'm an amateur, but i still enjoy the game play.

Crysis 3, arguably still the best looking game on earth, single player is also still enjoyable despite the fact that i have completed it about 5 times, Multiplayer is or was a lot of fun but too much of it and it becomes a frustrating game.

Witcher 3, crap, also looks terrible.

Batman series, not bad.

Metro series, enjoyable, looks good.

I also play World Of Warships, a lot of fun and the visuals are rather good for any game let alone a DX9 game, the lighting is very nice.
But once you get far in it the game turns against you if you don't spend and keep spending money.

One thing all games have in common is you don't really get anything out of them, once you reach a certain level there is no where else to go, all you can do is repeat what you have already done.

Star Citizen has the same mechanic of furthering and bettering yourself but that doesn't really end and you are very much in-charge of your own destiny, its not a set path that you follow, you make it your own in a vast universe.

Even tho at this point there is so little content i keep going back to it because there are always other people there doing there own thing, its fun to observe that or even get involved.
Noobs to the game are a lot of fun, so amazed by everything around them, like little kids on a day out of wonders their short lives have never seen.
That immersion will only grow and grow as the game grows.

Everything else to me now just feels rather pointless and a waste of my time.
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I've over 700 hours into alpha testing Star Citizen, I don't know many "AAA" titles that can even get to a 10th of that post release these days.

More fool you tbh. People spending thousands of pounds to test the game and be drip fed the 'modules'. Lots of promises, little delivered and little evidence that it will be.

Who spends $2,500 on a game that hasn't been released yet? Paying thousands of dollars for virtual ships in a game that has yet to be released and in fact doesn't even have a firm release date is madness to me. Even if it ends up being a great game, hell, even an all time classic, it's not worth it.

It is very poor form to change the policy. People seemed willing to pledge under the old terms of service. If you want to change something as significant as a refund policy then people should be allowed to alter their pledge (or revoke it) if they don't agree with that change. Altering a refund policy to pretty much exclude the chance of a refund until it's too late to get a refund, that's a pretty huge change, and not one that instils confidence when a backer has trusted you with thousands of dollars. It will be interesting to see how many more people demand their money back.
More fool you tbh. People spending thousands of pounds to test the game and be drip fed the 'modules'. Lots of promises, little delivered and little evidence that it will be.

Who spends $2,500 on a game that hasn't been released yet? Paying thousands of dollars for virtual ships in a game that has yet to be released and in fact doesn't even have a firm release date is madness to me. Even if it ends up being a great game, hell, even an all time classic, it's not worth it.

It is very poor form to change the policy. People seemed willing to pledge under the old terms of service. If you want to change something as significant as a refund policy then people should be allowed to alter their pledge (or revoke it) if they don't agree with that change. Altering a refund policy to pretty much exclude the chance of a refund until it's too late to get a refund, that's a pretty huge change, and not one that instils confidence when a backer has trusted you with thousands of dollars. It will be interesting to see how many more people demand their money back.

Do you own the game?
Pardon my ignorance, but given that the development of the game is reliant primarily (soley?) upon public financing, have they released information that clearly outlines exactly what the donated money is being spent on?

Private financing.

No public money is involved.

You don't get to tell me what i do with my money, hence why that's called "private" investment.

Public money is government money, raised through taxes, which you do get a say on.
More fool you tbh. People spending thousands of pounds to test the game and be drip fed the 'modules'. Lots of promises, little delivered and little evidence that it will be.

Who spends $2,500 on a game that hasn't been released yet? Paying thousands of dollars for virtual ships in a game that has yet to be released and in fact doesn't even have a firm release date is madness to me. Even if it ends up being a great game, hell, even an all time classic, it's not worth it.

It is very poor form to change the policy. People seemed willing to pledge under the old terms of service. If you want to change something as significant as a refund policy then people should be allowed to alter their pledge (or revoke it) if they don't agree with that change. Altering a refund policy to pretty much exclude the chance of a refund until it's too late to get a refund, that's a pretty huge change, and not one that instils confidence when a backer has trusted you with thousands of dollars. It will be interesting to see how many more people demand their money back.

Please, don't vastly blow the situation out of proportion.

One or two people have a problem with the new TOS (which is pretty much the same as the old one, and just removes some ambiguity), there is no mass outcry for refunds or crowds of people wielding pitchforks storming the offices at f42 and CIG.
Also, the big story at the moment is the young man who made a lot of noise because he had vastly over extended his finances, started backing way after the Kickstarter and initial pitch, knew exactly what he was doing, but sat down one day a few weeks ago and though "blow me, I've spent 2.5k on Internet spaceships what a dick"
Then he turned to Derek Smart who very kindly assisted him in annoying CIG so much they refunded him to save himself from bankrupting himself from suing them in a case he wouldn't win, and gave him a lifetime ban from their service as a parting gift.
People do love to see drama where there is none, as has been said, must be gamescon round the corner, anything to spread Derek's FUD eh?

Full story here from the gentleman himself on R/Derek_smart:
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You do not like much/anything about this game. You love the look of No Mans Sky, and don't really have a lot of time to play games these days. So obviously this game would only make your life hell as it will be so addictive, so obviously this game is not for you - come PU release.

SC is literally aiming for the stars (no pun intended as per game theme) as to being the best game ever, not my opinion what so ever. It is blatantly obvious with all the info and videos being pumped out. Anyone who has read the facts of previous AAA games will know what is involved in creating such a game.

SC during its initial kickstarter days only wanted to create a very niche/small game, Squadron 42 without any "fluff".

Look at it now, just look at all the videos, you class THAT as fake? sure, go ahead. You play No Mans Sky for what... 1000 hours at most. I played Everquest 2 for 12k hours over 4 years when i was jobless, if SC PU turns out half as good as that game then I'll be matching that 12k hours invested into SC, yet EQ2 is barely heard of these days if at all...

Yes I'm a fanboy, and to be fair its bloody understandable... as no other game has ever aimed this high - due to funding issues. This is literally our only ever opportunity to prove to the rich investors that we want a proper, addictive, very fun, immersive game, instead of the trash that ALL game dev's are pumping out these days with the PC as an after thought.

You are on overclockers forum discussing computer games, obviously you prefer playing games on the PC. SC easily has the potential of being the best game ever. If you do not agree with this then PC gaming literally should just die and let the console ports take over...oh wait umm... yet I suppose I'm the fool lol sigh you could not make it up.
Who spends $2,500 on a game that hasn't been released yet? Paying thousands of dollars for virtual ships in a game that has yet to be released and in fact doesn't even have a firm release date is madness to me. Even if it ends up being a great game, hell, even an all time classic, it's not worth it.
Does not compute.
$2500, so roughly say £2000.
The most I've ever spent on a game was approx £700 over 4 years: the full game, expansions and "stuff."
£700 divided by 48 months is £14.50/month. I'm guessing the typical adult gamer spends more than that on games these days?
Even compared to almost all other forms of entertainment that is dirt cheap, agree?

Yet, £2k on a game is not worth it? Which could last you beyond 5 years if the likes of UO, EVE, EQ, WoW (and among other MMO's) has anything to go by, because lets face it... no other game has ever lasted that long for so many gamers. But then again, most gamers prefer constantly paying for new games... soooo worth it.

People are so used to the status quo of crap games these days; oh hey I bought BF4 for £2 I'm having a blast! Steam FTW! Played it for 100 hours now I think I'm going to hop onto some other game just because it was in the sale!!
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Erm.... No... I take it you've never played EVE :)

If that was the case everyone would be triliionaires...

Only just seen the reply - ah sorry, no, never played it. Long story short, the uncertainty of space has always put me off it, i blame the Star Trek series. Star Wars & Red Dwarf being key exceptions, and through getting to understand SC im playing catch-up, such as Firefly, BSG, Killjoys & Dark Matter and any decent films. First person multi-crew opened the door, CRs passion for the game did the rest.

Via SC i've picked up a few stories from EVE and i thought that was something i'd read people talking about, not a game exploit or something negative, but a criminal act if you lived the criminal life. I'd read about people 'conning' their way into orgs and a position of power, as a type of espionage and 'stealing' vast amounts of ships or money in minutes following years of work. Not theft, but 'EVE espionage', part of the game rather than people hacking accounts and selling them etc. That, where some talk fondly of it, concerns me. Pirates robbing banks, sounds amusing. I'd just assume that anyone becoming a trillionaire would have the appropriate amount of police following them, and ultimately taking it back once they were found, and it'd be more about the thrill of the chase. Im not planning on being a pirate either, maybe an alt years into it, or between pre-release wipes (how better to know the enemy than be them for a while), but i kinda hope stuff like this could be plausible, you couldnt empty banks out, but if you withdrew a daily limit and were able to keep doing that locations faster than live data arrived, it'd be theft and you'd be creating your own dynamic content and stories.
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