******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Thank you both but humbug was there slightly quicker :(

I really have no idea about this game, I just want to try it out as to me it looks like everything I could dream of and from the videos it looks amazing!

If you need help let me know, the learning curve is high.

PS: there giving away free stuff in raffles in the stream, The game + an F7C Hornet Ship is on right now. go here and type !raffle in the chat. https://www.twitch.tv/starcitizen

F7C Hornet, its a high end ship.
I'm planning on using a Playstation controller, since I use that in Elite...

Is that a terrible idea? :p I remember my biggest problem, in the last free play, was controlling :p
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I'm planning on using a Playstation controller, since I use that in Elite...

Is that a terrible idea? :p I remember my biggest problem, in the last free play, was controlling :p

Team with voice attack and you're fine, just needs a lot of config but probably profiles already done.
Yeah KB+M is perfectly fine, i think a Joypad could be enjoyable but theres already so many buttons being used you'd have to assume the essentials will be there on the pad (movement, aim, shoot, interact etc) and then the secondary stuff would be left with the keyboard for stuff thats not so time sensitive (request landing etc).
HOTAS is fun, not as easy to be accurate while aiming - A ship with a gimballed turret will point where your cursor says to go, so you can aim by mouse cursor (and the ships nose follows too), whereas with a HOTAS the reticle will always be fixed where your nose points. That being said, using a gimbal mount means using a weapon 1-tier lower, so removing that lets you have a better weapon that'll hurt when you land hits, it'll just be harder.

Exactly how that balance ends up is hard to tell, but you cant exactly nerf someone purely for using 1 controller over another, but this helps narrow the gap. KB+M users can go fixed weapon, HOTAS can go gimballed (more impractical, but its not a controller nerf).

Considering everyone has a KB+M and is used to it, and its ideal for first person combat, free roam interaction and flight, its the best solution to start with and then a HOTAS if you want to feel more authentic and connected to the game for the flight stuff.
I'm hoping that the new patcher fixes the inability to launch from a network share... I've been in dialogue with support trying to solve this as my whole setup relies on virtual servers (including gaming) to function running of shared storage (fast SSD based for games, RAID 6 for general).
Thank you both but humbug was there slightly quicker :(

I really have no idea about this game, I just want to try it out as to me it looks like everything I could dream of and from the videos it looks amazing!

I just used Longbow's code to even things out. :)
I feel like an idiot I'm in game and I literally have no clue what I'm doing -.-

In menu go to Universe, then Crusader and click launch.

Once you wake up go down the stairs and go through the door at the bottom of those stairs, you will see terminals, go up to one and press F, select your ship and one the ship is delivered use F To come away from terminal.

Find an airlock, (yellow doors) make sure you have a suit on, there is a machine next to the yellow doors where you can put your suit on or take it off, there is also one in your room, if you go in the airlock without a suit you will die, to activate the airlock and the machine find the panel and press F on the Use prompt.

Once outside find your ship, it will be highlighted in your view with a small circle.
To enter ship find the door and use F on the Use prompt.
Once in with the ship started press space to lift off, W for throttle, once a safe distance from objects to crash into press V for a higher speed mode.

Press F1 to bring up Mobiglass, click in big green window, on the left select a mission by clicking in to make a yellow dot on the right on the mission.
Its location will be highlighted in space, point your ship at it and press B, point your ship at the destination point until you get a circle round it, press F to activate the jump.

If pirates spawn press Y to lock on, mouse 1 in the main weapon, 2 secondary, use the little square over the target to aim.

S to slow down, speed and throttle indicators are centre left of your HUD, V cycles different speed modes.

A and D to role.

Alt+F to get out the seat

Those are the basics.

One other thing, the chatbox on the bottom right, its return to type into it, if you need help ask, you wont always get an answer but there are plenty there happy to help out.

And/Or join an Org, some are listed on page one of this thread.

It looks like a lot to take in, and there is A LOT more if you want to get advanced, but trust me i'm crap with this sort of stuff and i find it very easy, its like anything, with practice it becomes second nature.

If you want a voice to voice tutorial let me know, i will give you my Discord details.

Have fun :)
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Haha awesome mate thank you so much for that :D I will have another go tonight! I need to see if I can find my Rhino HOTAS too as I can imagine that will be awesome with this. :D

What kind of spec do you need to run this all at ultra? I have a 980 4GB HOF edition running on a 27" ROG Swift but I found it felt a little sluggish and slow even with the settings on medium... I'm looking at any excuse to upgrade really, is this game more GPU than CPU intense? Like if I get a Titan X Pascal will this run on ultra? I know it might be a bit of a hard question to answer.

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