Sorry its late, it got too late uploading so went to bed.
Alpha 2.5.
New Station: GrimHex
New lighting pass
New particle effects system
New landing systems
New ships: Reliant Core, ARGO Transport and ARGO Cargo.
Its a 'Tock' patch in the Tick - Tock update cycles if there is such a thing with SC, its a big one, the lighting is new with some clever refractive bloom effects that i really like.
Cryengine recently got an update to its GPU rendered particle system, which they are now making use of, TBH i think they could do more with it but its early days, i'm a little overkill when it comes to effects anyway, thats just me, i always want moaaaaar BOOM!
GrimHex, looks really good, so much detail in it, its good to see they are still improving on the incredible work they have already done, while the artwork has always been top draw i always felt they never used Cryengines gorgeous lighting and texture mapping to full effect, it all looked a bit flat compared to what i know the Engine can do, not so with GrimHex, its stunning.
Reliant Core, very interesting ship tho i don't think i'll be buying one, its flight characteristics are mushy, it makes some great noises, they seem to be adding some rocket sound effect to thrusters with new ships, it does sound so good, very addictive, from the outside it makes some wired throbbing sounds that is again brilliant, i tried to capture that but not very successfully.
The ARGO, what an awesome little thing, no Jump Drive or Weapons, its just a close support craft, soooo much fun, again its the noise, its intoxicating.
Enough blabbing, sorry about the slightly off aspect ratio of the vid, i'm using Shadowplay BETA 3 and it just happens to be playing up right now.
And my own Cryengine BOOM, these are the old Texture Based effects some of you my recognise from SC. at least upto 2.4. Cryengine has always had GPU driven particle effects, there is a lot of it in Crysis 3 but its always been buggy and very difficult to work with, it was a primarily texture based engine, its why even CiG used it for this long. the new system brings it into line with Unreal Engine, its been a long time waiting.
PS: as you can see you don't need Nvidia PhysX to make stuff spring out the ground and bounce, you never have