yeah to be honest Manners14 - I tried the free-play weekend and I couldn't find much to do - but I was obviously missing something
the multi-player terrible frame rates put me off too - can't stand sub 30 fps
When you tried it, did you know what to do before going in? cos i can imagine if you dont know much and just get into a ship, and then fly around, its going to feel pretty pointless, but if you've found the quantum drive, theres a reasonable amount to just go look at, but there isnt a structured game in there, no 'do this, now go here, ok go kill this guy...' its still sandboxy and obviously only using the stuff thats implemented currently.
Theres no element of hand holding yet, i can imagine that being added around easter though if SQ42 is out, cos that will need an element of guided tutorial.
I think at the moment, if you're following SC, theres a LOT more to see than if you're not following it. If your eager to see the new things, you'll spend a fair amount of time going to them and looking closely at everything, because you want to see it. If your trying to decide whether to buy it, is it stable, is it real, then theres not much interest in the small details, you dont care about a new clothes shop, about finding certain things, you're looking for something to entertain you and convince you to open that wallet. If it doesnt wow you with the reality of what its doing all around you, and what the future holds, then the game certainly isnt inviting by making you figure it out for yourself. Its not being a d..k, it just lacks that module just as it lacks things like cargo. Its understandable if it doesnt really sell itself. The people on the server, if asked, they'll answer Qs and show you some of the cool stuff etc.