******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

In game you'll own a 300i, its value is a 300i. It just has a credit refund value of $0 because you didnt pay for it, and i guess they didnt want people getting codes and melting them for $60 credit a pop.

The ships will have wear and tear, and restoration to a point, but you'll never get it to pristine condition. Seems reasonable to assume that perhaps the mileage on a ship may have a relation to how new it can look, or maybe its tied to how many times its been repaired or the combined value of the repairs.

I think we'll see people restoring ships to working order but keeping some of the visual wear for stylistic purposes, while others will want it looking like new and paying the extra costs associated.

Havent heard anything about system repairs & replacements due to general wear & tear, only destruction from combat or collisions type stuff. So not sure about stripping ships down and buying replacements beyond buying upgrades or fitting it out for a different load-out. Dont see why they couldnt, but im not sure it makes for a better game. It could become a real burden if costs to operate it are really high, but im sure i read something about luxury yachts IRL, the general upkeep on those is said to be about 10% of the ships purchase price, per year! I suppose things like this happen on a more common scale with cars needing parts replaced, and its not because its been in an accident.
I'd be interested in knowing their mechanics around used ships. In real life, a used car has wear and tear, higher mileage and as such the risk of breakdowns is higher... I'd love them to implement something along this lines so not only is the ship itself looking older, you have to spend money to retrofit it to take newer tech and it might be more unreliable... I'd also love to see them include the complete overhaul like military do with their aircraft where everything is replaced as long as the air frame is sound!

There was talk really early on in the dev cycle about ships looking more used over time and that a ship won't be replaced "as new" with insurance if it's a few years old (in-game time). I've never managed to find out the source of that but i'm convinced it was one of the many 104TC videos.

Ships with engineering specialisations and no doubt hangars with them later will be used to make improved gear so even if it's not "old gear being replaced" it's likely to be stock stuff being swapped out almost immediately when you get a new ship. That's one of the key areas I think orgs will shine, especially those with an interest in engineering/racing etc.
There was talk really early on in the dev cycle about ships looking more used over time and that a ship won't be replaced "as new" with insurance if it's a few years old (in-game time). I've never managed to find out the source of that but i'm convinced it was one of the many 104TC videos.

Ships with engineering specialisations and no doubt hangars with them later will be used to make improved gear so even if it's not "old gear being replaced" it's likely to be stock stuff being swapped out almost immediately when you get a new ship. That's one of the key areas I think orgs will shine, especially those with an interest in engineering/racing etc.

That sounds pretty cool, I remember watching something ( maybe one of the lore makers ) describing a highly acidic atmosphere on a planet that if you wanted to land on you would really need to specialize on some armour for it as if you don't it would literally erode your ship away.
how the hell do i kill people in Arena Commander with my 315 and the rubbish pew pews? I need to get some better weapons on my ship, but to my understanding thanks to Humbug, I need to kill in AC and get REC to rent ship weapons. Seems way unfair as all the ships in the AC I come up against are just levels above what my ship is.
how the hell do i kill people in Arena Commander with my 315 and the rubbish pew pews? I need to get some better weapons on my ship, but to my understanding thanks to Humbug, I need to kill in AC and get REC to rent ship weapons. Seems way unfair as all the ships in the AC I come up against are just levels above what my ship is.

On the right in the game mode window select Coop Vanduul Swarm, i think your playing Battle Royal.
Are you on M+KB Humbug? Is that a better control scheme to have the flight setup the way you have ie as in your aiming reticle is not always stuck to the centre of your hud?

and yeah your right, i was in Battle Royale.
Are you on M+KB Humbug? Is that a better control scheme to have the flight setup the way you have ie as in your aiming reticle is not always stuck to the centre of your hud?

and yeah your right, i was in Battle Royale.


The targeting pips move with my mouse movements, thats Gimballed, stock the 300 series has fixed guns, so they move with the ship, its a lot easier and better having gimballs under the guns so your not dragging the whole ship around to aim.

On the 315P you need two S2 for the Wings and one S3 for the nose

Keep in mind tho attaching gimballs reduces the size of the weapon you can attach, so the 300 series has an S3 nose mount and S2 wing mounts, with the gimballs on the nose becomes S2 and the wings S1.

The weapons i used in that are Bulldogs for the wings and Badger for the nose.

I'll make a short video on how to attach items to your mounts...
thanks mate

My first foray into earning REC :) thanks to you. I'm SargeApone btw

thanks mate

My first foray into earning REC :) thanks to you. I'm SargeApone btw


Nice, :D good score, a few more like that and you'll have earned enough to get everything you need.

Once you do, this is how you add them to your ship.
This is persistent, so in theory you only need to do this once, tho i have found thats not always the case, you can also do this on the Landing Pad at Olisar in the universe.

thanks Humbug.

Will all this stay on my ship, or is it just for the Arena Commander area?

At the moment i find they are for Arena Commander and for mini PU, however i think that it's only supposed to be for AC, I am getting annoyed with the things i have rented with REC being around for way longer than they should so i think i may be misinterpreting the 7 uses for 24 hours feature.
thanks Humbug.

Will all this stay on my ship, or is it just for the Arena Commander area?

It should stay on your ship, there was talk a while ago about having REC for AC only and yet i use REC weapons in the universe all the time, REC ships no longer work in the Universe but weapons do.
Yeah the 350 is your straight line not to many turns racer that but the M50 is insane put them on a track together and the M50 will straight up win.

Here is an advert/galacticgear(fake top gear :D) for the M50

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