******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I would go into Arena Comander and play some live spectrum matches to earn some REC, then rent two S2 gimbals for the wings, one S3 gimbal for the nose, a couple of bulldog repeaters for the S2 wing gimbals and a badger repeater for the nose gimbal.

Or with little experience of the game; exchange it for an Avenger Titan, its an easier ship to work with.

How did you get the 315P if you didn't pledge? were you gifted it?

SQ42 was separated as stand alone package a while ago, you don't need it to play SC, which will also have its own FPS module in the form of Star Marine.

To be fair SQ42 originally replaced Star Marine, which was then brought back and SQ42 separated from the package. so your still getting what was actually the original FPS module and SC in the pledge.

No one needs to buy the biggest ships, a £40 Avenger is all the ship you need, for that £40 you get the ship, Start Citizen, a bunch mini universe modules for a quick blast with your friends and the Star Marie first person shooter module.

Its a lot of game for £40 without SQ42 thrown in on top of all that. :)

I'd get rekd using a 315p with just the pew pew guns lol
That is what a lot of us want.

I don't want everyone running around in javelin class destroyers. It should be an asset owned by a corp of 50 people who have all worked for it.

Yeah I agree. I am not sure of the names of all ships but when I said big I worded it poorly as I never meant ships that require multiple crew to operate. I am sure there are ships bigger, more expensive than the freelancer that are controlled by a single pilot, but I could be wrong.

Never meant a single person owning a huge dreadnought which requires many to operate. I completely agree those definelly should be rare and controlled by people pooling their resources in organisations.

I think part of the perception is that people assume THEY should be able to buy anything. Can we all buy a 100 foot luxury yacht, a JCB vehicle, a military battleship etc.

Buying the large ships are likely to be useless to just you and you alone, they're multiplayer ships and should be treated in such a way, and it goes beyond simply how many people are needed to crew it. For the most part they'll need to be bought by a collective, because if we were to say 100 hours is a lot of time to earn an Idris, 10 people could easily earn that in a weekend.

If people are going to view it as 'how long will i have to play in order to have the biggest most expensive ship' then i'd certainly hope its an insane amount of time, because quite frankly its a stupid way to look at things.

Doing 1 million 1hr hauling runs in an Aurora could pay for it.

Doing 10x 1h hauling runs in an Aurora to buy a Freelancer, to do 10x 1hr hauling runs to buy a Hull C, do another 10x 1h runs and so on will likely get you there considerably faster, too.

If you do 10x 1h runs to buy 2 more Auroras, let people rent them, use their payments to buy 2 more auroras, use those to buy 4/8/16 more etc and you're building a business which is making you money based on just 10hrs work.

Or simply work with others, have it org owned. Maybe you can only do a few hours a week, but i bet plenty of others play it multiple hours every evening, and they also want that awesome ship, and eventually because you worked together to pool your funds towards a shared goal, you've got what you all wanted for less work than it'd take if you went solo.

Theres certainly no 1 way of saying ship X will take Y hours to earn. Working from a ships price and how long it'd take to earn with a starter ship makes no sense, and also assumes that you cant earn it by doing a variety of things and have fun in the process, or take measures to speed up the process like teamwork or buying a ship that can earn you money at a higher rate.

Well said I agree. Will be tricky to balance. But I do think a ship such as a freelancer from what I have seen of it should not take say 1000 hours to achieve say. Maybe 50 hours if starting from scatratch. This is why I said 20 hours or there about with the 32k we have plus what we earn from hopefully the long campaign in SQ42 :)

Oh and let us not forget, that would be a barebones ship and it will likely cost just as much as the ship costs in the first place if not more to fit the ship with premium weapons, scanners, armour...
I'd get rekd using a 315p with just the pew pew guns lol

Those Omnisky VI's are pretty powerful, the trouble with them is they overheat far too early and have a slow fire rate, which makes them a bit crap, badgers, even bulldog repeaters are far more effective, i don't know anyone who likes those Omnisky's, its worse when on the 300 series they are fixed.

For Fixed guns you need high fire rate weapons like repeaters.

Personally i really like the 300 series, but not with those stock guns, the 325A has a mass driver on the nose, its gimballed but again slow fire rate and overheat constantly, its mixed with the fixed wing mounts, mixing fixed and gimballed is never good.

I took that off too, i have a gimballed Tarantula 870 on the nose and gimballed Bulldogs on the wings, the 300I, 315P and 350R can run the same loadout.

They will revamp the 300 series line, it has an update pass scheduled, but its not going to be for a while, they said they have listened to feedback on the series, which was basically better weaponry, completely redone interior and exterior and more role focused on each type, 300i base, 315P explorer, 325A fighter and 350R interceptor.
Yeah I agree. I am not sure of the names of all ships but when I said big I worded it poorly as I never meant ships that require multiple crew to operate. I am sure there are ships bigger, more expensive than the freelancer that are controlled by a single pilot, but I could be wrong.

Never meant a single person owning a huge dreadnought which requires many to operate. I completely agree those definelly should be rare and controlled by people pooling their resources in organisations.

Well said I agree. Will be tricky to balance. But I do think a ship such as a freelancer from what I have seen of it should not take say 1000 hours to achieve say. Maybe 50 hours if starting from scatratch. This is why I said 20 hours or there about with the 32k we have plus what we earn from hopefully the long campaign in SQ42 :)

Oh and let us not forget, that would be a barebones ship and it will likely cost just as much as the ship costs in the first place if not more to fit the ship with premium weapons, scanners, armour...

you think 50 hours for a free lancer?? you have got to be kidding right? that seems crazy crazy fast. I would say something in the realms of 200-300 hours would be better.

I do have to say i absolutely love my connie
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50hrs doesnt seem unreasonable tbh, but again, it really depends on how you spent those 50hrs, because if we're just talking about loading into the PU with a starter ship, and randomly spending those 50hrs, then its probably too fast because you'll likely waste a lot of time going from place to place, compared to 50hrs spent focused on an objective and doing a variety of tasks, which ever happens to be the most rewarding based on where the last job left you.

I dont think 50hrs of focused effort towards a goal is too bad for a Freelancer, and say 100hrs of easily distracted gameplay, is too fast.
TNA also brought up a good point about the ship itself only being the basics. CR has said that he'd expect us to spend 4x that amount on upgrading it to one of the very best loadouts, so that could easily translate to 150hrs of gameplay if we're saying you're not also buying things like fancy armor, clothing, hangar upgrades/modules etc.

Its kinda hard to tell without actually spending that time in-game and seeing how it feels, because it still needs to be accessible to newcomers who've just bought the game and want to do stuff. They need to be able to leave their Aurora and buy a 300i in a timeframe that doesnt see them having played for 20hrs and realise they're only 1/5th of the way towards a 2nd tier of ship ($50-100), let alone the 3rd (100-150) or 4th (200-300) etc which they're seeing other players in. If they get a grind feel, like 100hrs is what it'd take them to earn a small ship, it'd take 1000hrs to earn a medium one, they're not going to have a positive view and get to the point where they're looking at orgs and understanding why these large ships are completely out of the reach of single players with basic experience, tools, and connections/reputation.

It'll be interesting to see how it all feels once initial figures for these things are part of the gameplay, but its going to take the community looking at things from the point of a newcomer as well as how it feels from other perspectives and not just how it impacts them with their playstyle and the time they can spend playing. Certainly wont be easy.


It'll be interesting seeing if a Starfarer explosion is much larger if its carrying fuel, apparently the space nerds say it wouldnt (no oxygen to make it explode), but then we're seeing explosions now, and i'd say they're partly fireball explosions so clearly reality is second to perception and the rule of cool.

The huge capital ships doing something catastrophic will be amazing, the Vanduul Kingship is bigger than the 1km long Bengal, so that'll be some sight :D

It'll be interesting seeing if a Starfarer explosion is much larger if its carrying fuel, apparently the space nerds say it wouldnt (no oxygen to make it explode), but then we're seeing explosions now, and i'd say they're partly fireball explosions so clearly reality is second to perception and the rule of cool.

The huge capital ships doing something catastrophic will be amazing, the Vanduul Kingship is bigger than the 1km long Bengal, so that'll be some sight :D

Oh yeah... lots of KABOOM!!! :D don't care what space nerds say :p

Ooooooh that's absolutely lovely! Wouldn't even be mad about getting blown up if i got to watch that each time.

I put that there to make you cry :p :o
The huge capital ships doing something catastrophic will be amazing, the Vanduul Kingship is bigger than the 1km long Bengal, so that'll be some sight :D

What is the current state of these as it used to be stuff like the Bengal would never be build able/own able by players.


This was also said some where else by Chris i think that players could not have them.

Hopefully i have misinterpreted information and players will in some way be able to get these. Be a shame if the Javelin class destroyer is the only "big" ship we can get as i think they will make great org assest
Well, any military tech is going to be extremely hard to get hold of, especially current generation. Ex-Military stuff can be sold, but in the PU im not sure. Ships like the Hornet are civilian versions, like a Humvee i guess, and they'll sell you a bright yellow H2 (or whatever is current) quite happily.

Capital ships, especially the huge ones, definitely wont be able to go to a dealership and pop your name on a waiting list for these. The most likely way of obtaining one is by finding and restoring the wreckage of one or more, and bringing it back to life that way. That being said, the UEE arent going to take too kindly to it however you've got hold of it, so you wouldnt want to go strolling through UEE controlled space.

Im not sure what the largest purchasable ship would be. The Javelin is the largest sold so far, theres also a carrier which i dont recall if it has a name yet. Im also not sure what this one below is called, ive got a feeling it something like Retribution or something

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20670693/Star Citizen Pics/Ships/CIG-DE-November-2015.jpg

ahh, yeah i just googled the name and its correct - its also about twice the length of the Bengal so im going to stick my neck out and say we wont be buying that one either :D

edit - Pegasus is the Escort Carrier.
edit 2 - link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/.../14393-Introducing-The-Pegasus-Escort-Carrier

Probably another one they wouldnt sell us. It may well be that the Idris-P is the largest ship we'll be able to buy in the PU, with a long waiting list to go with it. They've sold the Javelin Destroyer-Class but just in classification terms, it seems unlikely they'd sell Destroyers. Maybe it'll all come down to who you are and the reputation you have. The US gov sells plenty of tanks, fighters and ships, but its to allies and used in carrot & stick situations. However you'd think anyone given that opportunity in the PU would lose it if they were just selling those ships to the highest bidder, as well as having the UEE monitoring who has them and taking them back if need be.
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Going back a few posts but I hope the running costs of the Javelin are pretty insane to prevent one man armies using NPCs.

Just don't tell Mike I said that as he's got one :P
you think 50 hours for a free lancer?? you have got to be kidding right? that seems crazy crazy fast. I would say something in the realms of 200-300 hours would be better.

200-300 hours for a fully kitted one yeah, but for a basic one? Bit much, at that rate a lot of people will lose interest I think.

50hrs doesnt seem unreasonable tbh, but again, it really depends on how you spent those 50hrs, because if we're just talking about loading into the PU with a starter ship, and randomly spending those 50hrs, then its probably too fast because you'll likely waste a lot of time going from place to place, compared to 50hrs spent focused on an objective and doing a variety of tasks, which ever happens to be the most rewarding based on where the last job left you.

I dont think 50hrs of focused effort towards a goal is too bad for a Freelancer, and say 100hrs of easily distracted gameplay, is too fast.
TNA also brought up a good point about the ship itself only being the basics. CR has said that he'd expect us to spend 4x that amount on upgrading it to one of the very best loadouts, so that could easily translate to 150hrs of gameplay if we're saying you're not also buying things like fancy armor, clothing, hangar upgrades/modules etc.

Its kinda hard to tell without actually spending that time in-game and seeing how it feels, because it still needs to be accessible to newcomers who've just bought the game and want to do stuff. They need to be able to leave their Aurora and buy a 300i in a timeframe that doesnt see them having played for 20hrs and realise they're only 1/5th of the way towards a 2nd tier of ship ($50-100), let alone the 3rd (100-150) or 4th (200-300) etc which they're seeing other players in. If they get a grind feel, like 100hrs is what it'd take them to earn a small ship, it'd take 1000hrs to earn a medium one, they're not going to have a positive view and get to the point where they're looking at orgs and understanding why these large ships are completely out of the reach of single players with basic experience, tools, and connections/reputation.

It'll be interesting to see how it all feels once initial figures for these things are part of the gameplay, but its going to take the community looking at things from the point of a newcomer as well as how it feels from other perspectives and not just how it impacts them with their playstyle and the time they can spend playing. Certainly wont be easy.

I hope it won't take ~200-300 hours to get to a Freelancer...

My plan was to sell my 300i, chuck the prisoner cells out of my Avenger to free up the hold and then trade my way up to a 'second hand, one careful owner who used it to go to church on a Sunday' Freelancer. But....we'll have to see what the game brings I suppose :)
With players being able to sell ships it's possible you could get one cheaper, you could also potentially get a loaner from your org or an org mate who's got more ships than they can use.
I'd be interested in knowing their mechanics around used ships. In real life, a used car has wear and tear, higher mileage and as such the risk of breakdowns is higher... I'd love them to implement something along this lines so not only is the ship itself looking older, you have to spend money to retrofit it to take newer tech and it might be more unreliable... I'd also love to see them include the complete overhaul like military do with their aircraft where everything is replaced as long as the air frame is sound!
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