******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Most of it is simply pledging to fund the project. You can buy the game for the same price as any other AAA have at release (years away) but you'll start with no ship that you own, likely get a loan one. People want this game made, many of us haven't had a GOOD space game for decades although personally I liked elite dangerous, just found it shallow.

To give some context I've played about 1000 hours in alpha and enjoyed every minute
So from an outsider that has never played the game (although looks great) - the money and prices seems absolutely incredible for a game. Why does it work?
The prices badly represent pledge tiers, but i think the reality is that a lot of people dont see it that way, some use it as a stick to beat the project with, others throw cash at it because they want that ship.
However people choose to view it, if you pledge $100 then you chose what you get for that money like any other shop, it even lets you essentially refund a purchase for credit to change your mind. Compared to other crowdfunding ways which tells you what you'd get for certain amounts and thats what you'll get, so if you want to spend $100 to help fund the project and that gets you something you dont really care about, well thats what they're offering. enjoy.

I dont think theres any dispute that if CIG didnt know what they were doing, they certainly figured it out quickly, and have used it to their advantage. I think when the initial pricing was done, it was intended to cover the full spectrum of customers pricing, and the game worlds diversity, from the entry level all the way to the wishful thinking items you dont expect to sell many of, but you see what happens. As things grew, and the universe needed and could afford more diversity, newer & better ships were added, larger ships were added, rare alien & luxury ships were added, and they'd essentially already laid out the pricing when the kickstarter launched. You cant sell something bigger and more capable and only sell it a little more than a starter ship, when a similar but lesser ship was sold for 5x the starter ships price. So its created a situation where they're building all these ships and those prices have to align with past sales, because 1) its clearly profitable for them to sell them, and 2) it makes no sense to say the community cant own a domestic ship if it exists, only certain types of ships cant be bought (those the game lore says we shouldnt own, ie legit military grade ships, hostile alien ships - stuff theres no legit explanation of how our characters could have obtained them in the game world). So they're put on sale, people want to help funding, and pretty ships make that more appealing, and by spreading these releases out it sees regular income, which while it can be seen as cynically as greed, its flat-out financial suicide to refuse funds on a growing company working on a long term product and nothing to fall back on for finance except hoping in 1-2yrs people still want to throw money at it when you suddenly come out asking for money (easily interpreted to begging), rather than letting them do it whenever they want.

Sounds good. Looks like I could ccu to a Carrack for 220! Not that I really wanted a big ship at the start, however, at that discount... maybe :)
Apparently with the right CCUs at the right time, it been doable at $185. Almost half the price.
Im just annoyed that i didnt instantly grab the BMM to Starfarer CCU ($0), because i already have the Starfarer to Orion CCU ($25) waiting, but because of the price jump its now more expensive and i very much doubt they'll ever introduce the downgrade option they said they'd look into about 18mo ago. I mean, it doesnt take a genius to see something like:
use Vanguard to BMM ($0 old CCU)
buy BMM to Vanguard CCU (aka $350 to $250) = $100 credit back
Vangard to BMM ($0 old CCU)
BMM to Vanguard....

And suddenly you're replacing CR as owner of RSI ;)
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Interesting, thanks.
If I wanted to play, but didn't have $$$ to donate/invest/support with, could the average poor Joe still get on with the basic ship etc?
Apparently with the right CCUs at the right time, it been doable at $185. Almost half the price.
Im just annoyed that i didnt instantly grab the BMM to Starfarer CCU ($0), because i already have the Starfarer to Orion CCU ($25) waiting, but because of the price jump its now more expensive and i very much doubt they'll ever introduce the downgrade option they said they'd look into about 18mo ago. I mean, it doesnt take a genius to see something like:
use Vanguard to BMM ($0 old CCU)
buy BMM to Vanguard CCU (aka $350 to $250) = $100 credit back
Vangard to BMM ($0 old CCU)
BMM to Vanguard....
And suddenly you're replacing CR as owner of RSI ;)

I have a few CCU's on my buy back list to a harbinger then the Starfarer however it wouldn't be any cheaper, especially with tax on it. I expect the Orion will rise in price when it reaches the hangar though so there could be a $0 CCU from the BMM at some point.

As for a ccu downgrade, they would need to take into account the actual pledge value so it's probably more trouble than it's worth for them just in case it went wrong.
Interesting, thanks.
If I wanted to play, but didn't have $$$ to donate/invest/support with, could the average poor Joe still get on with the basic ship etc?

Yep everything can be earned in game you just need to buy a game package, nothing will be locked out from you with your purchase. Just keep in mind it's still in development :)

If you pickup a package with SQ42 you'll get an entire single player campaign as well.
Interesting, thanks.
If I wanted to play, but didn't have $$$ to donate/invest/support with, could the average poor Joe still get on with the basic ship etc?
As mentioned, 99% of content is unlockable simply by playing the finished game and earning credits, and that other 1% im not sure exactly what that might be but versions of openly available ships with a unique skin would be in that list, and really any ship that cant be bought in-game will still be obtainable through theft/piracy*, salvaging enough wrecks of those ships to build a whole one, 2nd-hand ship market, auction houses etc.

* if your ship is blown up, you'd get a replacement one from the insurance company, and it seems most likely you'd have to actively & intentionally work against your best interests and ignore reminders to pay in-game insurance in order to lose things permanently. I'd guess theres a good chance we'd have to manually opt-out of paying insurance, and it might be illegal in law-abiding space etc.

In the short term, its probably a little frustrating playing in a world that limits you to what you own when its a starter ship. However you'd have no trouble asking if you can join someone on their ship, plenty will let you fly or be a gunner, let you wander round it etc. Getting to show people around the ships you've bought is something most people enjoy being able to do.
I dont think they're doing a free-fly at the moment, but they often do, and all you need is an RSI account (no purchase etc) and you can try the game and they'll usually make a mix of 3 ships available for everyone to try, you can simply keep trying the free-fly events, its not a 1-time trial period etc. Its free access over ~ 10-days, done roughly every other month or so, which with this early access style model is pretty rare because they'd rather hope you cave and buy it to try it.

I have a few CCU's on my buy back list to a harbinger then the Starfarer however it wouldn't be any cheaper, especially with tax on it. I expect the Orion will rise in price when it reaches the hangar though so there could be a $0 CCU from the BMM at some point.

As for a ccu downgrade, they would need to take into account the actual pledge value so it's probably more trouble than it's worth for them just in case it went wrong.
Yeah, it does seem unlikely the Orion wont go up, and as long as it doesnt go over $375 (ugh!) then this 2nd bump in price wont have changed anything, but i'd still rather have that $0 and know i have that path available. If a cheaper one came along later, great.

I suspect CIG wont sell those other $325-350 ships any time soon either, but the problem for backers is now that they're no longer safe at their existing prices. Previously we'd be able to evaluate how long till they're available in-game vs how long till the next time they'll definitely be sold (anniversary sale) and judge from that, but with the 3-phase pricing out the window, the Carrack etc could be re-sold for $400 next week and they'd have precedent to do so, and the bar has been raised and the opportunity is lost (new ones might also open up - $0 Carrack to Genesis Starliner or Hull E for example).
Managed to grab a 1080ti on mm today :) despite knowing the memory usage is going to be somewhat optimised in the near future. I'm curious to see what vram usage is on it given my 1080 sits at max capacity
Managed to grab a 1080ti on mm today :) despite knowing the memory usage is going to be somewhat optimised in the near future. I'm curious to see what vram usage is on it given my 1080 sits at max capacity

At 1080P with SweetFX i'm using about 5.5GB to 6.5GB which is about 2GB more than without SweetFX, you're running 4K wide so i would imagine its pretty high...
I've got 6 Redeemer to BMM CCUs in my hanger, so if anyone wants a cheaper $350 ship at the next sale, hit me up and I'll sort you out (at cost, I'm nice that way).
Not feeling the Banu Defender.. has high hopes for it. Visibility in the cockpit looks awful but I'll grab a ccu incase they improve it. Internals look fine.

I quite like it, but you are right, it's got an awful cockpit view.

At the price it's not a million miles from the Blade if you want a small light (rare) alien fighter.

$250 is a lot though for a small light fighter, but then so is $185.
I've got 6 Redeemer to BMM CCUs in my hanger, so if anyone wants a cheaper $350 ship at the next sale, hit me up and I'll sort you out (at cost, I'm nice that way).

They're $0 upgrades, arent they? meaning they're account bound. I have about 5 for Redeemer, 5 Vanguard.
It needs to have value to gift something, and be bought 100% with cash, even then.
I quite like it, but you are right, it's got an awful cockpit view.

At the price it's not a million miles from the Blade if you want a small light (rare) alien fighter.

$250 is a lot though for a small light fighter, but then so is $185.

I think they'll sort out the visibility issue during whiteboxing, apparently CR himself noted it's cockpit needs changed as Banu are likely taller than humans and it's far too swept back - so we know it's changing anyway.
I think they'll sort out the visibility issue during whiteboxing, apparently CR himself noted it's cockpit needs changed as Banu are likely taller than humans and it's far too swept back - so we know it's changing anyway.

Not to add that cig are usually pretty good at listening to feedback and I've seen this pop up a lot so I'd say it's inevitable. Even though it needs to remain alien in design even if that compromises the view some what to humans.
Banu defender looks cool but not my cup of tea.

On the other hand the new concept art of the BMM makes it look huge - way bigger than initially expected. I'm really glad I got an Anvil Terrapin to BMM ccu which has just gone up to 350, to use on my UEE exploration pack which was already the most efficient value out of all the sales I've seen. I might even find an efficient ccu pathway up to something else for significantly less value.
Banu defender looks cool but not my cup of tea.

On the other hand the new concept art of the BMM makes it look huge - way bigger than initially expected. I'm really glad I got an Anvil Terrapin to BMM ccu which has just gone up to 350, to use on my UEE exploration pack which was already the most efficient value out of all the sales I've seen. I might even find an efficient ccu pathway up to something else for significantly less value.

The exploration pack was superb value as far as could be said for internet spaceships, but I melted mine.

I wanted an Idris and the only reliable way to get one was the Armada pack so, into the fire it went.
I really dont know what to do with my hangar ATM. I can easily shuffle some stuff about and get a $250 BMM, but can I actually manage that on my own with a few NPCs? Will I be able to afford to fill it with cargo and make money?

Probably not initially, but IDK

I'm starting to regret being this deep in now, mainly because I'm not sure I even want the more expensive ships? Part of me just wants to start in an Aurora lol.
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