******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I'm out of SC until they stop pumping out ships and fix the flight model, it's awful! Compared to elite this game is terrible, hopefully they start the actual game rather than a tech demo + paid for shiny.

This. I too feel the SC flight model is atrocious. I can't stand to play it for more than a minute. I have this niggling fear that SC is nothing but a well marketed cash grab. $400 for a ship? really?

What a joke
You start from the bottom and you go up. It's not like you're buying one thing that will be stuck with you. Just like some can play with all the weapons unlocked in BF while you take one step at a time. It's more fun. ;)

Of course, you don't like this, then don't support the game. Make a decision when it's done.
Having backed both Elite and SC......and played a lot of Arena commander and Elite Beta, I still believe that if SC deliver on everything promised, it will be miles ahead as a game over Elite.

Elite is a good game and has a great foundation to build on and grow, but it doesnt have the finite details that Star Citizen will have, that I personally think make SC special.

I know Elite is early doors as well, but travelling from the same looking station back and forth in empty space to the next station that looks exactly the same and doing all the trading inside your cockpit can get boring after a few hours.

Star Citizen currrently only has AC and that in itself can get boring after doing the same map over and over.....but I feel personally over time, as both games grow Star Citizen will be the better game.

Flight Model is subjective.....some people hate Star Citizen (allthough this is set to change in the next patch with 6DoF) and some people dont like Elite with Atmospheric Flight in space.....I personally like both and actually have no preference.

Star Citizens pricing of ships does raise an Eyebrow ($380 for a ship!!)...but clearly the scope of the game is going to require a serious amount of money and there are some very rich space nerds out there that will lap them up and help fund the game,.....I personally would never spend that amount and my trusty Cutlass will be all I need to start.
The amount of money some people are paying is insane.....

Indeed......£15,000+ is just nuts.....but then for them this is the game they have dreamed about for years and they are paying to fund it.

I would also imagine that to those people £15k isnt a lot of money, as it would be to the average person.
Having backed both Elite and SC......and played a lot of Arena commander and Elite Beta, I still believe that if SC deliver on everything promised, it will be miles ahead as a game over Elite.

Elite is a good game and has a great foundation to build on and grow, but it doesnt have the finite details that Star Citizen will have, that I personally think make SC special.

I know Elite is early doors as well, but travelling from the same looking station back and forth in empty space to the next station that looks exactly the same and doing all the trading inside your cockpit can get boring after a few hours.

Have you played the most recent beta? Most of the stations are different (though follow a similar design). Inside they can be quite different too, looks pretty good.

Also there are random scenarios that pop up through unidentified signals when flying around. Most are annoyingly federation ships checking for illegal activity, but there are others like pirates appearing, finding random illegal cargo, getting in the middle of a federation vs pirate battle, coming across ships transporting lots of goods. It's pretty good, but hopefully there is more variety as time goes on.

The thing for me is that the foundations are clearly there for an excellent game with Elite. They are adding walking around your ship, landing on planets, boarding stations etc. But they're being realistic about what they are promising. I can't see that light at the end of the tunnel yet for SC, because it's just too early days. I'm sure that will come in time, but until then I feel that anyone putting loads of cash into it are just getting played like fools - no offence to those people.

Then there's the aspect of slowly upgrading to better ships over time as the main rewards of such games. I wouldn't buy my way to the final level in a game, and wouldn't do that here either by buying the best ship. Fair enough if some people truly don't have the time... but the cost is insane. Each to their own obviously.

I've gone on too much.
Have you played the most recent beta? Most of the stations are different (though follow a similar design). Inside they can be quite different too, looks pretty good.

Also there are random scenarios that pop up through unidentified signals when flying around. Most are annoyingly federation ships checking for illegal activity, but there are others like pirates appearing, finding random illegal cargo, getting in the middle of a federation vs pirate battle, coming across ships transporting lots of goods. It's pretty good, but hopefully there is more variety as time goes on.

The thing for me is that the foundations are clearly there for an excellent game with Elite. They are adding walking around your ship, landing on planets, boarding stations etc. But they're being realistic about what they are promising. I can't see that light at the end of the tunnel yet for SC, because it's just too early days. I'm sure that will come in time, but until then I feel that anyone putting loads of cash into it are just getting played like fools - no offence to those people.

Then there's the aspect of slowly upgrading to better ships over time as the main rewards of such games. I wouldn't buy my way to the final level in a game, and wouldn't do that here either by buying the best ship. Fair enough if some people truly don't have the time... but the cost is insane. Each to their own obviously.

I've gone on too much.

Yeah I am playing the most recent beta...most of the stations I have been in are these spinning Hexagonal Spinning Cube things.....im sure it will be a great game as it expands and it is way ahead of SC in terms of a fleshed out game.

I just feel that when both games are fully released, Star Citizen will be the better game....if they deliver on everything promised.

People seem to get so hung up on the Cash for Ships side of the business, as if the whole of CIG are working on just making shinier ships to sell to the public, when in reality there is a dedicated Ship design team (that need to be there anyway as ships are required for the game) and they then in turn market/sell those ships to pay for the other departments who are developing the other areas of the game.

God knows why anyone would want to buy every ship and not have anything to work towards once the game goes live.
Yeah I am playing the most recent beta...most of the stations I have been in are these spinning Hexagonal Spinning Cube things.....im sure it will be a great game as it expands and it is way ahead of SC in terms of a fleshed out game.

I just feel that when both games are fully released, Star Citizen will be the better game....if they deliver on everything promised.

People seem to get so hung up on the Cash for Ships side of the business, as if the whole of CIG are working on just making shinier ships to sell to the public, when in reality there is a dedicated Ship design team (that need to be there anyway as ships are required for the game) and they then in turn market/sell those ships to pay for the other departments who are developing the other areas of the game.

God knows why anyone would want to buy every ship and not have anything to work towards once the game goes live.

Yeah I realise there are now multiple studios working on the different aspects, and in 2 years time I'm sure this will be shaping up to be pretty awesome. The idea of; waking up in my hanger, getting in spaceship, getting a mission, landing on planet, FPS shooting action, complete mission and get back in ship, dock at space station, walk around and receive reward... it's a video game wet dream.

But I guess because it's so far off I'm just not that excited. Elite is much closer to release and in a far more playable state, and it also has all of the above (bar FPS shooting aspects) down the pipeline too through DLC.

And yes - get away from the initial star systems where you start and you see very few of the hexagon stations.

I'm a bit 2 minded about the ship selling because on one hand they've clearly got enough cash now and they charge quite frankly a dumb amount for a spaceship in a hanger, with no evidence that the flight model will be improved. (Only promise. Looking forward to trying the improved model in the next patch, could remove my issues). On the other hand, if they were cheap everyone would have the best spaceship to start off with which would be plain stupid.

I guess it's more that there is unjustified hype at the moment, with a lot of it being on the 'shiny' aspect. I wasn't excited for Elite until I played it (in retrospect I have zero idea why I put £100 behind it, stupid decision at the time really but glad I did in the end). That moment hasn't happened with SC yet, but I'm sure it will.

Backed both, excited about both :) (more elite because I will be playing a complete version soon). Can't forget about Limit Theory either, Josh Parnell is a genius. Backed that too.
As much as I enjoy playing Elite so far it's a very restrictive game and adding in more "systems" which are essentially just single, copied stations doesn't really count at content IMO.

They need to add more to do, it'll come but it won't be anything like Star Citizen although if I'm honest I'd love it to challenge SC head on.
As much as I enjoy playing Elite so far it's a very restrictive game and adding in more "systems" which are essentially just single, copied stations doesn't really count at content IMO.

They need to add more to do, it'll come but it won't be anything like Star Citizen although if I'm honest I'd love it to challenge SC head on.
Yeah the competition is good and hopefully should motivate both dev teams to step up their game and make two fantastic games.

Another thing to note is that because each game has taken a completely different development path, added to them being at different stages, it's foolish to make concrete comparisons.

Unfortunately I can only watch ED videos as I have not pledged towards it, but from what I've seen the core gameplay looks very polished and solid - however it seems very shallow at this stage with not much to do, and it could be a long time before all the ship interiors, human avatars, fps, boarding and planetary landing stuff is implemented - probably beyond the time SC PU has launched, if not on a similar timeframe.

SC should be getting all those little elements - ship interiors, human avatars, boarding, fps - dealt with now or in the near future, at the expense of nothing being in a remotely polished state at the moment, especially the core game flight model. Because of this at a glance it seems like SC is in a worse state, and it will be a fair amount of time before things start coming together with polish. Yes I disagree with the ludicrous pledge/ship pricing model - however the development of the ships and little features is shaping up well so far, only that it's all either very rough around the edges or not yet in a playable state.

They are both shaping up to be good although there are two facts in common that should always be kept in mind:
- they are not being developed in the same way so you cannot compare progress on similar gameplay elements - or you can compare the overall game progress bearing in mind non identical progress over the different features.
- it's going to be a long time for both games before all the necessary gameplay elements see the light of day. I don't consider ED in a finished playable state until ship interiors, fps with human avatars and boarding, and possible planetary landing are done. Sure you can fly around well so far, but that's like half a game IMO.
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Having backed both Elite and SC......and played a lot of Arena commander and Elite Beta, I still believe that if SC deliver on everything promised, it will be miles ahead as a game over Elite.

Elite is a good game and has a great foundation to build on and grow, but it doesnt have the finite details that Star Citizen will have, that I personally think make SC special.

I know Elite is early doors as well, but travelling from the same looking station back and forth in empty space to the next station that looks exactly the same and doing all the trading inside your cockpit can get boring after a few hours.

Star Citizen currrently only has AC and that in itself can get boring after doing the same map over and over.....but I feel personally over time, as both games grow Star Citizen will be the better game.

Flight Model is subjective.....some people hate Star Citizen (allthough this is set to change in the next patch with 6DoF) and some people dont like Elite with Atmospheric Flight in space.....I personally like both and actually have no preference.

Star Citizens pricing of ships does raise an Eyebrow ($380 for a ship!!)...but clearly the scope of the game is going to require a serious amount of money and there are some very rich space nerds out there that will lap them up and help fund the game,.....I personally would never spend that amount and my trusty Cutlass will be all I need to start.

Exactly how I feel. I enjoyed Elite for a few days but it quickly got repetitive and I've not touched it for the last couple of weeks. Probably won't again until I get my DK2. As for flight models...As much fun as Elite can be I really wouldn't want SC to go down the ED route, sure SC is pretty rough right now but it has so much potential and has me far more excited.
Star Citizens pricing of ships does raise an Eyebrow ($380 for a ship!!)...

People seem to get so hung up on the Cash for Ships side of the business, as if the whole of CIG are working on just making shinier ships to sell to the public, when in reality there is a dedicated Ship design team (that need to be there anyway as ships are required for the game) and they then in turn market/sell those ships to pay for the other departments who are developing the other areas of the game.

I know its not quite what you were getting at, but the snippet in the first quote, and the first sentence in the second snippet, made me laugh.

I've let myself get into the process of buying ships like they're a necessity, and i suppose a lot of people have, and the daft thing is im really not a fan of the whole early access stuff (feels like so often it falls miles short and never feels finished before something else comes along), and i've never been a fan of space stuff (Star Wars & Red Dwarf being the only real exception), but i fallen head over heals for SC, and its got me watching Firefly & BSG. I've paid more towards SC than i've paid for games over a year, certainly the last 3-4 i'd imagine. But while i cant justify it compared to buying an MR+ for £24 for the same thing, i feel like what im getting back is value for money, its got me excited for a game, which i havent had for a while.

Some of the comments mentioned Elite, i havent backed that (or really followed it tbh), but talk of it getting a little boring not leaving the ship and everything being repetitive, its something i have some concerns about with SC. Yeah, we can get out, walk around ships and cities, shops etc, but i kinda wonder will that get old fast? Will we get tired of being virtual lorry drivers after a while.
Theres obviously tons more to the game, but i do have concerns that i am (and plenty of others are) expecting too much, yes we can trade, race, explore, fps, pirate etc, but is it all going to come together quite as we'd imagine, without 90% people playing in a way that goes against how you want to play (DayZ - not much of a zombie survival game when the biggest threat is other players, might as well be in ARMA etc), without it all getting repetitive.
Thankfully, have all the funding they have will allow them to keep pumping out content and 'dlc', creating an evolving game world, i just hope it turns out to be even half the game most people seem to be expecting, tbh.
I know its not quite what you were getting at, but the snippet in the first quote, and the first sentence in the second snippet, made me laugh.

What I meant was that, the model of selling ships for large amounts of money to raise cash doesnt bother me as a business model, as it does some people.

But at the same time the thought of paying $380+ for a digital item just seems crazy and I wouldnt personally do it....thats not to say that I disagree with the business model....sorry if those two sentences sounded contradictory.
What I meant was that, the model of selling ships for large amounts of money to raise cash doesnt bother me as a business model, as it does some people.

But at the same time the thought of paying $380+ for a digital item just seems crazy and I wouldnt personally do it....thats not to say that I disagree with the business model....sorry if those two sentences sounded contradictory.

the price is meant to be a ball park figure of how much the ship will cost in in-game money.
and if you take the american minimum wage 380 / 7.25 = 52.4 hrs of game play (assuming working continuously) to get said ship
so it's not imo just to raise cash, it's also to keep the game in some way balanced before it begins.
the price is meant to be a ball park figure of how much the ship will cost in in-game money.
and if you take the american minimum wage 380 / 7.25 = 52.4 hrs of game play (assuming working continuously) to get said ship
so it's not imo just to raise cash, it's also to keep the game in some way balanced before it begins.

Yeah of course......if they were cheap then everyone would have everything and then when the PU went live, everyone would have nothing to work towards...which is what I feel the people who have pumped money into to buying every ship will feel.
We'll have new ships post-release too remember and the stock equipment that comes will likely be trash within 12 months as with most games.

We've got a completionist in the org who's got every ship, two of some of them. Way he sees it he's got the cash, wants the game to be a success and likes collecting things!
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