******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

To be fair this time they never made a promise. All they said is they would like to get it out in 2 weeks if there are no bugs and they can get the leaderboards working which was an issue.

Still a pain and to be honest they would be better off saying nothing these days and just informing us 24 hours before release. Problem with that is they show this latest stuff in advance as an opportunity to bleed it's fanbase of more money.

I'm slowly caring less and less about this game.
If they release with bugs and crashes people moan, if they wait and fix for a stable release people moan.....

I remember people begging for AC bugs and all saying they would not care, guess what? They lied and moaned lol.

This is a massive game, it takes time and effort. People seem to think CIG should run to their own personal development schedule rather than the road map Chris Roberts has in mind.

CR did say he was hoping for a release but that the leader boards would probably delay it.

I'd rather be informed and disappointed then kept in the dark.

Its a GAME. Patience :D I'm sure it will be worth it.
This game doesn't run so well on my ageing GTX 460.

Is anyone using a GTX 660/670/680? If so what's the rest of your system like, what settings are you using and at what FPS?
So.. patch 0.9 has been 'delayed'..

Be honest... who DIDN'T see this coming?

Really, CIG have got to stop making promises that they just cannot keep..

It was always stated as being the target date, but for all the suggestions that they shouldnt give firm dates, theres just as much need for people to understand they're never really firm dates, not unless you want something that is knowingly broken, cos otherwise they'd release it.
But they'd always said that the leaderboard aspect could hold them up, or at least that was mentioned in the same breath as them saying something could delay them. They probably expected more kick-back from implementing that, when it seems the update report suggests its the early keybinding/control stuff causing problems.

I think the only time you should take a update/patch date as being pretty solid, is when its days before that date, and for things like beta & full game being released. Anything longer than a week, for something early, means we havent finished it and fully tested it, so its nothing more than a target.
I played an hour of the Arena commander this morning- and I can't help but feel disappointed.

Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't they been working on this for close to 2 years along with millions in donations to work with? Because honestly taking that into account you should be able to do a lot more than fly around an ubelievably small piece of space and observe a few asteroids.

I look over their Facebook page and it's 10% content news and 90% promotions and ship advertisements.

What the hell am I missing? How do they aim to finish this within 2 years and have a full universe when this is all they have so far?
How do they aim to finish this within 2 years and have a full universe when this is all they have so far?

Because this is a small part of what they've done, a little piece polished up to let people have a go and to help them find bugs in the flight model /control scheme (which they have)
AC isn't everything that CIG have been working on, and most of it's not going to be in a good state to show people.
90% of the people would look at it and not have a clue about the process of making games and would just get very vocal and complain about it.
AC is underwhelming compared to what SC promises, but it never promised AC would be.
If you mean the persistent universe, that's still in design, it's the last part to be done.
Everything else is grinding away.
I bought it for the single player with the promising sounding multiplier and the too good to be true PU as an after thought.
too many people it seemed signed up for things they made up in their head, which is why I stopped going on the RSI forums. I suspect the PU will be delayed. I'm just hoping the single player's not too far off the prediction.
Getting very bored of being rammed to death, spawn-camped and generally losing all control from a single hit to one thruster.

REALLY starting to wish I'd jumped on the Elite bandwaggon, now!!
Getting very bored of being rammed to death, spawn-camped and generally losing all control from a single hit to one thruster.

REALLY starting to wish I'd jumped on the Elite bandwaggon, now!!

I wouldnt be that disheartened.....I felt the same, as flying in the same small piece of space fighting isnt much fun over and over.

Went and bought Elite.....thought it was great for about 2 hours.....then flying in empty space back and forth to the same looking space station with similar looking interiors gets boring......the fighting is a little better, but essentially instanced areas of flies attacking a huge ship that doesnt die and killing them only to return to that same looking station really isnt that much better.

Both are early in development, so just be patient.
Getting very bored of being rammed to death, spawn-camped and generally losing all control from a single hit to one thruster.

REALLY starting to wish I'd jumped on the Elite bandwaggon, now!!

This whole 'ramming' thing people seem to be getting whiney about, is it 100% intentional ramming with intent, cos it makes absolutely zero sense as a tactic.

What sounds far more likely is people flying around with a dozen other people all in the same small space, circling round trying to get on the tail of someone else, and flying straight into someone else.
I know i used to do it often enough when playing against the AI in the swarm mode, and unless we're accusing them of ramming tactics, it all seems to suggest a complete lack of awareness and thought for the fact that someone else is in close proximity, and you accidentally collide.

I get the impression the people accusing others of ramming them, are most likely equally guilty of 'ramming'. Everyone else just realise whats happening, while the rest throw accusations ignorantly unaware of their part in it all :D

I've read people getting really stressed about it, and yet the most logical thing seems to me its purely coincidental crossing of paths in the rather confined maps we currently have.
This whole 'ramming' thing people seem to be getting whiney about, is it 100% intentional ramming with intent, cos it makes absolutely zero sense as a tactic.
Yep, 100%.
Sometimes, they will charge you down with all guns a-blazing as well, which ensures a one-hit death especially if you don't have a Hornet.
Basically, it's pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha and things will change, policing has yet to be put in and so forth, so some view it as licence to **** around. "It's not like it actually matters, or anything".

And it is definitely intentional because:

- I had only just spawned and my HUD was still initializing
- It was a 4vs4 match and the other 3 from my side had already quit.
- It happened *every* time I spawned.
- It happened a total of 19 times, before I gave up.

It happened in several different random matches on several occasions thereafter and I haven't bothered playing PvP since.

Myself, I am VERY aware of the glaring difference between the occasional accidental collision and continual ramming tactics.
So whats the benefit of crashing into someone, over shooting them? It seems like you wouldnt score points, and unless your ship is little more than a wreck, why kill yourself ramming into someone who's obviously infront of you (whereas they might not) and simply blast away at them?

Policing or not, its bizarre to say the least, but in the PU sacrificing yourself like that would have to be for a 'greater good' type reason, rather than a simple & lazy solution to killing someone.

I havent bothered, im not fussed about deathmatch type gameplay, i mainly wanted the swarm mode, and now im eagerly awaiting the coop so i can jump in there with org mates and the good folks over on Bit-Tech. That suits how i like games to be, and is more in-line with how i'd expect the PU game to play. I suppose 4v4 would be similar, and more of a challenge, but for now im just eager to be able to fly alongside friends and work together, rather than go head to head.
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