The telling thing for me is that I've spent probably 10x the amount of time in Star Citizen than I have in Elite
Funny... I've probably spent 10x the amount of
money on SC than I have on Elite!!
I've seen what has been produced but it isn't what I invested my money for.
You invested nothing.
You gave your money to these guys, so they could make their game however they wanted to... the sole return on your money-giving is that they'll let you play their game if and when they ever release it. That's all you've done.
If CIG can't do it properly then no other developer company stands a chance.
That's not exactly saying much, given Chris Roberts' reputation, though...
If I cash in now and buy back in later I will lose so many promised items it's hardly worth it.
Promised items?
Real name in the game "somewhere"? Good luck finding it. Probably written in tiny text on the underside of a trash can in a dark corner of some far flung space derelict... As they said, there's no telling where it will end up.
Subscription to "exclusive" things that get freely reposted everywhere within hours, and then openly posted a month later? Big whoop.
Exclusive merchandise? Not once in the two or three years I was expecting it... unless I never got that memo?
Ah, you're desperately awaiting the spaceship-shaped flash drive?
Yeh...... Unless you're a high end backer and they promised you a real spaceship, I'd say you're not missing much!
The scope has expanded as stated and due to this the single player portion has as well so it's taken longer.
What? Feature creep? From a Chris Roberts game? Naw, never........!!
Someone mentioned the QTE in game. Not sure what they on about but when your making something that is simulated to be as true to life then it's needed. If you don't understand why then this is already not the game for you.
That was me.... and true to life?
I dunno what it's like inside your head, but when I climb a ladder into my spaceship, or get out of my spacebunk in the morning, my vision doesn't blur and my head doesn't lol all over the place like my neck muscles have turned to jelly.
Does the game do this in VR mode? I'd be sick to my stomach with that going on in a Vive!!
I certainly don't want a black screen cut between events instead that most games do.
Neither do I... But neither do I want FPS jog forced on me while robbing me of my visual control. It's just too fake and tantamount to ShakyCam in films. Might as well chuck in some J.J. lens flares for good measure!
But my point is why am I made to wait for something because the devs want to do something different.
Because that's what you paid them money to do.
They aren't bound to deliver to what you want. You basically paid them to do *whatever* they wanted... in the hope that they finish and release a game that you will want to play, in the end.
Taking that route would stop people fearing that the product will die a development death due to over engineering.
Their fears are not the Dev's concern, long as you keep paying money into their venture.