******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I bought one of the original bundle as soon as this came "Available" as such

Downloaded it no less than 5 times during that time to "retry" and each time come away angry and frustrated at the lack of a "game" to play with friends.

just bored of it now :(

Why are you getting angry and frustrated?

Wait until there is a game, if you want to play a game.
Im angry and frustrated that i bought into something that they tried to indicate wouldn't still be in an Alpha type state several years later...

But you didn't buy a game, did you not read the memo? you pledged money for them to make a game, they are now making that game, a big chunk of it is almost there :)
How is the VR situation looking with Star Citizen?

Elite Dangerous is about 10x more fun for me in my Rift than in boring standard monitor viewing :p
How is the VR situation looking with Star Citizen?

Elite Dangerous is about 10x more fun for me in my Rift than in boring standard monitor viewing :p

The VR question has come up a few times.

It will happen, after the game is built, they want to have a game before adding things like VR.
How is the VR situation looking with Star Citizen?

Elite Dangerous is about 10x more fun for me in my Rift than in boring standard monitor viewing :p

The difference with ED and SC is that we have the ability to get out the seat, walk and go anywhere. Movement tracking for a person completely is very different as they need to work the animations for everything from walking about, to shooting, to climbing a ladder, to flying, to driving all whilst allowing us to use our hands to control what we should be able too and again all while anyone watching us also sees exactly what we are doing.

I honestly don't expect for us to have VR capability in SC on release or soon after unless the VR tech gets significant improvements.
How is the VR situation looking with Star Citizen?

Elite Dangerous is about 10x more fun for me in my Rift than in boring standard monitor viewing :p
Dont expect it.

They're literally ignoring it completely and saying they can add it in afterwards. Which basically means they are going to mess around with it, realize that they've made dozens of design choices along the way that make VR a very difficult fit and then announce that they've decided that VR will not work for the game and have cut plans for it.

Maybe if we're lucky we get a specific and barebones flight-only mode that is separate from the main game.

They really dont care, though. It's not a priority and I'm pretty sure they're well aware that VR will probably be too difficult to just hack in later.
feel free to pop on and play with us. We make our own entertainment
There are websites where I can watch a bunch of blokes doing this, without having to buy a £400 still-in-concept spaceship...!! :D

they need to work the animations for everything
They need to make something less nauseating for 2D first... It's like I'm suddenly 12 pints in every time I enter my ship!!

Which basically means they are going to mess around with it, realize that they've made dozens of design choices along the way that make VR a very difficult fit and then announce that they've decided that VR will not work for the game and have cut plans for it.
VR itself will have to improve and the mechanism(s) for non-nauseating FPS will have to be perfected first. Not sure how well 3rd person would work, if at all.
VR itself will have to improve and the mechanism(s) for non-nauseating FPS will have to be perfected first. Not sure how well 3rd person would work, if at all.
There are ways to deal with it right now. It just requires you to consider them as you go along. It will affect design decisions and that's something they clearly dont care to bother with.

I'm not saying it's the wrong approach, obviously VR is a much smaller market than they're aiming for as a whole and they dont want to compromise their vision, but it's also a bit insulting at this point that they're still trying to say the game WILL get VR at some point. But that seems to be the Chris Roberts approach. Promise a lot, scale back once you realized you've promised too much, trickle the disappointments out, and then hopefully still have something respectable at the end. Except this time the community has funded the development and those broken promises will sting a bit more as a result.
The game had VR support in 2014 but it was pulled after a few patches and has never gone back in.

Thing is the demand for VR is fairly small just now but by release I expect it'll be much larger especially at the rate the game is coming on. Headtracking is sort of supported now which is a start.
To firm up the VR thing. The last time one of their programmers spoke about was 2016 and they said they are not actively looking at it at this time because of the complexity with what it requires and the fact it adds multiple more passes on everything they do to get it to work but also that it wont necessarily be in after release either so they haven't forgotten about it but are still not 100% when it will be there if at all because of the changes to the game.
There are ways to deal with it right now. It just requires you to consider them as you go along. It will affect design decisions and that's something they clearly dont care to bother with.
As I understand their ethos and their theory (if not what they actually do), they're not bothering until VR does things in a way that fits with their game, rather than fitting their game around how VR does it. The idea is that SC is driving PC development and progress, putting PC gaming at the forefront of gaming and making it the leader in gaming technology progression.....

The reality is that by the time they release anything, it will probably have had to be tweaked and re-tweaked and re-re-re-re-re-tweaked, before being completely overhauled and redesigned, in order to make any decent use of the latest technology and game engines.

it's also a bit insulting at this point that they're still trying to say the game WILL get VR at some point.
I'm sure it will... once VR is nothing more than a check-box enablement in terms of being a fully developed slot-in solution.

But that seems to be the Chris Roberts approach. Promise a lot, scale back once you realized you've promised too much, trickle the disappointments out, and then hopefully still have something respectable at the end. Except this time the community has funded the development and those broken promises will sting a bit more as a result.
More than the endless feature creep and eventual Microsoft intervention on Freelancer? :D
If he fluffs this one up, he'll never work in this town again... but he'll also have skimmed enough profit share that he won't have to care and can go back to making WIng Commander movies!!
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