******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Soon Worzel, we'll be able to crash land properly and/or abandon Humbug on a moon. #justspacepiratethings

Also my broadband appears to be working again properly and not disconnecting every 2-3 minutes now. \o/
Yep, original.

Its pretty much the only answer we have tbh. I mean, I could take a guess and say a couple of months, but we don't really know. Its been suffering constant push backs for months already, so even if there was a date, I don't think any of us would actually believe it lol.
We do have Gamescom this week ^^^ :)

Soon Worzel, we'll be able to crash land properly and/or abandon Humbug on a moon. #justspacepiratethings

Also my broadband appears to be working again properly and not disconnecting every 2-3 minutes now. \o/

Thanks for the warning :p
Its pretty much the only answer we have tbh. I mean, I could take a guess and say a couple of months, but we don't really know. Its been suffering constant push backs for months already, so even if there was a date, I don't think any of us would actually believe it lol.

Thanks, have they completely removed the estimated date of completion now then? Like I say the last I heard they had just kept pushing it back a couple of weeks at a time.

But yes, hoping for solid info from GamesCom.
With Gamescom/ Citizencon and 3.0 (hopefully lol) around the corner, I decided to take a look back at Star Citizens development and made a video highlighting some key moments :)
So these outposts. They are looking rather generic even with the different decals, colours etc. It will interesting to see if they are updated over time so that we have things such as;

Hydroponic domes to grow plant life on large scale
Warehouse storage near these production facilities ready to be transported off world. At moment they all seem to be small scale operations
Vertical construction with stacked units with both internal and external walkway/stairwells and lifts accordingly
Large bio-domes for research of alien flora/fauna where we work planet side
Trading outposts
Various structures added to allow small settlements where orgs can work together. These can be NPC based in various states from research facilities with scientists and a UEE security team to pirate lairs
Advance military classified sites that have research going int genetics or similar
Actual hanger bays rather than just landing pads
These outposts could be damaged from experiments/escaped fauna etc and have been abandoned so their state can be more derelict like ships. Bio-domes have been smashed from inside, walls/ceilings with large explosive damage where pirates attacked previous and then the weathering effects can be inside also, imagine a larger outpost which has been abandoned and corridors all frozen inside as you have to blast your way through to clear it and get power back up and find the logs of what happened etc.

At the moment the single rectangle room with one floor at one specific height and just different interiors is worrying.

We know the cities will have various different architecture, it could have been good for companies to have more specific architecture too. The more clean and advance hydropincs could have been cleaner shapes, round even. The military based ones bulkier with extra armour skins and more advance security.

With Render to Texture they could even create perimeter wall structures that project what is beyond them.

I do hope these get fleshed out and more detailed as time goes on.
Couple of screen shots from people playing 3.0 at Gamescom.






It looks like we do have planet landings, its good to content from all the videos we have been getting actually being played.

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