******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

So looking at the gameplay footage and watching the peeps mess around it looks like GTA in SPACE. And that is ok if death has no real meaning
Some guys at the LA office working at 1AM... https://youtu.be/SD8k3M15OiY?t=6m17s

And that isn't BS, being an Evocati i have seen them online and working for very very long hours at silly o'clock pushing to get a new patch out, they do work very hard, especially around patch release time.

Hats off to them.
Well, I told myself I didn't care about this one, but here I am with a beer in my hand waiting for the stream to start lol
As tempting as that sounds, I'll give it a miss. My gaming PC is in the living room, and I doubt the mrs and kids want me chatting **** about start citizen for 3 hours lol.
Even with the crash, I'm still really enjoying the demo. The acting is almost as bad as Jon/Daenerys, but never mind.
Positional VOIP, facial mapping over webcam. Everyone will be using Discord, but it's still impressive.
OK, here comes the QT. Please don't crash....
Even with the crash, I'm still really enjoying the demo. The acting is almost as bad as Jon/Daenerys, but never mind.
Positional VOIP, facial mapping over webcam. Everyone will be using Discord, but it's still impressive.
OK, here comes the QT. Please don't crash....

It added to the atmosphere (the crash) really enjoying the demo :)
Even with the crash, I'm still really enjoying the demo. The acting is almost as bad as Jon/Daenerys, but never mind.
Positional VOIP, facial mapping over webcam. Everyone will be using Discord, but it's still impressive.
OK, here comes the QT. Please don't crash....

Are they even actors? Thought they were just staff tbh.
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